Entertainment: Boss Yang's Small Treasury Was Defeated At The Start

Chapter 67 Active death? Then don't blame me!

Two days later, a marketing account suddenly became popular online,

The reason for its popularity is that

This marketing account posted an extremely interesting article online.

[Yang Miye is arrogant, Jiaxing studio is no longer yesterday]!

Above, is the title of the article,

At the same time, in this article, the editor has demoted Jiaxing Studio and Boss Yang to be worthless:

"Recently, many netizens must have paid attention to the hot searches of Jiaxing Studio.

"I have to say, Yang Mi really made a bad move!"

"As a top-notch top performer, she has finally gained a certain position in the entertainment industry, but she didn't want to hone her acting skills and present better works to everyone, but instead cross-border to do something that she is not good at. thing!"

"This is completely irresponsible to my fans!"

"According to the current development trend, Yang Mi and Jia Xing are bound to take the dusk route because of their wrong choice."

"If you don't face yourself again and make remedies in time, Jiaxing's future is in danger!

"And the future of Jiaxing's two top traffic will surely disappear!

The article has hundreds of words written from top to bottom,

There are contents that criticize Boss Yang for "Jiang Lang's talents are exhausted, Ye Lang is arrogant",

There are also criticisms of Jiaxing Studio's "doesn't work properly and have a bad attitude".

After this article became popular,

Even with it, the top of the scarf began to become lively.

"Yang Mi really doesn't plan to continue making movies?"

"No, I've been looking forward to her work. 35

"A mere actor, do you know what investment is? 35'

"I laughed so hard. The article on the Internet is true. If you don't make a good movie and go to toss in some areas that you are not good at at all, if you want me to say, Jiaxing's assets will be wiped out sooner or later!"5

On the Internet, hostility has always been very heavy,

Although Fat Di and Boss Yang have a lot of fans,

But these days, there are more people who have hatred for the rich,

It didn't take long for the voices of their fans to be suppressed directly.

All are bad voices!

And it shows a completely one-sided trend,

Even some stars who didn't deal with Boss Yang took this opportunity to jump out.

In every word, there is a lot of sarcasm.

There has been such a large amount of negative public opinion on the Internet,

Jiaxing Studio naturally noticed it right away,

In the office, Boss Yang bit his thin lip tightly, his back felt a little cold,

At this moment, she is browsing a "news"!

If it is said that the "bad-mouthing" of those netizens on the Internet will only affect some of her moods,

Then the "information" she is browsing now is the ultimate move that can really pierce her.

[A popular first-line actress is suspected of being close to a big shot in the investment circle?]

In this piece of information, Boss Yang's name was not mentioned by name,

However, any normal person can see that this information is alluding to Boss Yang!

Why is Boss Yang so rich? Because he is surrounded by an unknown rich man!

Why does Boss Yang dare to set foot in the investment world with a high profile? It's because there is an unknown bigwig behind her backing her up!

There are not many words in the information, but I just want to secretly tell others one thing,

The big star you like, Boss Yang, hehe, has been taken care of.

Under this information, there are many netizens' comments,

Boss Yang just read a few articles, and he was so angry... he couldn't take it any longer!

"This group of people is really too much!"

"They....why are they talking such nonsense!"

The person who said these words is Fatty!

In her heart, she has always regarded Boss Yang as her own sister,

How much hardship did Sister Mi pay for Jiaxing to grow up smoothly?

How much effort goes into privately?

Sometimes, in order to be able to give its artists, take a few more plays,

I beg my grandpa to tell my grandma that I can even work for several months, and I can't even sleep well!

For a star artist,

What are you most afraid of?

What I am most afraid of is not the absence of a film contract, but the negative news.

Once a star is exposed to these negative news, it is directly equivalent to the end of his career.

Being nurtured can be seen everywhere in the entertainment industry!

But this kind of thing absolutely cannot be exposed.

Because in this world, there is no shortage of people who are jealous of you and don't see you getting better.

So once you have something wrong,

Those cynical and sarcastic voices will definitely roar!

Standing next to Boss Yang, Fat Di also saw this piece of advice and news,

She is pissed!

Really pissed!

If she hadn't moved, she would have even wanted to smash the table.

Boss Yang clenched his thin lips tightly, but has not made any sound so far.

And her assistant, Xiao Rou, was standing in front of her with a bewildered look on her face.

From the debut of Boss Yang to the present,

It's not that I haven't encountered a crisis,

But this time, the crisis they encountered was really much more dangerous than any crisis they had encountered before.

A little careless, it is very likely to be an abyss, and it will never be recovered!

Boss Yang has never felt so powerless like today,

Suddenly so many "negative news" about her and Jiaxing broke out on the Internet

Anyone with a discerning eye can see,

This is someone who is deliberately "targeting" her and deliberately "rectifying" their work.

Who did this?

can spread these things in just two days,

The opponent's background must be not small.

Biting his thin lips tightly, Boss Yang raised his head and looked at Xiaorou:

"The public relations department, have you started to act?"

Hearing Boss Yang's question, Xiaorou hurriedly replied:

"The public relations department has already started to act.

"It's just...it's just the trend of public opinion on the Internet, showing a completely one-sided trend."

"The public relations department said that even if they tried their best, they might not be able to achieve great results!"

"People from the PR department suggested that it's better to let the legal affairs come forward directly!"

"To these unscrupulous self-media, send lawyer letters one by one.

Sending lawyer letters to these unscrupulous self-media one by one is indeed an effective method.

However, the other party is obviously prepared, and it is impossible to be completely unprepared.

Because many of these negative articles and information are not named by name, the most fearful thing at the moment is that the other party will adopt a trick of procrastination and drag it to the end.

The opponent is the attacker, and the purpose is to bring down Boss Yang and Jiaxing.

On Jiaxing's side, it can't be delayed for a few months, and when the court is finished, we can conduct public relations on this matter?

By that time, Jiaxing's reputation will already be stinking on the streets,

Haven't heard the saying that a good name is hard to come by, and a notoriety is easy to spread?

After explaining something to Xiaorou, Boss Yang stopped talking.

She knew that she had encountered the biggest crisis ever since she became an artist.

It's really dangerous. Once you can't make it through, all the hard work you've put in over the years will be gone.

However, in the face of such a big crisis, what should I do?

To change this situation!

The small bay teeth bit her red lips tightly,

It seems that there will be bloodshots overflowing,

Seeing that Boss Yang's body was shaking slightly,

Fatty quickly supported her:

"Sister Mi, are you okay?

"Don't worry, isn't it just some self-media talking nonsense?

"It's a big deal, let's report one by one!

"I don't believe it anymore, can this law still give us an innocence!

Boss Yang's face was a little pale:

"Fat Di, you don't understand this."

"Since the other party has already done such a thing, they are not afraid of us taking the legal route."5

"Drag! 99

"It must be planned to delay as long as possible, until our reputation is gone, until we Jia Xingjian (bjcj) can't hold on!"

After following Boss Yang for so many years, this is the first time Fat Di has seen her showing such a powerless and pale side,

Now, Fat Di doesn't know how to comfort Boss Yang anymore.

She bit her thin lips tightly, then lowered her head gently:

"Do we really have nothing to do with this kind of person?"

"Damn, who the hell is doing this to us again!

Boss Yang barely controlled his emotions:

"Fat Di, this is the most realistic portrayal of the entertainment industry!"

"Once I want to attack you, there will be no room for it."

"The weak and the strong eat the fittest, the reason why people can bully us so blatantly."

"In the end, it's because we're weak."

"If.... if it is stronger, even a little bit!

"It won't happen anymore.

Fat Di bit his thin lips, and his face turned pale.

But the next second, without knowing what she was thinking, she suddenly raised her head and looked at Lin Fei:

"Master, this is the time, won't you say something?

"We Jiaxing have been bullied into this by others.

"You must have a solution, right!?"

"Hurry up, hurry up and help Sister Mi and me breathe out!

"What time is it, why are you still brushing your scarf there?

"Can't you watch the long legs later?

Before Lin Fei could speak, Boss Yang gritted his silver teeth and said:

"Fat Di, this kind of thing is not a trivial matter.

"Don't involve Lin Fei. 99

"I'm tired enough, let me be quiet for a while."

However, at this moment, a hand suddenly placed on Boss Yang's thin shoulder:

"Sister Mi, this should be done by people from Shang Shi.

Seeing Lin Fei coming behind him, Boss Yang didn't look back:

"I've roughly guessed that."

"Eight and nine are inseparable from ten, which is what Shang Shi did.

"But what's the use of knowing who did it?35

"The top priority now is to find a solution to this crisis of public opinion as soon as possible.

Boss Yang is also considered an "old man" in the business world,

She is naturally clear about some of Shang Shi's "bad" tactics in private.

Make up false news, please spread the marketing account everywhere,

And then hired a large number of navy hype,

Finally, they use their own influence to exert pressure, so that the targeted person will suffer a dumb loss, and they will not dare to oppose them if they have hardships.

The technique is still so clumsy, but its power has always been so practical.

In the face of this kind of villainous frame-up, people who really have no background can't even find a place to file their grievances.

To be honest, let alone Xiaorou, a female assistant, even Lin Fei has never seen Boss Yang reveal such a "weak and helpless" state.

However, think about it too!

This crisis is no small matter,

What she faced, but the public opinion and abuse from the entire network,

Being able to hold on till now, without losing her mind, is enough to prove how strong she is.

At this moment, Lin Fei suddenly felt a little distressed for her.

"Sister Mi, leave this matter to me.

Lin Fei's voice was not loud, but in this quiet office, there was a seriousness that would not allow anyone to refuse.

To be honest, Lin Fei's mentality has always been pretty good,

As long as it doesn't touch his bottom line, he will give everyone some face.

But this time, the people of the business world have gone too far!

No, not right!

Not some, but it is too much!

This is an endless situation.

Don't let them pay the cruelest price,

Lin Fei couldn't swallow this breath.

Because they have grown up together since childhood, Boss Yang also understands Lin Fei's character.

How "calm" he appears, the more anger there is in him.

Is he going to avenge himself?

Boss Yang bit his thin lips tightly:

"Lin Fei!"

"As I said just now, I don't need your help in this matter."

"I'll figure it out myself.""

Why does Boss Yang say this?

It's because she didn't want to involve Lin Fei,

If he loses control of his emotions and does something impulsive,

so what should I do now?

Lin Fei also understood what Boss Yang was thinking at this time. He looked at Boss Yang and said:

"I'll leave it to you to deal with it. Your solution is to file lawsuits one by one and restore the direction of public opinion little by little, right?"

"Slow, too slow! 99

"Sister Mi, don't forget, I'm still the vice president of Jiaxing.

"If something goes wrong with the company, if something happens to you, let me just ignore it and stand by, is it possible?

Maybe it's because I know that Boss Yang's heart is tight and his mental state is a little fragile.

Lin Fei smiled slightly, trying to soften his tone as much as possible:

"Actually, it's not a big problem."

"I don't do anything impulsive."

"It is not difficult to deal with a mere business world. 35

"Before, I was just too lazy to attack them, but now, since they took the initiative to die. 99

"Then go back to the previous sentence, let's call back as soon as possible!

"Let them know that Jiaxing is not something they can afford.

"Sister Mi, what do you think?"

Seeing Lin Fei's smiling eyes, Boss Yang seemed to understand something instantly:

"Lin Fei, do you really have a way to solve this matter?

Lin Fei nodded:

"Yeah, didn't I tell you just now?"

"It's not difficult to solve, it just takes a little effort.""

"But Shang Shi, you have to pay a big price!

Fourth more!!!

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