Entertainment: College Students Act As Ensemble Performers And Become Actor?

Chapter 76 Hurricane Concert! "Listen" Listen To The Wound In Your Breath! (Kneeling To Su

The crew of Cyclonus has it all.

So get ready very quickly.

Lighting, stage, tables and chairs, microphones, etc.

It took only half an hour for a series of things to be prepared.

Although it is not as professional as a serious music scene, it is enough for a small crew concert.

Su Chen and the others have long been acquainted with the crew.

They don't have any idol baggage, so they don't even need makeup.

Ge Qianjian had just finished filming Gao Xiaochen's last scene today, and hadn't removed his makeup yet, so he simply went on stage with this makeup to sing.

Ge Qianjian, Yang Hongchen, and Wang Xiaolong, of course, sang their own songs.

Su Chen created a new song, borrowed a guitar from the crew's music teacher, and Su Chen began to tune, recalling the lyrics of "Listen".

That's right, the song he composed was from his previous life. After "Hurricane" became popular, it almost became "Listen" in the BGM of "Hurricane".

This song was sung by Zhang Jie, and it was popular at the beginning, but it didn't explode.

But after "Hurricane" became popular, when Douyin's netizens combined "Listen" and "Hurricane".

Gao Qiqiang's full sense of substitution directly made everyone regard it as Gao Qiqiang's exclusive BGM.


During that time of Chinese New Year, Douyin and Kuanshou watched a video of Gao Qiqiang and "Listen"

Another video is still the same.

It's the same with another video.

During that time, the video platform almost became the property of Jing Haigao.

After the stage is ready.

The first one to come on stage was of course Ge Qianjian.

He sang "Rogue", and Su Chen gave the piece to the music teacher of the crew. The music teacher practiced it twice, and he could play it live.

You haven't heard enough of "Tomorrow's Son" just now.

Therefore, it is the best choice for Ge Qianjian to use it in the heat field.

So "Six Four Three", under the watchful eyes of all the crew of "Hurricane".

Ge Qianjian began to sing affectionately.

"I get drunk now and then, I like freedom

Often make mistakes and lie, but always feel guilty..."

"Why do you still like me, a rascal like me

Is it that you are stupid, or you are great..."

"Why should I, a rascal like me,

I've been a failure most of my life

but you never change your mind

fight with me

I can't bear to switch to someone else

Secretly playing tricks..."

Ge Qianjian played very steadily, and his musical talent is also good, and he practiced when he was a child, so he can be regarded as an amateur singer.

Among the crew, someone waved a light stick to interact with Ge Qianjian.

Ge Qianjian also responded with a smile.

Of course, Ge Qianjian's eyes are most focused on the female protagonists in "Hurricane".

Sister-in-law high page.

Royal sister Long Ni.

Sweet sister Li together.

The way Ge Qianjian looked at them was the same as the way he looked at Yang Mi in "Tomorrow's Son", extremely affectionate, as if the female characters in the song he sang were them.

The three of them also each spat.

Gao Ye: "This big pig's trotter!"

Long Ni: "Why is this guy so thick-skinned? Isn't there a little bit of social fear?"

Li Yitong: "I wish this kind of horse will get married and have children soon!"

In the complaints of the three.

Li Tong, this one can be said to be the most lethal!

Gao Ye and Long Ni both laughed.

If Ge Qianjian gets married and has children, his stud setup will collapse.

For a person with his character, it is definitely the most vicious blessing.

After Ge Qianjian sang a song, he was still not happy.

Get weird on the spot.

All the leading actors in the "Hurricane" crew were ridiculed by Xia Zijian.

And even the most stable Zhang Yi and Zhang Songwen sent Ge Qianjian friendly middle fingers one after another.

Facing many middle fingers and contemptuous eyes.

Ge Qianjian laughed and laughed, his eyes were a little moist.

"Thank you everyone, I will never forget everyone on the crew of "Hurricane"!"

"Thank you my dad Zhang Songwen, thank my mom Gao Ye, and thank my uncle Zhang Sao.

"Thank you my little aunt Long Ni, thank you my second uncle Su Xiaoding, thank you Uncle Long and Uncle Hu, thank you everyone in "Hurricane"!"

After Ge Qianjian finished speaking, he bowed deeply to everyone.

It made everyone who gave him the middle finger just now feel a little embarrassed.

But Ge Qianjian just finished thanking him affectionately.

The next moment, he returned to his original nature.

"Thank you all, I will always remember you!"

"After eating, drinking, smoking and playing disco, I will serve you a bowl, pour you a glass, light one, and accompany you in the air!"

for a moment.

The people who were touched for a moment just now gritted their teeth.

"You brat, what a fart you can't get out of your mouth!"

However, scolding is all scolding, everyone still gave Ge Qianjian the warmest applause.

After Ge Qianjian.

The atmosphere of the scene has been adjusted by him.

The second one to appear was Yang Hongchen.

He sang "Serving the Country with Loyalty".

Yang Hongchen is in the crew, although he is not like Ge Qianjian, but he is hard-working, loyal, and he is always there to help others.

Everyone has a very good impression of him.

"War smoke rises, the country looks north

The dragon flag rolls, the horse neighs, and the sword is like frost

The heart is like the water of the Yellow River

Twenty years, vertical and horizontal, who can resist..."

"Horseshoes go south, people look north

People look north, the grass is green and yellow, and the dust is flying

I would like to defend the land and restore the frontiers

The dignified Xia Kingdom wants the Quartet...to congratulate..."

Yang Hongchen's voice is thick and the song is majestic, which sounds very atmospheric.

But Yang Hongchen is not as funny as Ge Qianjian.

After singing, I just took a deep look at everyone.

Bow down.

"Thank you everyone, I will remember each and every one of you!"

The applause was equally enthusiastic, and Yang Hongchen also stepped off the stage.

Then, it was Wang Xiaolong who took the stage.

Wang Xiaolong played Xu Lei in "Hurricane", although this character died on the stage.

But it was the beginning of the whole drama of "Hurricane".

The conflict between Gao Qiqiang and Xu Jiang was because of Xu Lei.

"Electric fish like to drink ad calcium, my name is Xu Lei, don't love it!"

This stalk has also been circulated a lot in the "Hurricane" crew.

So when Wang Xiaolong appeared on the stage, he was still drinking a bottle of ad calcium in his hand.

After drinking, Wang Xiaolong sang "When That Day Comes".

"It's a fine morning

Dove whistles and reveille honking..."

"Look at the direction in which the flag is flying

Advancing fleets of chariots and fleets..."

"Are you ready, soldiers

When that day does come..."

After Wang Xiaolong sang the military song, his whole body seemed to glow.

There is a world of difference from Xu Lei who just loves to drink ad!

The sacred brilliance in his eyes, as if if there is a battle on the battlefield, he will be the first to rush to it!

Zhang Yi kept nodding below.

He has been paying attention to Wang Xiaolong.

In "Operation Red Sea", I also wanted to arrange a role for Wang Xiaolong.

If this kid plays a military drama, he will definitely be a master!

After Wang Xiaolong's singing is over, thank you all and leave the stage.

Su Chen also made an appearance.

Originally, everyone thought that Su Chen could sing "Sunny Day".

But Su Chen smiled at the crowd and said.

"Parting is for a better meeting next time."

"The lyrics of the song "Sunny Day" are not too sunny, so I won't sing it today."

"So just now, I created a new song for our "Hurricane" crew, the name is "Listen to the wound in your breath"!"

"This song is dedicated to our Gao Qiqiang, and to everyone who contributed to "Hurricane"!"

heard the words.

Everyone in the crew exclaimed.

Covering her mouth, Gao Ye exclaimed, "This guy Su Chen actually created a new song?"

Long Ni smiled, her eyes sparkling, "I am now a fan of Su Chen!"

Li Yitong smiled into crescent moons, "If I had to choose from these four little guys, I would definitely choose Su Chen.

Li Tong's words made Gao Ye and Long Ni nod along.

They are developing in the entertainment circle, so naturally they won't get married very early, and they are still single now.

Although I just think about it, if I really choose the other half from the four of Su Chen.

None of them would choose Ge Qianjian, that kid was too stud, and if he chose, there would be a green grassland on his head.

And Su Chen, stable, talented, and good-natured.

It is simply the best candidate for boyfriend and husband.

"Unfortunately, I was born at an untimely time!"

Gao Ye said carelessly.

Long Ni also sighed, a little annoyed that she was born too early.

Li Yiyi tilted his head, "What's wrong with my sister? The female junior holds the gold bricks, and Su Chen carries all the gold bricks home.

As a result, the three people laughed and trembled wildly, becoming a beautiful landscape of the crew.

And Su Chen, after getting ready on stage.

Pluck the chords of the guitar.

The music teacher also started to make music with the piano according to the piece given by Su Chen.

Thus, the soft prelude of "Listen" was reflected in everyone's ears.

Su Chen's singing also sounded.

"Who built the world of mortals brick by brick into a wall

Let the peach blossoms on both sides of the strait bloom to the point of panic

Two worlds, looking at the moonlight

I explore endlessly with my fingers..."

It's different from Sunny Day.

This song "Listen", Su Chen sang very heartily.

He closed his eyes, carefully felt the emotions in the song, and told a story euphemistically.

The peach blossoms are in full bloom and the moonlight shines down.

Fingers touch the moonlight, as if looking for the person in my heart.

Su Chen's gentle voice made everyone immersed in the song and listened carefully.

Even the stallion Ge Qianjian stopped being funny and listened to this song seriously.

"Who grinds red beans into fragrant

Let lovesickness overflow into a river from the gap

Shocking to the ear, gentle to the vicissitudes of life

May the noise of the world forget us!"

In this section of singing, Su Chen added skills.

The word "Jinghong" was sung by Su Chen's voice, giving off the feeling of being ethereal.

Add words such as "red bean" and "lovesickness"......

The sense of longing in the song "Listen" is getting stronger and stronger.

And the last sentence, "May the hustle and bustle of the world forget us" is a kind of helplessness, a kind of reluctance.

Let everyone listen, there is a kind of distress.

At this moment, Su Chen re-struck the guitar chords.

"Listen" also sang to a climax.

"Listen to the hurt in your breath

Listen to the madness in your heartbeat

Listen to the warmth of your embrace spreading across the hills

listen to the light in your eyes

Listening to love burning in the ears

Listen to us engraving on both sides of the wall of the heart


Forever and ever..."

This section of lyrics is matched with Su Chen's fully unfolded ethereal singing.

Immediately, a picture appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

A person, looking at the person he loves deeply.

Quietly, listening to him (her) everything.

There is a wound in his (her) breathing

There is madness in his (her) heartbeat.

The warmth in his (her) arms can spread across endless hills.

There is light in his (her) eyes, and his (her) love and vows were hot in each other's ears.

He (she) is engraved with promises in each other's hearts.

That promise is endless!

listen listen.

Everyone at the scene had their mouths open and their eyes were shining with light.

But a strong sense of powerlessness lingered in their hearts again.

Obviously, in this climax of the lyrics, Su Chen sang every memory and yearning of the protagonist for his lover.

However, the two people who are close at hand seem to be far away in the sky.

It seems to have seen it clearly, but it seems that it is separated by time and space and cannot be touched.

Coupled with the last line in the verse, "May the noisy world forget us".

A strong sense of helplessness and powerlessness pierced into everyone's heart like a needle.

The pain was unbelievable.


"The mountain has no edge, and the heaven and the earth are united, so you dare to break with the king!

Li Tong looked at Su Chen on the stage in shock, and muttered this ancient phrase.

Long Ni also looked at Su Chen seriously, the feeling of powerlessness made her empathize.

"The mountain has no edges, the heaven and the earth are united, and it has never been separated from the king!"

Long Ni said.

Gao Ye looked at the two little girls and sighed silently.

As stunning as Su Chen, after all, he must embark on a higher and further road.

They are out of reach.

To paraphrase a sentence from Gao Ye's favorite novel "Perfect World".

"I'll give you time to catch up until you can't see it in the distance."

That's how Su Chen felt to her.

It won't be long.

Su Chen, will go to a height that they can't reach!

After the climax is sung.

Su Chen's gentle eyes swept over everyone in the crew.

Many people recorded this clip when Su Chen started singing.

The scene was still silent, and Su Chen's singing sounded up again.

Still as sweet as before.

Still speaking as gracefully as before.

However, with the helplessness of the first orgasm.

Everyone listened to the previous verse this time, but their mentality was completely different.

That kind of helpless sadness has been lingering in my heart.

Every 4.9 moves of the main character of the song.

All mixed with helplessness, mixed with longing.

Finally, Su Chen sang to a climax again.

"May the noise of the world forget us

Listen to the hurt in your breath

Listen to the madness in your heartbeat

Listen to the warmth of your embrace spreading across the hills

listen to the light in your eyes

Listening to love burning in the ears

Hear us on both sides of the walls of the heart



In Su Chen's coda, the song remains for a long time.

Everyone didn't expect to applaud, but was immersed in the sadness in the song.

Then think of some helplessness in reality.

Many people had sad expressions on their faces.

Some people think about their relatives, some people think about their lover, and some people think about the former Bai Yueguang.

Everyone feels differently.

But sadness and helplessness are interlinked.

Su Chen also paused for a few minutes, then murmured into the microphone.

"This song "Listen" is for everyone here."

"The crew of "Hurricane" is very warm, as warm as home."

"I hope everyone can cherish this kind of warmth, I hope everyone can cherish every moment now."

"At the same time, I also hope that everyone can come together with the person they want to be with each other the most.


Su Chen laughed, and the applause was thunderous.

Zhang Yi also threw off his shoulders and directly relayed to Su Chen.

Sing on stage!

Zhang Songwen, Gao Ye, Li Tong and others also made preparations one after another, and the farewell ceremony prepared by "Hurricane" for Su Chen also ended with singing.

And Su Chen and the others will soon return to Hangzhou.

Participate in the second competition of "Tomorrow's Son"!

However, this time, when I returned to Hangcheng, I was the first person I met and what I saw.

But four people are enough to remember a lifetime!

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