Entertainment: Boss Yang's Small Treasury Was Defeated At The Start

Chapter 98 Fat Di's Night Attack on Lin Fei, Contact at a Negative Distance!

Fat Di was really completely defeated by Lin Fei.

She never imagined that Lin Fei could say such a thing!

"They've been plugged in the door for you, but not for me! 35

"Are you underestimating me!

"For this kind of person, if you see one, report one to one!"

"Never condone!

Who is this!

Seeing Fat Di rolling his eyes at himself,

Lin Fei said "seriously":

"Fatty Di, don't you think I- is wrong?

"It's not that I can't afford it!"

"Why do you look down on me so much?

Fat Di found that he really couldn't continue to talk about this topic with Lin Fei.

This guy's mouth is really ruthless!

If you care too much with him, the only one who suffers is yourself.

With a slight roll of his beautiful eyes, Fatty hugged a pillow and sat cross-legged on the bed:

"Master, the person who stuffed the card, I don't know if you look down on you!

"But now you have the handle in my hands, that's the most important thing.

"How about it, should you bribe me well?"

"If the red envelope is enough, I can't rot in my stomach!

"After all, you don't want my sister to know about it!""

Seeing Fat Di's beautiful big eyes narrowed into crescents,

Lin Fei sat down beside her:

"Do you think it's enough for me?"


Fat Di Yang raised his mobile phone and smiled very sweetly and proudly:

"I recorded the most crucial part!"

"Just ask if you are afraid!

Lin Fei didn't say a word, just took out his mobile phone,

Then, he made a heart-shaped piece of jewelry and took a selfie of himself.

Seeing Lin Fei's strange behavior, Fatty was stunned:

"You're a big man, and you like to take selfies?"

"No, I don't like to play with selfies, mainly because I have to keep the evidence!"

In the photo, Lin Fei is comparing "Yeah"!

Behind him, Fat Di was sitting cross-legged on the bed in a bathrobe.

Everyone knows about the hotel's yukata!

Very loose, a little careless, that is, the neckline is wide open.

After taking the photo, Lin Fei saved the photo,

Then he looked at Fatty and said:

"Without a few hundred million, this matter cannot be resolved peacefully."

"You said that this big night, a top-notch person, wearing a thin bathrobe, appeared in my room!"

"If Sister Mi finds out about this, it's probably not a good idea. 35

"Fatty Di, you said that we are so familiar with each other, why are you here to seduce me?"

"What a stranger! As long as you open your mouth, I can go to your room.

"Are you right?"

"But it's not important, the important thing is that now you also have the handle in my hands.

"Tsk tsk, big star, you don't want this to be known by your fans!?

"100 million, let's delete this photo, what do you think?"

Lin Fei's voice just fell,

Fat Di's whole body became stunned.

Nima, have you been caught by fishing law enforcement?

Damn, this guy can still play this trick?


Fat Di was stunned!

Unexpectedly, I was hunting wild geese all day long, and I was blinded by wild geese!

Now, Fatty can't sit still at all!

"Lin Fei, you quickly delete the photo for me!""

"Ahhhh, I'll give you 10 seconds!""

"You give me immediately! Immediately! Hurry up!

"Don't make me do it!"

"Otherwise you can't bear the consequences!"

Fat Di rushed over with all his teeth and claws, trying to steal Lin Fei's mobile phone!

However, don't look at her long legs, she is not surprisingly strong, right?

Just because she is a "fighting scumbag", how can she be Lin Fei's opponent!

just a backhand,

Lin Fei held Fat Di down.


"Crack! 55

Lin Fei pressed Fat Di with one hand and took a crazy selfie with the other.

At the same time, the mouth is also constantly tutting:

"Now, there are also intimate photos!

"100 million can't be solved!

"At least 1 billion, are you right?

"I'll give you 10 seconds too!"

"Immediately, immediately, quickly, make money!

"Otherwise don't blame me! 35

Fatty wanted to struggle, but how could this beast be so strong.

Her eyes were red, and her voice was extremely "wronged":

"Lin Fei, you bully me!"

"I'm not playing with you!""

"I'm not threatening you anymore, okay?

"You don't remember villains, please forgive me this time!

"For the sake of serving you with all my heart!"

"Just give me a chance to make a change!"

Lin Fei pinched Fatty's tender face:

"It's up to you to want to fight with me!"

"Too tender.

"Also came to me, the fishing law enforcement.

"Now you know what's wrong?"

"Okay, I don't remember villains, forgive you this time! 99

"If you dare to commit the crime again, you will be severely punished and never tolerated, you know?

Fat Di lowered his head and whispered "I know",

That aggrieved little expression, especially like the kind of aggrieved little daughter-in-law.

Lin Fei originally planned to delete the photo, but he looked at it again and thought it was beautiful!

I didn't want to delete it,

Of course, the good-looking does not refer to the fat Diha in the photo, but refers to Lin Fei himself.

After thinking about it, Lin Fei used the crop function to delete Fat Di as a background wall, leaving only himself in the photo!

"Sister Mi, handsome or not!"

After sending the photo to Boss Yang, Boss Yang responded very quickly:


There is nothing to chat with people who don't know how to appreciate "beauty",

Lin Fei's backhand is a "goodbye" meme!

After putting down the phone, Lin Fei looked up at Fat Di,

"Aren't you going to sleep yet?

Fat Di looked at Lin Fei "poorly":


"Pain? What do you mean?"

Seeing Lin Fei's puzzled eyes, Fatty pointed to his chest:

"It hurts here, you pressed me just now.


Lin Fei didn't know if he had hurt her unintentionally just now,

But soon, he still spoke:

"Knead it when it hurts!

"What's the matter, do you still want me to help you? 35

Fat Di's fair face flushed slightly,

The next second, she sounded like a mosquito:

"It's not like... nor... nor impossible. 55

Lin Fei looked at Fat Di:

"You don't really come here tonight to serve you, do you?"

If he hadn't been able to beat Lin Fei, Fat Di would have "smashed" him with a pillow.

"I don't care, you hurt me."

"You have to be responsible!

"Give me a rub on your shoulders and I'll forgive you!"

"Otherwise, I'll stay with you and not leave.

After saying this, Fatty turned over and lay on the quilt,

Leave the back to Lin Fei.

"Knead my shoulders, and my waist! 35

"It's been a long day, I'm tired!"

Lin Fei was a little speechless:

"Are you the boss or am I the boss!?'

"Fat secretary, how do I feel, do you take me as your maid?"

Fat Di turned his head and glared at Lin Fei "infuriated":

"Just say no to press!"

"If you don't press it, it's a big deal, and I'll die with you!

"Isn't it just a burst photo? Who is afraid of who! 99

Maybe it's because Fat Di seems to be a little tired.

Lin Fei didn't say anything more.

He sat next to him, fighting the landlord with one hand, and pinched her shoulder casually with the other.

Fat Di is a little "unhappy":

"Hey, is the game that fun?

"Concentrate, okay?

Lin Fei glanced at her and said:

"I'm lucky tonight, I wonder if I can win more Happy Beans and come back.""

Before he could finish speaking, Fat Di took Lin Fei's cell phone and pressed it under him:

"Confiscated! 99

"Concentrate, don't desert.

"No matter what, I'm also a goddess, give me some face!

"Otherwise, I will go back and let the fans know, I can't even beat the landlord, how embarrassing? 55

Lin Fei thought about it seriously,

There are definitely not as many people in the country who like Fat Di, there are not as many people who like fighting landlords.

She is also really, how can the courage be compared with the game.

However, in order to prevent the fat secretary from blowing his hair, Lin Fei didn't express his "heart".

A few minutes later, Lin Fei asked:

"Is it alright?"

"No, it's very comfortable, press again! 55

.I said fat secretary, don't push yourself too far!

Lin Fei took his hand away, and then Fatty grabbed his wrist and brought it back.

Hold it back, grab it back!

After several cycles in a row, Fatty couldn't sit still:

"Can't you just follow me?

Lin Fei thought about it seriously:

"It's not impossible to follow along, but what good will I gain by doing this?"

Seeing Lin Fei's "unfortunate" look, Fat Di clenched his silver teeth:

"Do you really want benefits?"

Lin Fei nodded "seriously":

"As the saying goes, money can make a ghost run a mill, and let me have a massage from a big boss worth billions. No matter how I say it, I have to get a few hundred million out of it, right?

Lin Fei's voice just fell,

Suddenly, he felt Fat Di approaching.


A cold feeling came from the side of his face,

After stealing a kiss from Lin Fei, Fat Di also blushed and lowered his head instantly:

"Is this benefit enough? 99

Lin Fei looked at Fat Di in disbelief:

"Fat Secretary, you are...'

Originally, Fat Di was already too shy,

At this time, how could she let Lin Fei say "bullshit"!

I don't know where I borrowed a bit of courage,

Fat Di directly put his arms around Lin Fei's neck, and then kissed him.

This time, everything Lin Fei wanted to say was blocked.

"Fatty, I...

"do not talk!"


The adult world is sometimes that simple.

Lin Fei is not Liu Xiahui!

The night is coming, and there is a beautiful woman in my arms,

If something doesn't happen again in this situation, then there's really something wrong.

The next day, early morning!

Fat Di, who woke up, has become completely less courageous than last night.

Seeing Lin Fei sitting on the head of the bed, in a daze,

She bit her thin lips lightly and whispered:

"Go back... After I go back, I will explain this to Sister Mi.

"I did it myself willingly."

"Do not blame you!"

In fact, Lin Fei is in a daze, not because of this,

But he was thinking, when did Fat Di start to have a good impression of himself.

Although before, occasionally there will be some more intimate actions between him and her,

However, because they were too familiar, Lin Fei didn't take these too seriously.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Fei couldn't figure out when he was "targeted" by Fat Di,

Forget it, don't think about it if you can't figure it out,

It's pointless to dwell on such a pointless question.

After hearing these words from Fat Di, Lin Fei came back to her senses and looked at her:

"You don't need to explain to Sister Mi."

"Come back to me.

"Anyway, I'm a man too, how could I let you stand in front of this kind of thing?

"Don't worry, and don't overthink it.

"We are now a complete family."

"You just need to remember one sentence, the sky falls, and I, the head of the family, carry it!"

"Don't worry about it."

Maybe it was because of Lin Fei's "responsible" attitude.

Fat Di's mood improved a lot.

a little warm,

The next second, she gently leaned on Lin Fei's shoulder:

"Then can I continue to be a secretary in the future?"

"If you don't become a secretary, what else can you do? Run back to become a big star? The income is too low, and it's boring. Just like before, continue to follow me, make a lot of money with you, and fly with you.


hotel, underground car park,

The driver sent by Shen Huajun arrived early.

The originally agreed time was to pick up Lin Fei and Fat Di to Tiantian Investment at 8:00 in the morning,

But the driver was stunned from 7:40 until noon,

Still no one is waiting.

He called Shen Huajun,

After receiving the report from the driver, Shen Huajun also called Lin Fei immediately.

No one is connected!

Wipe, Lao Shen couldn't sit still.

Could it be Lin Fei, what happened?

Why is the phone turned off?

let go of the work in hand,

Shen Huajun arrived at the hotel in a hurry at 11:00:

"My friend's name is Lin Fei, and he opened a room with you!"

"It was supposed to pick him up this morning, but we haven't gotten through to him yet!"

"Can you check for me, which room are they resting in? 35

In the face of Shen Huajun's inquiry,

The hotel receptionist had a professional smile:

"Sir, our hotel has a policy that it is not allowed to disclose the guest's check-in information to outsiders. 35

"Beauty, I'm really worried, I didn't lie to you! 35

"Sir, I'm really sorry, we can't really disclose guest information.


Just when Shen Huajun was so anxious that he planned to ask someone to call the hotel,

Lin Fei and Fat Di just came out of the elevator.

"Manager Shen?"

Seeing Lin Fei, Shen Huajun was also relieved for the first time:

"Mr. Lin, why is your phone turned off?"

"Didn't we say that at 8 o'clock this morning, we will send someone to pick you up to our place?"

Let the people who invest in the world wait for hours,

Lin Fei is also a little embarrassed,

"Sorry, Manager Shen, I overslept in the morning!""

"The phone just died.


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