Entertainment: College Students Act As Ensemble Performers And Become Actor?

Chapter 71 Killing With A Dagger! 10 Minutes, Kill Three! (Kneeling To Subscribe)

The movie begins.

Ye Weixin directly released Wang Zha!

Chen Guozhong went to the court with the people who were going to sue the black boss Wang Bao.

On the road, he was hit by a speeding car, and four people in the car were bleeding.

Afterwards, the scene interspersed.

The white-clothed and yellow-haired killer Aji appeared, jumped onto the car, and grabbed the witness by the neck.

Wiped his neck with a knife.

Clean and neat, not muddy at all.

Just this beginning gave every audience goosebumps.

People who come to see it now, naturally know it.

Su Chen is this white-clothed and yellow-haired killer.

But Su Chen is still the college student who sang "Sunny Day" in everyone's impression.

So the sudden cruelty made everyone unable to accept it for a while.

However, if you think about the footage of the football field, everyone can understand it.

A Ji's character design is a killer, and the ace killer of Hei Boss naturally has two brushes.

So, resisting the discomfort of wiping his neck just now, Yinjia looked at it seriously.

Chen Guozhong's family was killed because of witnesses, except his daughter who survived.

In grief and indignation, he drove into Wang Bao.

Familiar Hong Kong-style car crash scenes, but the filming really has a bit of taste.

However, the two still failed to fight after all, and the traffic police came to stop them.


The shot is of Wang Bao and his pregnant wife.

Chen Guozhong and his adopted witness child.

In the middle, Ye Weixin specially arranged for the child of the witness to meet Wang Bao.

It is clear that Wang Bao is the black boss who ordered people to kill his parents, but the pure child still treats the sad Wang Bao to eat sweets, and Wang Bao has no intention of killing the child.

This is the usual style of Hong Kong movies.

Misfortune is not as good as wives and children, and debts are eliminated after death.

Subsequently, the plot of "Slaying the Wolf" progressed.

Like most Hong Kong films, it mainly revolves around the conflict between Chen Guozhong and Wang Bao.

The "760" brothers of Chen Guozhong's group, in order to raise money for Chen Guozhong's medical treatment, intercepted Wang Bao's money and goods, which caused a bigger conflict later.

Li Weile Ale, played by Ge Qianjian, also made the audience shine.

Young, handsome, with the handsome feeling of a Hong Kong star, with a bit of righteousness in the ruffian.

Let many young girls see bright eyes.

Obviously he came here for Su Chen, but Ge Qianjian's outfit really attracted a lot of fans.

Next, at about 20 minutes into the film.

Ma Hua of Zhen Bullet also appeared on the stage, borrowing from Chen Guozhong's mouth, pointing out that Ma Hua is "the most able to fight", which also laid the groundwork for the subsequent street fight between Su Chen and Zhen Bullet.

Also at this time.

The plot develops to the scene where young and Dangerous boys surround the police, that is, many villainous college students of Hangbei University act as a group.

One thing to say, these college students that Su Chen and the others found.

Doesn't look like a nice guy!

The punches and kicks are really good one by one!

And when a group of them fiercely surrounded the old policeman, many timid spectators had already stepped inside, shrinking their necks, as if they were threatened.

The length is too scary!

Where did you find so many villain actors?

Are they all mixed up?

Such doubts arose in the hearts of the audience.

Afterwards, Yang Hongchen stood out among the crowd of young and Dangerous boys, bluntly threatening the old policeman.

He was shirtless and full of tendons.

Coupled with the above tattoos and fierce expressions, many female audiences were frightened.

Even some boys avoided Yang Hongchen's gaze.

If you encounter such a person on the street, it is better to hide and walk away!

Fortunately, Chen Guozhong and Ma Hua arrived in time and rescued the old policeman.

But the appearance of the Wang Bao wine bottle knocking on the railing made everyone feel fierce again.

Let's all say that Wang Bao's power is much stronger than Chen Guozhong's!

Subsequently, Wang Bao threw the bottle for the county.

Dozens of extremely long and extremely fierce young and Dangerous boys threw bottles together, and their momentum suddenly rose.

See this picture.

Many viewers were worried about Chen Guozhong.

With such a disparity in strength, how can the police like Chen Guozhong win!

Next, the development of the plot gradually entered high energy.

A fool provided footage of Wang Bao's murder, but because of the fool, there was no way to testify in court.

Chen Guozhong applied for an arrest warrant to arrest Wang Bao on the full moon day of Wang Bao's son.

Wang Bao naturally refused.

So I contributed to the first play of "Slaying the Wolf"!

Although Hong Jinbao is fat, he is very sensitive.

Zhen Bullet was also able to fight, and the first fight scene between the two was very classic.

With the joint efforts of several people, it was possible to subdue Wang Bao.

Then, in order to complete the collection of Wang Bao's criminal evidence within the specified time.

Chen Guozhong took a few brothers and turned himself into a dark knight, doing things that were not the work of the police.

He even killed one of Wang Bao's subordinates!

The camera was fixed on the four of them, so they were on the rooftop in the dark night, watching the scene of the person falling from the building.

The moon is dark and the wind is high to kill people.

The messenger of peace, turned into a dark knight.

This lens is full of flavor!

So far, "Slaying the Wolf" has been played for nearly 40 minutes, and the story has penetrated into the hearts of everyone.

As the conflict escalated, the audience also felt it.

Su Chen, coming soon!

Ma Hua, who is upright and disdains to give false testimony, had a violent conflict with Chen Guozhong and the other four.

The second fight scene of "Slaying the Wolf" also appeared in the eyes of the audience.

Here, Ge Qian's fitness player Agility can barely do a few tricks with Zhen Dan.

Although it was kicked away in the end, it also made the audience shine.

"This kid is not bad!"

"I noticed him from the very beginning, he looks like Coronado."

"Why do you always feel that he looks familiar?"

"Ge Qianjian! Ge Qianjian, who was announced in the third issue of "Tomorrow's Son", is the one on Yang Mi's track.

But now Ge Qianjian's reputation is not very big.

More people didn't know him, so they just thought he was a new star in the Hong Kong circle, and didn't think much about it.

Then, when the plot developed to 50 minutes.

"Slaying the Wolf" has finally entered the high-energy!

And this high energy also made the audience in the movie theater sluggish!

In order to collect criminal evidence, Ma Hua took Ale to the football field to exchange money for evidence.

As soon as the football field appeared, it was in movie theaters all over the country.

The audience shines in front of their eyes!

The reason why the announcement of "Slaying Wolf" became popular is because of the fight scene in Su Chen's football field.

So, everyone concentrated on watching the next plot.

Looking forward to it.

The football field footage is performed simultaneously.

Chen Guozhong also received letters from his two brothers, Guo Zichen and Lu Guanhua, to see Guo Zishen's daughter in the square.

In this picture, the audience did not guess anything.

I don't know, this is also a big foreshadowing!


The camera pans back to the football field.

The young and Dangerous boys who were still playing football just now left one after another.

When Ale found something was wrong, he chased after him, only to find that the door of the football field had been locked.

In the empty football field, Ah Le was smoking a cigarette, frowning in doubt.

The next moment, in the darkness, a figure in white clothes and yellow hair sunglasses appeared.

It is Su Chen, the killer A Ji.

Seeing this picture, all the audience became excited, sat up straight and stared at the screen carefully.

Coupled with the background music in the later stage of "Slaying the Wolf", a tense atmosphere was raised.

Su Chen held a long dagger, turned it on his wrist, and strode towards Ge Qianjian.

Ge Qianjian pointed at Su Chen and shouted.

"Police, stop!"

Su Chen didn't listen, but still walked ahead.

"I tell you to stop!" Ge Qianjian shouted again.

Su Chen suddenly sprinted, a ferocious expression flashed across his face.

next moment.

Just when Ge Qianjian was about to draw out his gun, Su Chen turned sideways and threw a knife, hitting Ge Qianjian directly on the arm.

Ge Qianjian exhaled in pain and backed away again and again.

In the materials released by Ye Weixin, there is no background music or post-production.

There is also no picture of the flying knife hitting the arm.

Therefore, when the audience saw this shot, their hearts tightened at the same time.

The sound of "Fuck" is spreading in all major theaters.

Su Chen didn't give Ge Qianjian a chance to react at all.

He continued to sprint, flipped over the football goal, and kicked Ge Qianjian hard on the neck.

Then, it was a series of long fists waving, airtight.

This scene is obviously much better than the one in the publicity materials.

Su Chen's impenetrable long fist gave the audience a great sense of oppression, far stronger than the oppression in the material!

Afterwards, after Xia Qianjian, who had been playing for a long time in a row, was forced.

Su Chen held the long dagger on Ge Qianjian's arm with his backhand and pulled it back.

Ge Qianjian cried out in pain again and again, which made the audience get goosebumps.

Faintly, everyone seemed to feel that their arms were also in pain.

next moment.

Su Chen pulled Ge Qianjian close to the wall, kicked off the wall and leaped, as if he was flying.

At the same time as he fell, he also pulled out the long dagger on Ge Qianjian's arm.

Blood splattered everywhere.

Some timid audience members had numb scalps and pale faces.

Now, there is not even the sound of "fuck" in the theater, only the sound of swallowing saliva.

Then, Su Chen stabbed Ge Qianjian's shoulder vertically with a dagger and kicked him against the wall.

With Ge Qianjian's painful expression, Su Chen took off his sunglasses.

With a wicked smile on his face.

It wasn't until this moment that the audience was finally convinced after seeing Su Chen's face clearly.

This is Su Chen, the Su Chen who sang "Sunny Day"!

Su Chen put the sunglasses on Ge Qianjian's face.

Draw the dagger.

Wide open and close.

One knife after another, crosscutting, upward pick, straight stab, side lift...

The dagger was played with flowers in his hand.

Blood splattered violently on Ge Qian's fitness body, which made the audience grin their teeth.

It hurts, it hurts so much.

Scary, he's scary!

If we say that the villains in some movies, the bold boys still dare to shine.

But Su Chen's killer A Ji.

Everyone dare not touch it at all!

This killer is so ruthless! So terribly ruthless!

The first skill, everyone can take their lives, but they are not in a hurry to take their lives.............

It was as if he was enjoying some kind of pleasure when he was torturing the dying person.


This is the evaluation that rises in the hearts of all viewers.

In the end, when Su Chen was about to kill, Zhen Bullet rushed back and pointed at Su Chen.

Su Chen pulled Ge Qianjian as a shield until his body was hidden in the darkness.

His dagger rested on Ge Qianjian's neck, and Ge Qianjian's body trembled weakly, as if he might die at any moment.

In the tense eyes of the audience.

Su Chen raised his dagger, as if provoking Zhen Bullet.

The next moment, the dagger straightened suddenly.

With a flash of cold light, Su Chen slashed across the neck with a knife as fast as lightning. Ge Qianjian clutched his neck and responded.


A series of shots.

The audience didn't dare to show their anger.

Everyone stared at the screen in a daze, seeing Ah Le who fell to the ground, covered in blood, and felt chills in his heart.

Su Chen...was horrible!

When watching the promotional materials of "Slaying the Wolf", everyone only felt that Su Chen was good at skills and felt the killing intent.

But there is no sense of oppression like watching it live!

But I saw this complete clip in the cinema.

Especially the throat seal at the end.

All the audience were trembling in their hearts, touching their necks, as if the knife had been cut on them just now.

If they are A Le in the movie.

Met the killer A Ji...

Hiss...For a while, many audience members shuddered, and they dared not put themselves on Ale's body anymore.

Nancheng, a movie theater near the crew of "Hurricane".

Everyone in the crew stared at the screen dumbfounded, and some people were shivering.

Then, Yinjia shifted his gaze to Su Chen.

A Ji's starring role is right in front of their eyes.

Everyone's eyes were complicated, and there was a hint of fear in them.

Su Chen, you really have the ability to control life and death!

Gao Ye murmured, "Xiao Su...Xiao Su is too scary!"

Long Ni held Gao Ye's hand, her little hand was cool, "Sister, I'm a little scared.


Gao Ye wanted to comfort Long Ni, but when the words came to her lips, she didn't know how to say them, she was also afraid.

Li Yi was on the other side, rolled himself into a small ball, and hugged himself tightly, as if this would give him more sense of security.

The same goes for the rest of the crew.

Zhang Yi was horrified and sighed with Hao's thunderous gaze.

Zhang Songwen was also shocked, thinking about whether Su Chen's movements could be added to "Hurricane", but after thinking about it, he gave up.

"Hurricane" is an acting drama, adding an action drama like Su Chen is counterproductive.

And Ge Qianjian is also the first time to see the full version of this shot.

He was also shocked, obviously when filming, the pressure was not so great.

Ge Qianjian was a little scared and stabbed Su Ji beside him.

"Boss, you... don't you really want to kill me like this?"

"Guess." Su Chen gave Ge Qianjian a mysterious smile.

Ge Qianjian shrank his neck, trying to stay as far away from Su Chen as possible.

Wang Xiaolong and Yang Hongchen also gave Su Chen a thumbs up.

"Boss, push plus!"

"Boss, you did a great job 3.0!"

Su Chen nodded to the two, signaling to continue watching the movie.


Just when the audience thought they could catch their breath for a moment.

Ye Weixin, this buddy is no longer a man!

The camera switches to Guo Zichen meeting his daughter, and Lu Guanhua calling his parents.

A rare warm scene appeared.

The audience also relaxed for a moment, just when the audience was about to think about whether they should take the knife after this kind of warm drama.

next moment.

Lu Chenhua, who had just finished the phone call, put away the emotion in his heart, sniffled, and just got out of the phone to count the time.

A white-clothed yellow-haired man suddenly appeared beside him.

It really shines!

There are afterimages on the screen!

Su Chen stabbed the abdomen with a dagger, and in an instant, he stabbed the abdomen again, and the dagger twisted in the abdomen.

The audience froze for a moment, before they had time to react.

Su Chen's dagger had already reached Lu Guanhua's neck.


It was another throat seal, and at the moment of throat seal, Su Chen turned and walked towards Guo Zichen without even looking back.

A chill rose from the hearts of the audience again.

Many viewers were very anxious, hoping that Guo Zichen would turn around quickly and see the coming danger.

It's just that their wish is doomed to fail.

When Guo Zichen was still immersed in the warmth brought by his daughter.

Su Chen appeared behind him, piercing his heart with a dagger!

The dagger flipped one after another, Guo Zichen wanted to grab Su Chen, but his hands were powerless.

Su Chen turned around and left with a wolfish expression on his face.

Guo Zichen collapsed on the ground, and after a few seconds, he was dead.


In many movie theaters across the country.

The audience was all silent, and there was deep fear in their hearts.

This kid Su Chen...what the hell...

Couldn't he be a killer in the first place???

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