Entertainment: Boss Yang's Small Treasury Was Defeated At The Start

Chapter 79 Negative and positive, can definitely make them slapped!

The next day, at five o'clock in the afternoon,

Boss Yang invited Sister Qing to the restaurant,

Just now, she told Sister Qing the "idea" that Lin Fei thought of yesterday.

After listening to this, Sister Qing was also stunned in an instant.

She looked at Lin Fei in disbelief and said:

"Lin Fei, what the hell did you come up with!?"

"Recommend a few popular streamers to the crew of [Gu Jian Qi Tan]?""

"Are you sure it's not stoking them, but stepping on them?"5

"How do I feel, why is your idea so unreliable?"

"Could it be that you were bought by Shang Shi?"

"It's so good, why did you come up with such an idea?"

Seeing Sister Qing's dazed eyes, Boss Yang also smiled incredulously:

"Sister Qing, don't say it's you!

"Yesterday, when I first found out about this, I was dumbfounded."

"I think, regardless of acting skills, but at least these people can still have traffic! 39

"It's really fortified in the [Gu Jian Qi Tan] crew, maybe it can make people even more popular!

"But guess what Lin Fei told me? More

"He told me that what is extreme will be reversed, and what is positive will be negative!

"I don't even know what to say.

Hearing Boss Yang's complaints, Sister Qing couldn't help but laugh:

"Then you are still messing around with him?"

"There is no way, Lin Fei thinks this method is reliable, so I can only go with him. 35

Hearing the conversation between Boss Yang and Sister Qing,

Fatty couldn't help but interjected:

"Sister Qing, I think my master's idea is very nice!"

"You don't even know that one of the traffic niches he recommended has appeared in the play, and I can't stand it any more!

"And now, put them all together, let alone officially watch the show!"

"Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps all over my body."


Seeing Fat Di's "scared" look,

Sister Qing couldn't help but look at Lin Fei:

"Lin Fei, I'll ask you honestly now!

"Do you really think this idea is reliable?"

Lin Fei nodded:

"Sister Qing, even if I lie to anyone, I won't lie to you! 35

"Look, with our current relationship between Jiaxing and Shang Shi, how could we possibly help them?

"The reason why I came up with this idea is to intimidate them in private!"

"Actually, to tell you the truth, I did think about it yesterday, should I suggest you recommend some box-office poisons to the [Gu Jian Qi Tan] crew!

"But after thinking about it, people from the business world are not fools. 39

"If you replace these box office poisons with popular traffic niche students, perhaps with your ability, you can arrange this matter.

"Sister Qing, now I want to ask you, is the idea I came up with high feasibility?

Hearing Lin Fei's question, Sister Qing was also lost in thought,

After ten seconds, she raised her head and said:

"As you said just now!

"If the box office poison is arranged for Shang Shi, unless their head is kicked by a donkey, they will never accept such a person.

"But if it is replaced by a traffic niche, there is some room for action in this matter.

"If I really exerted my strength, it would be no problem. 35

"It's just... just...

"How can I say it, I'm still a little worried that this is not reliable!

"After all, how can anyone recommend a popular niche to a dead enemy?"

"In case [Gu Jian Qi Tan] becomes even hotter... Then aren't we going to be pissed off? 35

Sister Qing will feel unreliable, which is normal.

After all, those popular niche students are so popular, each one represents the box office and attention,

Put it all together, even if [Gu Jian Qi Tan] was originally a bad drama, it might not be able to become popular in an instant,

And now, expect them to make this show a porn?

No matter how you think about it, it seems a little unlikely.

However, with Lin Fei's character, it is absolutely impossible to help Shangshi develop.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt her head buzzing,

Although it is said that the entertainment industry is very big, and there are all kinds of strange things,

But this kind of "rare thing" she Zhao Qing really saw for the first time.

In fact, let alone Zhao Qing, Lin Fei felt that this matter was unreliable.

However, the data evaluated by the system will definitely not go wrong!

That's why he made this decision unswervingly.

"Sister Qing, I know what you are worried about!"

"But don't worry, this kind of thing will never happen! 99

"As long as you arrange these traffic niches to the [Gu Jian Qi Tan] crew, I guarantee that they will definitely cool down!""

Sister Qing really doesn't know where Lin Fei's confidence comes from.

Forget it, since he thinks this is reliable, it's okay to help him.

Thinking of this, after thinking for a while, Sister Qing also spoke directly:

"Okay! 46

"Since you think this is reliable!"

"Then I'll help!

"Let Lu Han, Xiao Zhan, and Wang Erbo all participate in [Gu Jian Qi Tan], right?"

"Okay, I'll handle this for him in the next two days!

Seeing that Sister Qing agreed,

A smile appeared on Lin Fei's face instantly,

"Sister Qing, I'll leave this to you!"

Ms. Qing's work efficiency is very high,

After making a promise to Lin Fei, she left Shanghai on the same day and flew to other places.

Sun's Media is a popular first-line traffic niche, Lu Han's brokerage company,

Sister Qing has a wide network of contacts, and she and Sun Yongle, the leader of Sun Media, are old friends.

So she came directly to the headquarters of Sun Media.

"Sister Qing, why are you free to come to sit with me?"

Looking at Sun Yongle, Sister Qing smiled:

"Why does Sun always not welcome me when I come to sit with you?"

"How can you, you can come to me as a guest, our Sun Media is Peng Dishenghui, okay? 39

Sun Yongle smiled and poured a cup of tea for Sister Qing,

Then he couldn't help but say:

"Sister Qing, isn't the business world in a mess right now?

Hearing Sun Yongle's question, Sister Qing nodded helplessly:

"It's more than a mess, it's just a mess, okay?"

"From top to bottom, there's a big shuffle going on."

"Several first-tier and second-tier ones have been completely blocked.""

"I don't know the future direction, what will happen! 99

"But I estimate that even if I want to turn over, it will take a long time.

Hearing Sister Qing's emotion, Sun Yongle smiled:

"This time, our entertainment industry has had a big earthquake.

"I didn't expect that Yang Mi would actually end up with Shang Shi and die together!"5

"When I first learned about this, I was really frightened."

"I think, even your Shang Shi people didn't expect that the big business man of Nuo Da would be planted in the hands of a Yang Mi!?"

Hearing this, Sister Qing gently shook her head:

"Actually, it can't be said that they were planted in Yang Mi's hands!

"In the final analysis, if it weren't for the people at the top of the business world who tossed so many illegal and chaotic things, would they have ended up like this?"

"You can't live by yourself, that's what you say!"

"I'm used to lawlessness, even if Yang Mi didn't expose them this time, I'm afraid others will be exposed in the future.

For this topic, it is not good to talk too deeply,

After all, Sister Qing is still a business person now,

So after a few chats, Sun Yongle shifted the topic away.

The next second, he asked:

"Sister Qing, I remember that you and Yang Mi have always had a good relationship."

"Now people in the circle are saying that Yang Mi has become a big boss in the investment world.

"Is this true?

"Being short on Shangshi stocks is the first entry for people who invest in the world.

"Isn't it possible that the people she lives with have something to do with investing in this world?"

Hearing Sun Yongle's question, Sister Qing smiled helplessly:

"It's okay to gossip about others, Mr. Sun, why have you started to gossip like this?"

"Forget it, since you asked, I'll tell you something I know."

"Those gossips are all nonsense!"

"If Yang Mi is really on the list of the big shots in the investment world, people will watch her being bullied by Shang Shi? Being channeled by Shang Shi card?

"If there is an investment from the world, Shang Shi guarantees that he will not even dare to put a fart, do you believe it?

Sun Yongle thought about it seriously, and suddenly he felt that what Sister Qing said was very reasonable.

If Boss Yang really had someone behind him, and Shang Shi dared to bully them, the gold master behind him would have called back immediately.

How can there be such a commotion, being stuck in the card channel for so long?

Seeing that Sun Yongle seemed to want to chat with himself about gossip, Sister Qing also said with a headache:

"Mr. Sun, let's stop talking about gossip.

"Actually, this time I take the liberty to visit, I have something to tell you."

"Right now, we, Shang Shi, are planning to film [Gu Jian Qi Tan], you know?"

Sun Yongle nodded:


"The Internet has now started to do overwhelming publicity.

"Presumably this is your business behind the push?"

"I guess that you, Mr. Xiao, are really anxious.

"Right now, the negative public opinion has not been reversed, and the stock market has been played by others again!

"The loss is so great that I want to borrow this drama in a hurry to restore my reputation.

Hearing what Sun Yongle said, Sister Qing also nodded:

"Yeah, you're right! 35

"Now the entire business world is counting on this drama to make a ruthless turnaround!"

"Actually, I came to Mr. Sun this time to ask you, Sun's Media, do you have any idea to arrange someone to go to [Gu Jian Qi Tan]? 99

Hearing this, Sun Yongle instantly became interested:

"Arrange people to the [Gu Jian Qi Tan] crew?""

"real or fake?"

"We Sun Media, can we still have such an opportunity?"

Regardless of the current situation of Shang Shi,

But at least for the drama [Gu Jian Qi Tan], Sun Yongle is still quite interested.

The main reason is that the drama has not yet officially started filming, and the popularity has already picked up.

In addition, with the original work as the basis, no matter what, the ratings of this drama will not be too bad,

And now, the business world has become so miserable,

All are counting on this drama to complete a turnaround!

Therefore, in the later period of the Shang Dynasty, there will definitely be more and more publicity for this drama!

Like this kind of crew that is in the preheating stage and has a tendency to fire,

It has always been very popular in the entertainment industry!

It's just that it doesn't have a certain relationship, it's hard to put people in,

Therefore, Sun Yongle showed a surprised look at this time.

And now, Sister Qing said this to herself,

Could it be that Shang Shi has taken a fancy to an artist under his Sun Media?

Seeing Sun Yongle's curious expression, Sister Qing smiled and said:

"Mr. Sun, we are all old friends.

"Since that's the case, I'll hide it from you. 39

"The person I'm looking for is Lu Han!"

"If you want, I can help lobby with the crew after I go back!"

"The first male has already been booked in advance, but the second male and the third male, I feel quite hopeful.

"Of course, I'm just saying that it's quite hopeful, but I can't give you an accurate reply yet.

"So for now, I'm still saying what I just said."

"I don't know what is your attitude, Mr. Sun?"

Sister Qing's words, just finished speaking, Sun Yongle can't wait to speak:

"If such a good thing comes to the door, of course we are willing!"

"And Lu Han, he has a free period recently. 99

"As long as the [Gu Jian Qi Tan] crew is willing, we can let him rush to the set at any time."


After hearing this, Sister Qing was relieved,

The next second, she opened her mouth and said with a smile:

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll help lobby after I return to the Shang Dynasty.

"Mr. Sun, I see that you are quite busy. I won't be here, so I won't bother you more."

"I still have other places to run. I will take this matter to heart. When there is specific news later, how about I call you right away?"

Sun Yongle stood up, smiled and nodded:

"Okay, then I will trouble you, Sister Qing!

"This time you have something to do, I won't leave you.

"Next time you come to my place, please give me a chance to entertain you!"

"Okay, no problem, then next time I'm free, I'll harass President Sun again!""

After communicating with Sun Yongle, Sister Qing immediately rushed to the next entertainment company.

In just a few days, she took Lu Han, Xiao Zhan, and Wang Erbo to the brokerage companies they belonged to,

All ran.

As expected by Lin Fei,

The persuasion went very well,

We all know that [Gu Jian Qi Tan] is going to be a big hit. Which brokerage company would be unwilling to put its own artists into the crew?

It's just that, at the moment, I just got the brokerage company behind these three popular niche students!

The real highlight is the Shangshi side!

Sitting on the plane, Sister Qing has been thinking seriously,

How to propose to the company, so that all these three popular niche students can be smoothly inserted into the crew.

It's really not possible, this matter may still have to ask the dead fat man Su Youwei to "do a favor".

Third more!!!

Ask for full order, ask for automatic!!!.

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