Entertainment: College Students Act As Ensemble Performers And Become Actor?

Chapter 32 Conservatory Fryer! Old Xue Went Crazy! (Seek To Collect Flowers)


"Sons, bring some lunch boxes for Dad."

Su Chen sent a message to the group, causing the three of them to be confused for a while.

Ge Qianjian: "Son Chen, didn't you say you don't need to bring it?"

Yang Hongchen: "Fuck, you're taking advantage of me!"

Wang Xiaolong: "What's the situation? Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

Su Chen: "There was a dinner before, but now it's gone, bring it to Dad!"

Ge Qianjian: "Forget it, who made Dad love you!"

The four of you talked to each other, and the group talked happily.


Su Chen didn't tell the three of them that this meal was originally invited by Zhao Jinmai.

Otherwise, let alone a box lunch, the three of them probably would have to take a taxi back and give Su Chen a hard time.

at the same time.

With Su Chen and Zhao Jinmai leaving.

The Conservatory of Music, as Su Chen expected, really exploded!

The music student who just listened to Su Chen singing "Sunny Day" in the piano room released the recorded song to the classmate group.

In just a few minutes, the music department was blown away!

"Damn it, Brother Su came to the piano room again?"

"I was lazy and didn't go to practice piano today, and I missed Brother Su's live concert!"

"This song "Sunny Day" is awesome. Although the melody is very simple, it sounds too good."

"It's like Jay Chou in 2004. Now Milk Tea Week can't sing this kind of singing. Brother Su is going to take over from Jay Chou!"

"ReSoSoSiDoSiLa, SoLaSiSiSiSiSiLaSiLaSo...just ask who dares to write such words!"

"Brother Su is awesome, did you keep Brother Su? I'm going to the piano room now!"

"I'm already here, Brother Su has already left."

"The classmate in the piano room just now said that Brother Su brought a little girl over, so it is estimated that this song is for that little girl."

"Wow! Who is so happy? Can I receive Brother Su's solo concert?"

"Brother Su is looking for a girlfriend, what should Lin Qingyin do?"

"Hahaha, Qingyin may also be joking, but if Su Chen finds a girlfriend, it will definitely be a big event for our Hangbei College!"

In the School of Music, because of Su Chen's song "Sunny Day", the students are all excited.

And some classmates who have a good relationship with the teacher also passed this song to the teachers and professors of the music department.

As a result, a group of old guys also stood up one after another.

"Little Su Chen, it's a pity that he didn't come to the music department."

"This song is definitely topping the charts."

"I took a closer look at Su Chen's lyrics, and the writing is very good. Although the song is simple, it is also a rare masterpiece in the current traffic era."

"Well, I really hope that Su Chen can take my postgraduate entrance examination. I am really happy to train such a student."

"Who isn't! Such a good talent, it's a pity to waste it like this."

In the group of teachers and professors.

The people who are usually cold and hardly speak were also blown out by Su Chen's song "Sunny".

They really feel sorry for Su Chen.

If you follow the road of music, Su Chen will be the leader of Xia Guo music in the future.

Even, maybe not only in the field of pop music, but also in the field of classical music.

Su Chen, indeed, has this talent.

It is also a pity for the teachers and professors.

Someone posted this song to Moments, expressing regret for the waste of Su Chen's talent.


The music star who went out from the Hangbei Conservatory of Music also heard this song in the circle of friends of his teachers.

Among them, there are very popular singers in Xia Kingdom.

Xue Zhiqian, old Xue!

In this world, Old Xue studied at the Hangbei Conservatory of Music. He worked very hard when he was studying, coupled with his talent and seriousness, it really made him a bloody road in the field of music.

Although the status is not as good as those veteran singers like Zhou Dong.

But he is also a top-notch singer at the moment!

At this moment, Lao Xue is listening carefully to Su Chen's "Sunny Day" in his villa in Shanghai.

The more you listen, the more frightened you become!

Lao Xue is also a fan of Jay Chou, or in other words, most of the singers of his era have been influenced by Jay Chou.

So when he heard Su Chen's "Sunny Day", his first reaction was.

This is Jay Chou in 2004!

Although the sound and color are different, the taste is the same.

Especially when Su Chen sang, he still had some slurred words, and he imitated Jay Chou's imitation vividly.

"Hangbei College, when did such an amazing kid appear?"

Lao Xue was stunned, and immediately contacted his former music tutor and professor.

Soon, he learned from the old professors.

Su Chen is not a student of the music department.

Immediately, Lao Xue was even more confused!

"Damn it! Violence! Violence!"

Old Xue was a little crazy!

After graduating from Hangbei, he had been in the entertainment industry for a long time, and it took him a long time to make his way to his current position.

But Su Chen, this song "Sunny Day" is an instant hit!

If Su Chen is from their music department, wouldn't it be about to take off?


Even if Su Chen is not from the music department, if he takes the road of the music world, he will also take off!

For a moment, Lao Xue was extremely excited.

So, he asked his old classmates, teachers, and professors to get Su Chen's WeChat.

This is not difficult.

Especially some music department teachers and professors really hope that Lao Xue can lead Su Chen in the music scene.

They really don't want Su Chen to waste his musical talent!

"Xiao Xue, if you can, advise Su Chen to take the graduate degree in our music department!"

"It's such a pity to waste such a good seedling!"

Old Xue also remembered the words of the old professors in his heart.

At the same time, he also added Su Chen's WeChat account, waiting impatiently for Su Chen's approval.

And a few minutes later, Su Chen still hadn't passed.

Lao Xue couldn't wait any longer, so he called Su Chen.

Soon, the phone was connected, and Su Chen appeared on the phone just like singing the song in "Sunny Day".

"Hello, Su Chen."

For a moment, Lao Xue was very excited and spoke quickly.

"Hi Senior Su Chen, I'm your junior Xue Zhiqian, that's Joker Xue who is a jokester in the music world."

Su Chen: "Student???"

Old Xue: "Senior???"

"Ahahaha, Junior Su Chen, I'm your elder Xue, I graduated from the Music Department of Hangbei."

"Your song "Sunny Day" just now blew up our music department, and now everyone is talking about "Sunny Day"."

Old Xue is really chatty. Although he has never met Su Chen, he knows him from the beginning.

Although Lao Xue is a first-line singer in the music industry, because the two are alumni, Su Chen also feels very close.

"Senior, nice to meet you!"

"I like your songs very much. Your song "Mermaid" is very good."

Old Xue: "..."

Old Xue: "It was sung by Lin Tian Wang."

"Aww, I'm sorry senior, I misremembered, your song "Old Street" has sung in my heart."

Old Xue: "..."

Old Xue: "It was sung by Li Ronghao with small eyes."

Su Chen: "..."

"I'm really sorry senior, your "Only" is really a classic!"

Old Xue: "..."

Old Xue: "That was sung by Wang Lihong..."

Seeing that Su Chen was about to speak, Lao Xue interrupted Su Chen first.

This guy, I feel like he is also a joker!

"Student, I have something very important to discuss with you."

"Recently, I accepted a variety show, Son of Tomorrow, which is mainly to find new students with singers."

"Although it's a bit of an inside story, the champion has already been determined, but I think you can participate, which will give you a lot of exposure opportunities!"

"How about it, junior, do you want to give it a try?"

————I am the dividing line———

PS: Thank you [Rain, Sunny] for your great 588vip rewards, you are very proud!

I wish you a great day to make money, and tomorrow the lottery will be rich and free!

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