For the first 50 trees, it took nearly a minute to cut each section.

As the number of rubber cuts increased, Yang Mi's skills became more and more skillful.

From the 51st tree, the time shortened to about 40 seconds.

The 81st tree only has 30 seconds left.

In just over an hour, all 100 of her rubber trees were cut.

If it weren't for the fact that the distance between the two trees wasn't a bit long and she had to find a few steps, she could cut faster.

Seeing the Yang Mi being cut so quickly, the villagers quickly walked over with worries on their faces.

He, a veteran who has been cutting rubber for decades, cannot reach such a speed. This girl has thin skin and tender flesh, and it looks like she has never done farm work. Can she do it so fast?

A rubber tree can be harvested for more than 30 years, and a family's life depends on this rubber forest.

When you record the show, be sure not to damage my rubber tree!

However, after inspection, the villagers were shocked!

The cuts in the rubber bark are neat and smooth, as if they had been cut with a cutting machine.

You know, even if he is a veteran and is very strong, no matter how good he is, there will still be a lot of burrs in the bark incisions.

"Girl, have you ever done this?"The villagers asked in surprise.

It's not like they are all celebrities. Why is this star so skillful?

The villagers have forgotten that their Mandarin is not very good. It is mixed with many ethnic minority languages. Non-locals will definitely not be able to understand it. clear

"Of course I haven't done it before, but I paid close attention when you demonstrated it just now. When I practiced it, I quickly found the trick, which is why I did it so quickly. It’s you who teaches well!"

Yang Mi replied with a smile.

Her entry-level language skills allowed her to master many domestic dialects. If the fellow villagers spoke pure minority languages, they might not be able to understand them, but by mixing them with Mandarin, the difficulty level plummeted.

It's like mixing Chinese with English. Even if the English is not very good, she can still guess what the other party wants to express by combining the preceding and following Chinese.

If her language skills are raised to the next level, reaching the elite or even master level, no dialect can be difficult for her!

Fellow fellow Yang Mi didn't react to the fact that Yang Mi could speak his hometown dialect. She gave a thumbs up in admiration and then left with peace of mind.

One month later, in the middle of the night, the fellow suddenly sat up from the bed and said:"Hey, that girl can Speak our dialect?’

"My 100 trees are ready, how are you doing?"

Yang Mi said as she walked as if showing off.

Compared with her ease, Naixiao and Zifeng were a little miserable. They couldn't see any texture, and they didn't have the skills to use a knife. They could only scrape the bark with brute force..

With one cut, the strength was wasted and a lot of bark was scraped off.

The fellow was very distressed after seeing it.

The bark scraped off was enough for him for half a month!

"I still have 15 trees to finish, but my wrists are so sore and I have no strength left! Nai Xiao said in a coquettish tone.

Zifeng took off his gloves again and looked at his hands:"The situation here is similar. I have 18 more trees to finish. I'll sit down and rest for a while and continue.""

"Sister Mi, why are you moving so fast? Can one person cut 100 trees faster than 50?"Naixiao looked at her with admiration.

"Yes, I originally suspected that you were bragging, but I didn’t expect that the slap in the face would come so quickly."Zifeng also said.

Yang Mi said easily:"It's actually very simple, just find the trick."

As she spoke, she picked up the rubber knife and gently scraped the tree trunk next to Zifeng, and white sap came out.

"Look, it's that simple!"

"Have you ever had beef ramen? Just like the master of a ramen restaurant cuts beef, he cut it with one knife and the cow only suffered some skin injuries. Not only did the cow not die after the store was opened for 10 years, but it also gained a lot of weight because of the good feed it ate."

"One cow feeds three generations, even if people take away the cow, it will still be there! Have this spirit"

"Look at your side. The bark is too thick. It is not only laborious but also wasteful."

"Just now I saw that the uncle's face was full of pain, and I guess his heart was bleeding."


The corners of Naixiao and Zifeng's mouths twitched.

"You said it is very simple, but in fact it is really difficult to do it! Nai Xiao suddenly looked at Yang Mi with her big eyes flashing, her meaning should not be too obvious.

Yang Mi smiled and said:

"Want me to help?"


Naixiao nodded:

"think! Otherwise, I won’t be able to go to the Water Splashing Festival."

"It’s a rare opportunity. I really want to participate. If I don’t go, my moral character, beautiful character, and even my soul will be destroyed! Yang

Mi pursed her lips and smiled:

"Come less and return your soul, how can it be so exaggerated?"

"It's not impossible to ask me to help you. You have to give something, right? Nai

Xiao immediately stood up straight:"Sister, tell me, what do you want me to pay?""


Yang Mi held her chin and looked Naixiao up and down.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, she's so well developed.

"Let's do this, I'll help you cut off all the remaining rubber, and you can rub my back when I take a shower at night!"


Naixiao was stunned:"Rub your back?

Yang Mi asked back:"Don't want to?""

"I am willing, so willing!"Nai Xiao quickly replied.

Is this a price?

It's clearly a reward!

"It’s a deal."Yang Mi said with a smile.

"Sister Mi, me……"

Zifeng said hesitantly. She also wanted to hug her thigh, but after all, she was thin-skinned and unlike Nai Xiao, who could express her feelings freely and freely. whee

"I'm afraid of the cold, so I'll be my maid for a whole night, bringing tea and water, squeezing my waist and beating my back, and keeping my bed warm at the same time!"Yang Mi said with a playful smile.

"Okay, thank you, Sister Mi."Zifeng quickly agreed.

"Leave the rest to me, and you can go and have a rest. After saying that

, Yang Mi picked up the tools and started cutting the remaining rubber trees.


Netizens looked at this scene with envy

"Rubbing Sister Mi’s back? Bring tea and water to Sister Mi? Sister, I can do this too"

"Envy and jealousy have changed me beyond recognition, and the good qualities in me will disappear!"

"Have you noticed that Sister Mi is very capable? I thought she was a pampered star, but I didn’t expect that she can work in the hall and in the kitchen, so she is so down-to-earth?"

"She had never participated in a reality show before. Our understanding of her mainly came from the TV series she acted in. Now we find that her image in our hearts is much more three-dimensional!"

"To be honest, I came to scold her! But now it's vertical. I want to be a donkey and let Sister Mi take a whip and whip me hard!"

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