Sister Wang was wiping away tears, feeling sad about her company that was about to close down.

When she heard this, she felt angry because she felt that Yang Mi was making sarcastic remarks.

I wanted to get angry, but then I thought that the final payment for"Gong Suo Xin Jade" has not yet arrived.

According to Director Xue, if Yang Mi sees the finished film and feels there is nothing wrong with it, then she can make a payment.

Therefore, the girl in front of me, who is more than ten years younger than me, is my client and cannot be offended easily.

She suppressed the anger in her heart temporarily

"Of course not!"

"Giant Vision has been my hard work for more than ten years. Who can hope to watch their company collapse?"

"But there is no way now!"

Yang Mi, who has the ability of [Traditional Chinese Medicine (Elite)], is naturally also proficient in the ability of seeing, hearing, asking, and understanding, which can be of great help in observing words and expressions.

She noticed the anger between Wang Fang's eyebrows and guessed the reason for his anger.

It's understandable.

If someone asks in front of her, do you want Jiahang to go bankrupt?

Yang Mi promises to break the other person's third leg!

She said in a gentle tone:"I have a way to make the giant visual effects survive!"


After hearing this, the anger in Wang Fang's heart was instantly extinguished. Although she didn't believe that this young man had any good ideas, she also wanted to hear it.

"any solution?"

Yang Mi stretched out the thumb of her right hand, pointed to the tip of her nose, and uttered a few words

"I buy it!"


Wang Fang was a little confused:"Acquisition?"


Yang Mi nodded:

"Yes, as the boss of Jiahang Media, I am willing to fully acquire Giant Visual Effects"

"In this way, you, including other employees of the company, will not have to lose their jobs."

"With me you can continue your ambitions and continue to realize what you want in your heart!"

"What do you think?"

Sister Wang was completely stunned on the spot, the anger in her heart had long since disappeared, and she was only left full of confusion.

"Are you serious?"

"As I told you just now, the visual effects industry is very sluggish and it is difficult to start a business in China!"

"When foreign film and television companies make a science fiction film, they will spend more than 50% of the production budget on special effects. If domestic companies can spend 5%, thank God."

"It’s only 5% of the budget, and I’m still reluctant to pay the final payment!"

"To put it bluntly, being a visual effects company in China is a dead end!!!"

When Sister Wang said her last words, she said it through gritted teeth.

She obviously loved this industry so much, but now she gave such a vicious comment.

It shows how deeply this industry has hurt her!


Yang Miqing Smile, your expression remains calm

"A dead end? I don’t think so. Maybe it will be a great success?"

"Times are moving forward, and everything in the future is full of uncertainty."

"Maybe things will turn around after a certain opportunity arises"

"Just like when radio and X-rays were invented, everyone disliked them and were criticized as worthless, but now they have become an important part of our lives!"

Wang Fang looked at her enviously:

"You are so optimistic. I used to be as optimistic as you, but I have been trained into a negative person by reality."

"Opportunity, when and where will this opportunity appear? Yang

Mi smiled calmly and said:

"I am willing to bet that visual effects will be taken seriously in the future and will get better and better!"

"Do you dare to bet?"

She has full confidence and a master's business acumen. She has already made all the plans in the conversation just now. In this parallel world, Xia Guo's visual effects are still a blue ocean, with almost no competitors.

It's true. It's a good time to enter the market.

Yang Mi believes that in the future, visual effects companies will make more money than many film and television companies!

"If you agree, Sister Wang, I can sign a contract with you now."

She expressed her attitude again.

Wang Fang finally believed that Yang Mi was sincerely planning to acquire Giant Vision

"When all the practitioners are fleeing this industry, you actually choose to go retrograde. How courageous you are!"

"No wonder you dare to sign a gambling agreement"

"I really admire you! Yang

Mi smiled and nodded:

"Thanks for the compliment, I'm just doing what I think is right"

"I just looked at the works on the tablet and heard what you said. I believe you are also a very driven and capable person who is unwilling to settle for the status quo!"

"Therefore, I am willing to acquire Giant Visual Effects and bet on the future! Do you want to?"

Yang Mi said it sincerely.

A powerful visual effects company like this is hard to come by. She really wanted to be her subordinate.

Wang Fang picked up the water glass next to her and took a few sips.

After letting herself think for a moment, she put down the glass. Finally, he looked over with grateful eyes:

"Then from now on, please ask Boss Yang for your advice! Yang

Mi quickly said with a smile:

"Good sister, please don’t call me Boss Yang. Please call me by my name."

"I just want to help people like you who have dreams"

"I believe it won’t be long before more people take the visual effects company seriously!"

"Your ambition, your ability, and your passion will all be put to use!"

"After ten years of drinking ice, it’s hard to cool your hot blood. I believe you also have a fire in your heart!"

I have to say that after becoming the boss, Yang Mi's ability to inspire people became more and more powerful.

With these words, Wang Fang's confidence, which was about to dissipate, gathered again.

"After ten years of drinking ice, it’s hard to cool your hot blood!"

"I really love the visual effects industry. If I leave, I really don’t know what I will do."

"Thank you Mimi for your willingness to give me and my team this opportunity again"

"Although I don’t know if it will cost you money, I am willing to work hard again!"

Making money is very vulgar, but it is also true.

The acquisition of Giant Vision is not to make money, but to generate electricity for love?"

Yang Mi smiled and nodded, stood up and stretched out her right hand:

"On behalf of all the employees of Jiahang Media, I welcome you to join us. Let us move forward together!

Wang Fanghui shook her hand and said,"Thank you, let's work together!""


The two were shaking hands cordially, and the wooden door of the reading room was pushed open.

Director Xue walked in with an ugly expression on his face.

"Mi Mi, our"Gong Lock Heart Jade" encountered some problems"


The matter of the visual effects company is based on an interview with the person in charge of the visual effects company of"The Wandering Earth". The situation described in the article was on the verge of bankruptcy.

I originally did special effects with the idea that"The Wandering Earth" would be my last project. Later, the movie became a hit and various film and television projects were accepted.

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