Entertainment: Boss Yang's Small Treasury Was Defeated At The Start

Chapter 93 Being kicked out of the group chat, Fat Di's mentality exploded!

I have to say, after hearing what Fat Di said,

Liu Wei and his three buddies are really excited!

On Jiaxing Studio's side, not only did they buy their shares at a premium of 20 million!

It even took out a full 80 million to help them accelerate the development of Mi Xianyou!

In addition, the other party also made a promise!

Only enjoy the profit distribution of Mi Xianyou, and do not interfere with the management right at all!

This means that Mi Xianyou is still in their hands from a legal point of view.

As long as they don't make any big mistakes in the development process, that's fine.

And this so-called annual salary,

This is also a kind of sincerity~ performance!

500,000 in the first year, and it can be increased year by year according to the business status of Mi Xianyou Studio-!

This point is simply too poking at the heart of Liu Wei and the others, isn't it?

If there are good days, who would like to have bad days?

this is the truth!


At this moment, Liu Wei and his three technical houses are really heartbroken!

But right now, there is one more thing that the three of them can't figure out.

Looking at Fat Di, Liu Wei asked cautiously:

"Mr. Fat Di, can I take the liberty to ask you a question?

"According to the treatment given by you Jiaxing, I think there will be a lot of studios in Shanghai. Would you like to cooperate with you?"

"Why...why...this kind of good thing...would...would..."

Before Liu Wei could finish his words, Fat Di had a complete insight into his thoughts.

I saw Fat Di pursed his lips and smiled:

"Mr. Liu, you want to ask why this kind of good thing will find you Mi Xianyou, right?

"This is because, we only value you!"

"We Jiaxing would like to believe that this investment will bring us great returns!""

"Besides, didn't Mr. Liu say before that you are all my fans?"

"I think, on these foundations, when we cooperate, our communication will be more coordinated!35

"So, the next most important thing is, Mi Xianyou, do you want to join our big family of Jiaxing! 35

Fat Di's smile is sweet and beautiful!

Plus her face is full of sincerity,

Seeing this, Liu Wei and the three of them made their hearts begin to beat faster.

No, I can't watch it any longer,

Several people hurriedly looked away,

"Old Liu, what should we do now?

"It's not that I'm not happy, it's that Jiaxing's side... I've given too much... I..."

Seeing the attitudes of Lao Song and Lao Chen,

Liu Wei also lowered his voice and whispered:

“It’s really giving me too much, and it’s making me… a little embarrassed.”’5

"What to do, what do you two mean, do you promise Teacher Fat Di?

Seinfeld whispered:

"I'm more inclined to say yes!"

If you can join Jiaxing's banner, don't you often see a lot of goddesses?

This is not the main thing. The main thing is what Lao Chen said just now,

It's not that the three of them resisted the temptation too weakly, but Jiaxing really gave too much.

Liu Wei and his three buddies, after whispering and exchanging opinions,

Finally made up my mind!

The next second, Liu Wei raised his head and looked at Fat Di:

"Fat Di is honest, the three of us have discussed it!"

"We are willing to lead Mi Xianyou to join your Jiaxing banner!""

Hearing this, the smile on Fat Di's face became sweeter and more sincere!

The next second, she took out the contract directly:

"Okay, that's it!"

"Then I wish in advance that we can all have a happy cooperation!

"Welcome Mr. Liu, Mr. Chen, Mr. Song, and officially join our Jiaxing family! 35

After the contract was taken out, Liu Wei and the others signed their names on it without hesitation.

The next second, Fat Di said:

"Mr. Liu, we feel that Mi Xianyou's current office is too small and shabby!

"And the facilities are not perfect!

"Actually, before I came to talk with you today, our boss Lin told me!"

"If you are willing to join Jiaxing, then directly in our office building, set a floor for you to work!

"And our Jiaxing canteen has everything!"

"I don't know what your intentions are?"

Huh? And this good thing?

Hearing what Fatty said,

Liu Wei and the others are even more excited!

This is moving to Jiaxing to work.

And it's still a whole layer!

Not to mention the location here,

If you can work in an office building with big stars, just rush to this point, and only fools will refuse, okay?

"Mr. Fat Di, I... can we really come here to work?"

Seeing the excitement in the eyes of the three, Fatty smiled and said:


"Later, I'll ask the front desk to come over and show you all floor by floor!

"Then it's decided, just tell me directly."

"Xiao Li, come, take Mr. Liu and the others to take a look upstairs and downstairs!"

"Then after reading it, lead them to come to me."

Hearing Fat Di's order, the front desk named Xiaoli came quickly, ready to lead the way for Liu Wei and the others.

Before leaving, Song Fei didn't know what he was thinking of,

Suddenly looking at Fat Di, he whispered a little embarrassedly:

"Mr. Fat Di... That... Mr. Li Xirui... is he also an artist of your Jiaxing?"

"Xirui? Yes, what's wrong?"

"Mr. Fat Di, that... I'm a fan of Mr. Li Xirui, I... can I ask her for an autograph?

Seeing the shy blush on Seinfeld's face, Fatty couldn't hold back, and laughed with a pochi:

"Small things, I'll find her later and ask for ten copies for you!"

I took the contract signed by Liu Wei and the others,

Fatty returned to the office happily:

"Master, I'm done!"

"Liu Wei and the others have agreed to join our Jiaxing banner!"

"The contract has been signed, do you want to take a look?

Seeing that Fatty handed the contract to himself,

Lin Fei took it and looked at it briefly.

The next second, he looked at Boss Yang and said with a smile:

"Sure enough, it is a very correct choice to send the idol of Fat Di! 35

"Now, Mi Xianyou is completely with us, Jiaxing, as a family.

Hearing what Lin Fei said, Boss Yang said with tears in his eyes:

"I feel that it's probably easy to negotiate whoever is involved in this kind of thing?"

"You are buying at a premium again, and you are directly injecting 80 million yuan! 35

"Give them their annual salary, and give them a free office area!"

"If all are implemented according to this standard, do you believe that I can acquire all the studios similar to Mi Xianyou in Quan Shanghai?"

"Are we giving too much??"

Lin Fei smiled and said:

"It's true that you give a lot, but that's not the point!""

"The point is, is it worth what we paid for?"

"Mi Xianyou has huge development potential.

"You'll know in three months. 39

"You can rest assured, this investment will definitely bring unimaginable returns to our Jiaxing!

The contract has been signed,

【Lin Fei invested 63 million yuan, holding 50% of Mi Xianyou shares】

[Boss Yang, on behalf of Jiaxing, invested 40 million yuan and held 30% of Mi Xianyou's shares]

[Pang Di brushes his face and holds 5% of Mi Xianyou's shares]

[Liu Wei, Chen Feng, Song Fei, who invested as founders, each held 5% of the shares, and the three together held a total of 15% of the shares]

Now, Mi Xianyou is completely under the banner of Jiaxing,

Only externally, they are still operating independently,

It is not subject to too much supervision by Jiaxing.

Under the leadership of the front desk, Liu Wei and the others quickly walked around the office building where Jiaxing was located.

They took a fancy to the third floor,

Then the front desk led the three of them back to Lin Fei's office.

"Mr. Lin!"

"Mr. Yang!

The three quickly greeted Lin Fei and Boss Yang,

Lin Fei sat on the sofa and waved to the three of them with a smile:

"It will be a family from now on, don't be so polite!"

"Liu, come and sit down!"

"Next, let me talk to you about the follow-up development of Mi Xianyou!

After Liu Wei and the others sat down opposite Lin Fei,

Lin Fei then asked:

"The 100 million yuan of funds will be credited to your Mi Xianyou account later!

"What are you going to do with this money?

Hearing Lin Fei's inquiry,

Liu Wei immediately said:

"Mr. Lin, the three of us have discussed this issue just now.

"We plan to take 8 million out of it and lead the team to make [Honkai Gakuen 2] first.

Hearing this, Lin Fei nodded:

"Hurry up and make it, but at the same time ensure the quality of this game!"

"If there are not enough people, recruit people! 35

"It's better to be short than to waste, and don't make the quality of the game worse in order to be in a hurry.

"Other than that, what did [Yuanjin] say over there?"

original god??

Hearing this, Liu Wei was stunned:

"Mr. Lin, what is [Yuanshen]? 99'

・・・ Flowers・

Lin Fei feels embarrassed now,

Although Liu Wei and the others have been thinking about the game [Yuan Shen] a long time ago,

But now, the name of this game has not been determined.

However, Lin Fei also dealt with this kind of small scene casually,

He smiled and said:

"It's the game you guys said before, and it's still being conceived! 35

"I think the name [Yuanjin] is quite suitable for it!""

"Of course, if you don't like it, you can change your name!

Hearing what Lin Fei said, Liu Wei hurriedly said:

"Mr. Lin, the name [Yuanshen] is quite good."

"It doesn't matter, that game can use this name!"

"Before, I heard Mr. Fat Di say that Mr. Lin invested 80 million in the studio to make this game, right?

"Although 80 million can't meet our budget standard for this game, we can also arrange people immediately and carry out preliminary preparations first!

[Yuanshen] If you want to do it as soon as possible on the premise of ensuring quality, the total investment must not be less than 500 million meters of gold!

However, this 500 million meters of gold was not spent all at once.

80 million, enough for Mi Xianyou to complete the preparations for the first stage.

After hearing the plan given by Liu Wei and the others,

Lin Fei also nodded for the first time:

"You're right, you can immediately arrange some people to do the preparatory work!

"It doesn't matter if the investment is big, the important thing is that we must make this game well!

"Have you already selected the office area?"


"These few days, you can start arranging the move as soon as possible!"

"When the time comes, you Mi Xianyou people, we will also issue a meal card each, and three meals can be solved in our cafeteria. 35

"By the way, there is one more thing I need to say!"

"Hasn't Mi Xianyou released two games now? 35

"One is [FlyMe2TheMoon]!35

"One is [Honkai Gakuen 1], right?"

"Later, I will let our artists under Jiaxing promote these two games!"

"I don't know how much effect it can have, but more or less, it should be able to attract some players."5

"You, Mi Xianyou, must do a good job in maintaining the server. 99

"Don't make a mistake then!"

Hearing this, Liu Wei and the others were all surprised.

On Jiaxing's side, they even sent big stars to help them promote it?

Unexpectedly, when you join Jiaxing, you can still enjoy this kind of benefits,

The next second, Liu Wei and the others hurriedly said:

"Mr. Lin, really... thank you so much!

"Thank you for your trust in our Mi Xianyou, and thank you for your great support!"

"Don't worry, even if you die in the studio, we will never let you down! 99

Hearing this, Lin Fei also smiled:

"It's not like the liver is dead. Although the task is in a hurry, you must pay more attention to rest!

"If there is nothing else, you can go back now to prepare for the move!

"We have arranged a driver here in Jiaxing to see you off!"

"Here's his phone number! 99

It didn't take long for Liu Wei and the others to leave Lin Fei's office,

Boss Yang looked up at Lin Fei and asked:

"Do you want all our artists to help promote the games on Mi Xianyou?"

"What is the specific name, you can send it to me later. 35

Lin Fei sent the names of the two games to Jiaxing's work group, and then @@ everyone:

"Everyone is free to recommend these two games on the scarf!

Li Xirui: Received!

Jiajia: Received!

Zhang Bingbing: Received!

Fat Di: Resolutely not to work for capitalists!

Group user "Pang Di" has been removed from the group chat by administrator Lin Fei!

The next second, Fat Di's mentality exploded:

"Master, why did you kick me out of the group!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but glared at her:

"Aren't you not working for the capitalists?

"If that's the case, what are you still doing?

Fat Di "wronged Baba" and said:

"It's just a joke!

"Master, why are you serious!"

"Now Mi Xianyou, I'm also a major shareholder, okay?"

"Why might I not promote it?"

"Hurry, hurry up and pull me back to the group!!

"Then I will forgive you!

Lin Fei gave Fat Di a speechless look,

But he still operated the mobile phone and brought Fatty back to the group.

First update in the morning!!!

Ask for full order, ask for automatic!!! Earth.

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