Entertainment: Boss Yang's Small Treasury Was Defeated At The Start

Chapter 355 15 Million Gold, 60% Of The Shares, Big Money!

Hearing what Lin Fei said,

Zhang Yiming nodded directly:

"Yes, Mr. Lin!"

"What I have the most confidence in [Douyin] is the algorithm.

"I think that if the [short video community] wants to continue to operate for a long time,"

"It is necessary to rely on the various living habits of users to create a unique ecosystem for them.

"Only in this way can more users recognize us.

I have to say that regarding what Zhang Yiming said,

Lin Fei was quite satisfied as expected.

How do you say something?

Is always shining gold,

It seems that even if he made [Quick One Hand] angry first,

Behind him, he still will not lack in catching up.

Of course, for now,

Zhang Yiming and his [Character Jump] are still very weak,

But as long as the other party is given a chance to develop, the other party may really be able to prove himself.

I didn't expect that I came to [Explorer Summit] today for a walk,

Really came across an amazing project.

Zhang Yiming really has great potential,

His [Character Jump] is also very potential,

In this case, it is best to develop the other party into "one of our own"!

At this moment, Lin Fei has already moved a little bit, wanting to invest his mind.

But before that, Lin Fei still has a few questions to figure out,

The most important thing is, in his memory, didn't [Character Jump] get [Tomorrow Toutiao] first?

Why now, he is the first to come up with this product?

Soon, Lin Fei asked a few questions that he was confused about,

And Zhang Yiming also gave explanations one by one.

By his answer,

Now Lin Fei finally figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

Speaking of which, Zhang Yiming will be the first to come up with the [Shaking Yin] product, which is also related to their Jiaxing.

Zhang Yiming is 29 years old this year.

His family is quite rich, probably with assets of more than 10 million yuan.

He was a programmer. After graduating from university, he ran a computer city by himself.

It was quite successful, and there was a profit of one or two million a year.

It's just because I feel that if I continue to operate the computer city, there will be no challenge at all.

That's why he thinks about new business opportunities at this time.

Just when Zhang Yiming was thinking about what new industry he wanted to do,

[Quick hand] entered his field of vision.

As he said, he likes to play [Quick Hand] 990

I feel that [short video community] is a big hit,

In addition, he happened to have related ideas,

So he sold his computer city, and then stepped into this field that was completely unfamiliar to him.

In the previous life, Zhang Yiming and his [Character Jumping] really started from [Morrow's Headline].

But in this life, because [Kuai Yishou] is really popular, and he was the first to come into contact with this product,

So he changed his mind.

If you want to do it, you should be the hottest one, and if you want to do it, you should do it with the most potential.

So next, [Character Jump] was established because of this,

[Shaking Yin] This product also came into being at this moment.

It's a pity that the road of starting a business is not so easy.

Although I have great confidence in my company and its products,

But the reality gave Zhang Yiming a slap in the face,

Woke him up straight away.

The main difficulty is that his financial resources can't support the [Shaking Yin] project at all.

If not, he would not have come to places like [Explorer Summit] to find suitable investors.

Before, with the help of some relationship networks, Zhang Yiming had not contacted those investors,

At first, there were some investors who were very interested in [Douyin],

But everyone was shocked by the financing price.

8 million meters in gold, and only 30% of the shares are returned,

This is just an angel wheel,

Who gave Zhang Yiming the courage and confidence?

Besides, the views of those investors were also unexpectedly unanimous.

They all feel that the [Shaking Yin] product was born just following the trend of [Quick Hand].

Now that there is [Quick Hand] gems in the market, the follow-up products should not have any big future.

It was this kind of thinking that caused Zhang Yiming to hit the wall repeatedly.

But it doesn't matter,

With my Bole here,

A thousand-mile horse will always be a thousand-mile horse,

Being able to develop potential "enemies" into "our own people" is also the best strategy for development.

At least, Lin Fei now wants to invest in Zhang Yiming.

Of course, it is best to be able to directly buy out the other party.

Currently, according to ROI,

[Character beating] The return on investment of this company (cied) is 2200%.

For this rate of return, Lin Fei sees it this way,

The various improvements I have made to [Kuai Yishou] should have affected some markets after all.

Right now, [Kuai Yishou] is operating in good condition, and I have also found room for profit for this project,

In this case, it is also unrealistic for [Shaking Yin] to quickly catch up with [Quick Hand] like in the previous life.

Therefore, the return rate of this product will only be 22 times.

But even so, 22 times is already quite amazing.

How much is 22 times the investment capital of 8 million rice gold?

It is 176 million meters of gold.

Converted into RMB, there are nearly 1 billion or so,

This is just the return of the angel wheel,

In the future, if you continue to follow the A round and the B round,

In the future, [Character Beat] may not develop into another unicorn-level company.

Taking advantage of [Character Jumping] is still very weak,

It is indeed the best time to start.

Thinking of this, Lin Fei spoke directly:

"Mr. Zhang, [Character Beat] I can invest."

"But, I have a request."

"20 million meters of gold!"

"I want at least 80% of the shares of [Character Beat]!"

Since it is a project with potential, I must take the initiative.

Therefore, Lin Fei has only one request, and it is best to be able to directly wrap up the character beating and Zhang Yiming at one time.

Hearing these words from Lin Fei,

Zhang Yiming suddenly became nervous,

He is a smart man, he will not fail to understand Lin Fei's implication,

Mr. Lin is thinking, buy them [Character Beat] in a package?

This seems to be somewhat different from my original intention.

Zhang Yiming is an ambitious man,

His purpose is to lead [Character Beat] to become bigger and stronger,

Instead of relying on this project to circle a sum of money, it is over to realize a wave of wealth and freedom.

Therefore, he was actually reluctant to be bought by others.

Thinking of this, after hesitating for a while, Zhang Yiming also expressed his thoughts to Ming:

"Boss Lin, the price you gave is indeed very fair."

"However, 80% of the shares is too much."

"Although I am willing to accept your financing, at most, at most I can only give up 40% of the shares."

Zhang Yiming does not want to give up absolute dominance, which Lin Fei can actually understand.

But understanding is understanding,

He would never agree to such a thing!

In business, don't be too kind,

Faced with a company with development potential such as [Character Beat], if it cannot fully develop into its own people,

Then you can only become an enemy.

Lin Fei is not the Holy Mother, his current thinking is very simple,

That is Zhang Yiming with him, there are only two paths to choose,

Either get bought, or get knocked out.

Of course, Lin Fei didn't really want to say such words directly,

So, he took a more tactful approach:

"Mr. Zhang, let me tell you about my position."

"I really feel that [Character Beat] is a company with great potential."

"Since I am willing to invest, it means that I sincerely hope to invest in you.

"For me, I don't really like losing the initiative."

20 million rice gold, 80% of the shares. "

"If Mr. Zhang is willing, we can sign the contract right now.

After saying these words, Lin Fei thought for a while, and couldn't help but add a few words:

"All I can promise is, "

"No matter how big [Character Beat] develops in the future, we Jiaxing will never interfere with your dominance over this company.

"But the premise is that [character jumping] will not cause too much loss due to a wrong decision."

The implication of Lin Fei is,

Even if I invest in you, I will not interfere with your absolute dominance over [Character Beat], Lao Zhang,

But obviously, Zhang Yiming couldn't believe this.

80% of the shares have been sold, so I still have a fart dominance.

In the end, the greatest possibility is,

All his efforts will turn out to be a contribution to the other party's career.

At this moment, Zhang Yiming was really in a difficult situation.

It is a good thing that someone is willing to invest in him,

But the other party obviously has too much appetite, and they came here with the purpose of buying them directly.

If it is someone else who makes such a request,

Zhang Yiming may refuse directly without even thinking about it,

After all, he is a proud person, no matter how short of money he is, he doesn't want to bend his waist for five buckets of rice.

But now, he obviously knows that what he is facing is not an ordinary person.

Jiaxing, that is the company behind [Kuai Yishou].

If you refuse to be "acquired", will the other party suppress them if it causes displeasure?

Zhang Yiming is not a fool, he obviously knows,

In front of Jiaxing, he is nothing now.

As long as the other party is willing to exert some force, they (character jumping) can be strangled in the cradle.

I don't want to be completely acquired, but I don't dare to refuse explicitly,

Why is this so fucked up?

Zhang Yiming felt a little regretful in his heart now,

Myself, why do you have to come to [Explorer Summit]?

It would be nice to go out and find investors slowly,

It's not likely that they will be bumped into by Jiaxing.

After a wry smile,

Zhang Yiming still made a decision in his heart,

The next second, he looked at Lin Fei and said helplessly:

"Mr. Lin, 80% of the shares still feel too much."

"Do you think this is okay? I will give you 60% of the shares for 15 million gold.

"Don't you like to take the initiative?"

"If it's 60% of the shares, the initiative should be in your hands."

For Zhang Yiming to say such words, it means that he bowed his head,

Lin Fei also didn't expect that the other party's "acquaintance" would be so fast,

But this is just right, at least I don't have to waste my time talking.

60% of the shares. In the later stage, I can also continue to follow up the financing of the A round and the B round.

To continue to expand their holdings,

As long as Zhang Yiming lets go,

Basically, the [Character Jumping] piece of meat was almost eaten by himself.

So thinking of this, Lin Fei is no longer a mother-in-law,

He just smiled and said:

"no problem."

"15 million gold, 60% of the shares, I can accept this. y

[Explorer Summit] On-site, there are dedicated staff to guarantee various services here.

Once the participating companies and investors have reached a cooperation intention, there will be official staff to issue a contract or something,

To ensure the smooth progress of financing.

Therefore, after learning that Jiaxing intends to raise funds [Character Beat],

Immediately, official staff came to facilitate the signing of the contract.

half an hour later,

On behalf of Jiaxing, Lin Fei signed a contract with 【Character Beat】,

Then Lin Fei immediately looked at Boss Yang:

"Sister Mi, ask the company's financial side to transfer 15 million meters to the account of [Character Beat]."

Boss Yang obviously did not expect that Lin Fei actually found a good investment project at the [Explorer Summit].

So right now, after hearing what Lin Fei said, she didn't dare to delay,

He picked up his mobile phone and made a call to the company's finance side.

A few minutes later, Zhang Yiming successfully received 15 million gold from Jiaxing.

But Zhang Yiming did not appear as happy as he imagined,

He looked at Lin Fei, smiled bitterly and said:

"Boss Lin, now, do we count as our own people?

Lin Fei can tell that Zhang Yiming is not complaining,

Just rant about it.

The next second, Lin Fei looked at him, patted his shoulder, and couldn't help laughing:

"There's nothing wrong with being one of your own."

"At least, starting from today, [Character Beat] can get the strong support of our Jiaxing, right?"

Regarding this point, Zhang Yiming did not refute,

Because, from the company's point of view, it is in the best interest of their company for [Character Beat] to accept Jiaxing's investment.

At least, from today onwards, he no longer has to worry about

I don't worry about whether Jiaxing will be targeted in the future.

And, as Lin Fei said,

With the support of Jiaxing, the road ahead of [Character Jump] will be at least 10,000 times easier.

But, why do I still feel a little depressed?

Is it because too many shares have been sold?

I am a little bit reluctant??.

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