Entertainment: College Students Act As Ensemble Performers And Become Actor?

Chapter 39 Scoundrel-Ge Qianjian, Shocked Honey! (Seek To Collect Flowers)

"Come on, come on, Miss Mi, I'm coming!"

Ge Qianjian was the first to rush out, his face full of excitement.

Although Erliang Erguotou won't make him drunk, his mind must be more chaotic than before, so Ge ​​Qianjian is more relaxed than before.

The other traffic niche students around looked at Ge Qianjian's appearance and all clicked their tongues.

For a long time, these traffic niches, none of them acted according to the leader's wink.

He has never been as free as Ge Qianjian.

For a while, many people showed envy in their eyes.

Follow Ge Qianjian into the arena.

In the players' lounge, everyone also watched Ge Qianjian's shots on the screen of Shengshi Meiyan.

It's different from other traffic niches.

As soon as Ge Qianjian entered, his eyes fixed on Yang Mi.

However, his eyes were restrained as much as possible by him.

After all, this shot is going to be shown on TV, for netizens all over the country.

Even if Ge Qianjian is a stud, he is embarrassed to be so explicit in this variety show.

"Sister Mi, I'm here."

Ge Qianjian smiled handsomely and walked straight to the piano.

Although his piano skills are not as refined as Su Chen's, he has passed the tenth grade of the examination and is good enough for performances.

"Why does it smell like wine?"

Yang Mixiu straightened her nose, and her eyes fell on Ge Qianjian, "Have you been drinking?"

Ge Qianjian scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Maomao, who we came with, was too nervous. To help him, I showed off just now."

Yang Mi: "..."

Other mentors: "..."

He Jiong looked helpless, "You guys, showing off two or two baijiu before going on stage will easily impress the instructor!"

He Jiong spread out his words and said that he was actually helping Ge Qianjian.

Otherwise, Yang Mi would be even more uncomfortable if she kept it in her heart.

"Indeed, if you don't come up with decent works, even if you look good, I won't choose you." Yang Mi also said honestly.

Ge Qianjian suddenly became serious, and his mind became clearer.

After bowing to Yang Mi and others, Ge Qianjian introduced himself, and after saying that he was going to sing an original Cantonese song, he immediately sat down in front of the piano.

At this moment, several people in the room.

He Jiong's face was filled with anticipation.

Yang Mi frowned, her impression of Ge Qianjian became worse.

The other tutors were similar to Yang Mi, they didn't know the work that Ge Qianjian was about to sing, so they were naturally a little unhappy because of Ge Qianjian's drinking.

But after the sound of the piano sounded.

The frowning expressions on everyone's faces eased almost instantly.

Ge Qianjian's fingers were agile, like an active elf, landing on the keys one after another.

The prelude to "Rogue" also appeared in everyone's ears.

Then, Ge Qianjian's affectionate singing sounded.

"I get drunk now and then, I like freedom

Often make mistakes, love to lie, but always feel guilty

I have met many bad friends and learned to be greedy for the new and dislike the old

I also owed many women..."

Ge Qianjian's Cantonese is very standard.

So as soon as he opened his mouth, the taste of old Cantonese songs was vividly displayed by him.

Originally, there were several mentors who had a bad impression of Ge Qianjian just now.

The moment Ge Qianjian spoke, his pupils shrank!

this song...

They all stared at Ge Qianjian, and their eyes became serious.

"Afraid of getting married, I will only keep my three-minute promise

I once said that I wanted to quit smoking, but I didn’t care

Dreams and dreams are far away, but tired of rework

never planned

But you are the only one who loves me, the useless person

You are willing to endure mistakes

However, no one would have known that it would not match

But you are willing to wait..."

With Ge Qianjian's singing, it advances little by little.

The verse of "Rogue" was sung.

A cynical swinger is vividly displayed in Ge Qianjian's mouth.

In addition, his own good looks are handsome, and he is easily substituted into the ranks of "scumbags", and this sense of substitution becomes stronger.

Yang Mi also changed her initial frown.

Now the big eyes were full of shock and curiosity.

To the shock, Ge Qianjian gave her such a big surprise!

I interviewed so many contestants today, but Ge Qianjian is the one with the strongest overall strength among all of them!

Singing skills, looks, emotions...

If Ge Qianjian were placed in the red hall, it would be a concert now!

And the lyrics of "Rogue" also match Ge Qianjian's image very well.

Listening to it, Yang Mi actually automatically filled out Ge Qianjian's past scumbag story in her mind.

In Yang Mi's interview room.

There were also many surprises on He Jiong's face.

He had heard the climax of Lao Xue's song "Rogue" and knew the classic of this song.

However, what made He Jiong overjoyed was that.

"Rogue" sung by Ge Qianjian actually sounds no worse than Old Xue!

The sense of substitution is even stronger than that of Lao Xue!

For a while, Ge Qianjian hadn't sung to a climax, but He Jiong was already excited.

Also under the watchful eyes of the instructors.

"Rogue" sang to a climax.

Ge Qianjian's voice, which seemed to be full of helplessness, pity, and intolerance, instantly substituted everyone into the song.

"Why do you still like me, a rascal like me?

Are you stupid or great?

Everyone here will step on me

How bad is the reputation

but you will never be surprised

Why bother with me, a rascal like me

Live most of my life and still fail

but you never change your mind

smile with me

Even if it's bad, I can't bear it

Secretly playing tricks..."

This climax of "Rogue" was perfectly displayed in Ge Qianjian's singing.

In the previous verse part, Ge Qianjian seemed to sing the life of a prodigal son.

And the climax of this part is the prodigal son's intolerance to the person who loves him deeply.

Obviously I am so decadent and such a scumbag.

You still love me deeply!

Never give up.

Even a scumbag like me, with such a passionate love like you, can't be the same as before.

Can't bear to keep hurting your feelings!

This lyric almost sang to the hearts of the female tutors present!

Together with Yang Mi, all the female tutors are caught in the lyrics.

Women are inherently more emotional than men.

And every woman has a sense of destiny that "I will definitely save him", so she always has no hesitation towards scumbags.

This lyric perfectly expresses the hearts of the girls.

At the same time, from the perspective of the prodigal son, he said, "You love me so much, I won't be able to bear it in the end."

Just listening to this song, Yang Mi and all the instructors have already felt it.

Wait until "Tomorrow's Son" is officially broadcast.

What kind of sensation will this "Rogue" cause!

In the room, everyone no longer commented on the expressions of the contestants as before. Instead, they put down the scoring boards one by one, and began to listen to Ge Qianjian's singing seriously.

"Why should I, a rascal like me,

I've been a failure most of my life

but you never change your mind

fight with me

I can't bear to switch to someone else

Secretly playing tricks..."

Until the end of Ge Qianjian's singing, when "Rogue" ended.

Yang Mi was the first to stand up and applaud, her eyes were extremely hot.

"Ge Qianjian, I thought you were just a swinger brother, but now it seems that I was wrong."

"It's no exaggeration, your song "Rogue" is the best Cantonese song I've heard in recent years!"

The other mentors also nodded.

At the same time, there was a lot of interest in everyone's eyes.

What kind of experience can the author write such a song?

As for Yang Mi, she also asked questions that were common to everyone.

"Ge Qianjian, can you tell me how you created this song "Rogue"?"

"Who was she in your heart when you created "Rogue"?"

Yang Mi's voice fell.

Everyone at the scene focused on Ge Qianjian.

Awaiting his response.

————I am the dividing line———

PS: Thank you [Pluto Yeyu] for the monthly pass, does the underworld still accept younger brothers? The author's younger brother will show you the gate of Hades

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