Entertainment: Cut Hu Wangfu's Big Honey, I'm On Fire

Chapter 74 Yangmi Needs Him, The Boyfriend Of The God Of Wealth!

However, of course, Lu Chenyang can't say things like this, he can only talk about people talking about people and talking nonsense.

No, I met some goddess and said that I came to Nortel for you.

He would say that when he saw Hu Qing in the future, he would say that when he saw Yu Feihong, and he would say that when he saw Liu Yifei.

He even said that when he was dating Dong Xuan before.

Every woman is very happy by him.

These women usually don't confront each other, even if the confrontation is a bit embarrassing, it is not Lu Chunyang who is embarrassing.

Now Yang Mi believed it was true, but now she looked at Lu Chunyang with complicated eyes.

She didn't expect that this man was determined to take the Nortel exam for her own sake, and she really regarded herself as a goddess.

And it's very inspirational, now it's really playing against me, and I almost became her girlfriend.

But why did such an inspirational story develop into such a bloody one?

Why can't you be more honest!

Even after you are really with me, you feel that I can't satisfy you, you can find other women!

Why did you start to step on two boats before you were really with me.

Now in front of Zhao Ruoyao and that female assistant, it's hard for Yang Mi to say anything.

She stared at Lu Chunyang and communicated with Lu Chunyang with her eyes.

Lu Chunyang could see what Yang Mi wanted to say in her big and charming eyes.

Yang Mi at this time, her acting skills are much better than those in film and television dramas.

Yang Mi struggled back and forth, but in the end she still couldn't come to a conclusion on how to face Lu Chunyang.

After much deliberation, she decided not to turn her face for the time being, and wait until He and Lu Chunyang have settled Zengjia and Zhao Ruoyao, and then come to Lu Chunyang for a showdown.

So Yang Mi agreed and Lu Chunyang continued to rub her nanny car.

When we arrived at the crew's studio, after breakfast, everyone changed into the costumes of "March 17" in the play, and the makeup artist put on suitable makeup for everyone.

The field props have already done a good job, all departments pay attention, and start the machine immediately.

Still as before, they are divided into two groups. Generally, Yang Mi and Lu Chunyang are in the same group, because they have the most scenes with each other.

He Shengming and Dong Xuan are in another group, because they also have more scenes with each other.

Yang Mi will observe Dong Xuan closely today, see the interaction between Dong Xuan and Lu Chunyang, and speculate whether there is any adultery between Dong Xuan and Lu Chunyang.

But it was strange that Dong Xuan seemed to be busy all day, and never came to Lu Chunyang's side.

Yang Mi was very surprised, she couldn't help but went to Dong Xuan: "Sister Dong Xuan, you seem to be very busy, why didn't you come to our group as a guest?"

Dong Xuan looked at Yang Mi with a smile and said: "I came here before, mainly to see that Lu Chunyang, who has been helping me a lot, has no assistant, so I will take care of him.

Now his little assistant is quite capable, so I feel relieved. "

What she said was very high-sounding, and Yang Mi didn't know how to refute it.

Yang Mi still found that the change in Dong Xuan's appearance was almost exactly the same as that of her best friend Qin Lan that she had seen.

Yang Mi couldn't help but asked: "Sister Dong Xuan, I found that you have changed a lot these days, you seem to have become younger and more beautiful, and your spirit has improved a lot.

How do you take care of it, can you tell me?"

Dong Xuan said with a mysterious smile: "It's actually very simple, with the nourishment of love, there will naturally be such changes.

If you hurry up with Lu Chunyang, there will be such a change. "

Yang Mi couldn't help but said, "Then Lu Chunyang brought you this change?"

Dong Xuan purposely said angrily: "What you said, isn't it hurtful? Everyone can see that Lu Chunyang is your boyfriend, prospective boyfriend, how can you say such a thing.

Yang Mi was very surprised at the time, what did Dong Xuan mean by that? Could it be that the man who transformed him into a younger, more beautiful and energetic man was not Lu Chunyang.

Can any other man possess that magic power to change a woman so much.

She couldn't help but asked Dong Xuan: "Sister Dong Xuan, I'm sorry, I was a little jealous just now.

I saw that the relationship between you and Lu Chunyang is usually so good, so I was worried, whether you two are behind my back...

Dong Xuan laughed in his heart, if Lu Chunyang hadn't reminded me, I would have guessed some clues by you.

He said very frankly to Yang Mi: "Sister Yang Mi, to be honest, I admit that I like Lu Chunyang, but look at my conditions, I have talked with such a bad boyfriend before, and I am older than him 10 years old, you see my face is round, I am really not as beautiful as you, I am not as good as you, and I am not as famous as you now, Lu Chunyang can fall in love with you, how can he fall in love with me, so I can only If you have a crush on him, don't tell him, it's really embarrassing!"

When she said this, Yang Mi thought that Dong Xuan and Lu Chunyang were not together, otherwise why would Dong Xuan say such a thing, which seemed a bit too humble.

But the fact is that what Dong Xuan said has nothing to do with Dong Xuan dating Lu Chunyang.

Who said that if you have a crush on someone, you can't have sex with him.

Dong Xuan's words made Yang Mi dizzy.

It is very difficult for Yang Mi to judge now whether Dong Xuan and Lu Chunyang are related.

Yang Mi suddenly thought of something that she and Lu Chunyang had been insisting on before, and she couldn't help asking Dong Xuan, has Lu Chunyang ever been to your room?"

When she asked such a sudden question, Dong Xuan didn't think at all, and replied directly: "No, he never came to my room."

Originally, Dong Xuan wanted to say that I was the one who went to his room every time, but she was more clever, and immediately swallowed this sentence in her stomach, and did not say it.

Because Yang Mi asked the question suddenly, and seeing Dong Xuan say it without thinking, it seems that Lu Chunyang has never been to Dong Xuan's room.

According to her judgment of Dong Xuan, she felt that Dong Xuan was a very dignified and reserved woman, so she probably would not take the initiative to find Lu Chunyang.

But she ignored Lu Chunyang's charm, and underestimated Dong Xuan's loneliness and coldness after experiencing such a boyfriend.

So she misjudged.

Dong Xuan didn't want Yang Mi to focus on this, so she took out her mobile phone, clicked on the stock trading software, and said to Yang Mi: "The market will open soon, let's take a look at the stock that Lu Chunyang gave us to operate. How about that stock now?"

After they opened it, they saw that the stock had reached its daily limit.

The two of them looked at each other and smiled.

This means that the two of them can earn millions more today, which is really easy.

But soon, they discovered that this stock suddenly hit the lower limit from Zhang Ting, and suddenly 22% disappeared!

No, the 44% are missing because they are double leveraged!

There are tens of millions of them gone!

The stock market came a little too fiercely, and both of them were dumbfounded.

They immediately went to Lu Chunyang: "The stock lost money, and it went from the daily limit to the lower limit all of a sudden. What's the matter, will it go down again?"

Lu Chunyang said with a faint smile: "Don't worry, I'll sell them all the moment the daily limit is opened!"

His stock trading skills have been raised to the top level, and he has a very good intuitive sense of the market.

The so-called market sense refers to the feeling that is realized when watching the market and analyzing K-line and other technical indicators in financial investment.

It is especially commonly used in stock investment. When you have reached this level, it is the saying in martial arts novels that "there is no trick to win, there is a trick". No matter in a bull market or a bear market, as long as the price can fluctuate, investors who have reached the level of market sense will be able to make money without a trace.

In the first stage, we must find a sense of the market through a lot of reading.

What is market sense? When the market is about to change, you already have a strong feeling or the market has experienced a stage of development and you have a strong expectation that it will continue to develop. The next stage is the market

For beginners, the sense of the plate is something that cannot be explained, but the accuracy rate is very high, and it will make traders feel very comfortable.

At this stage, traders should put an end to actual combat, and personally feel that they should even put an end to looking at the actual offer, and use the historical market to exercise completely.

In the second stage, look for trading signals. There must be clues before the market changes.

Some people say why the price suddenly changes quickly and there is no time to react. This kind of thing does not exist in the eyes of experts, because before any price changes, there must be some unusual performance on the market. These are operating signals, but the signal The formation time and form are different. Even if a very successful trader continues to train every day, there will still be signals that he cannot respond to, let alone a trader who does not train at all and only knows how to operate every day. If a trader can calm down and train without watching the market every day, he can concentrate on studying for more than four or five hours a day on average, and within a month, his own signal can be formed. At this stage, traders should also put an end to actual combat.

The third stage is to distinguish between true and false signals. Different people have different opinions on this ability. It is not accidental that some people can distinguish between true and false signals. It requires hard work that ordinary people cannot understand. This is the stage of studying indicators. The most feeling [It is necessary to adjust the indicator parameters to an optimal value through power training.

To put it bluntly, many people have their own parameters, but why can't they distinguish false signals? The answer is very simple, only knowing how to catch signals can't be used in actual combat.

The fourth stage is to establish a transaction model. If you can find a signal, it can only prove that you have used a little heart, but if you want to prepare for actual combat, you must establish a trading model.

This model includes opening points, stop loss points and take profit points.

How to establish? There is only one answer, be familiar with the varieties you operate. How to get familiar? Or training.

He judged intuitively based on his market sense that the stock must have not opened the daily limit after a while, and it may even fall sharply.

Because in the past week, the daily limit has been pulled one after another, and a large amount of profit has been accumulated, and some of them will be shipped today.

Therefore, Lu Chunyang put down his work at that time, and immediately sold his own shares at the daily limit...

After selling out, because he himself has a very large amount of funds, when he sold, he quickly opened the daily limit, and hit the lower limit all at once.

For many people who went in at the daily limit, they lost 22% that day.

If they were double leveraged they lost 44%!

Lu Chunyang totally escaped this!

Yang Mi and Dong Xuan were very worried just now.

Now that they saw Lu Chunyang's transaction records, they looked at each other with shock and surprise in their eyes.

They really met the stock gods, and they were so accurate about short-term operations!

Yang Mi asked: "What are you going to do next?"

Lu Chunyang said with a faint smile: "I'm going to operate the band."

Yang Mi really didn't understand at the time, so she asked, "What is band operation?"

Lu Chunyang said with a smile: "Look at this curve, there are peaks and valleys, we sell at this peak, and copy at the bottom.

It's like taking an elevator, I

We only enjoy the profits of the rising period, and we try to avoid the losses of the falling period.

Seeing that Yang Mi was still a bit ignorant, he roughly explained to her in detail what band operation is.

"Swing operation refers to the investment method in which people who invest in stocks sell stocks when prices are high and buy stocks when prices are low.

Band operation is an effective operation method for the current domestic stock market which is characterized by band operation.

Although band operation is not the way to make the most money, it is always a way with a relatively high success rate.

This flexible operation method can also effectively avoid market risks, preserve financial strength and cultivate market awareness.

Band operation is more important than finding dark horses. There are main peaks and main valleys in the market every year, and the peak is an opportunity to pay attention to;

Many individual stocks have a certain wave band. We carefully study and judge some individual stocks, and then determine the value area of ​​individual stocks.

After it is far above the value area, the market will experience the pressure of a callback, and it will come out again at this time;

When the stock price enters the undervalued area, buy at a low level, hold it patiently, and wait for opportunities, which will generally result in greater returns.

Only select stocks with an upward trend and an upward channel within a certain period of time for operations.

The beginning of the rising trend is the best time to open a position, followed by the mid-term, a small pullback will increase the position, a large pullback will reduce the position, and keeping a certain bottom position will allow you to have more


Swing stocks are highly synchronized with the broader market, and it is best to stop swing operations when the main and secondary trends of the market are both down.

If there are promising medium and long-term stocks, you can enter the market with a light position or keep a bottom position, and wait for the opportunity to increase your position.

Only choose stocks that are about to leave the bottom or have just left the bottom for operations. It is not recommended to choose stocks that have risen for one or several rounds of higher positions. 27

Yang Mi is still relatively smart.

Her family's genetics are particularly good, and many of her relatives were admitted to Tsinghua University and even Harvard, so her IQ is relatively high, and her comprehension ability is relatively strong.

Of course she can't keep up with Dong Xuan now. 0.2

Because of Dong Xuan's date with Lu Chunyang, Dong Xuan's attribute has been improved,

It made her intelligence, memory and comprehension also significantly enhanced, surpassing the average woman, and also surpassing Yang Mi.

So Dong Xuan quickly understood what stock trading was all about, but Dong Xuan still didn't dare to do it by himself or leave it to Lu Chunyang.

Because she doesn't have the precise sense of the plate as Lu Chunyang.

Lu Chunyang said: "It is estimated that there will be another two days of sharp decline. I will go in on the third day, and then it will continue to rise. It will definitely rise to 100 before giving up."

It’s just that the monster stocks with relatively strong growth like stocks are usually very fierce when they fall, and they will always fluctuate several times repeatedly. After the shocks of some retail investors who lack confidence

Only then will a period of ups and downs begin.

Usually the last wave is very fierce, and there will be many daily limits in a row, which will be so high that ordinary retail investors dare not follow up.

Yang Mi is now even more sure of Lu Chunyang's stock trading ability, and she can definitely make a fortune and fly with herself.

If such a man becomes my boyfriend, it is a standard boyfriend of the God of Wealth or the boyfriend of a rich man, then I don't have to worry about money at all when I film in the future.

With such a strong ability to make money, he can also use capital to defeat Zengjia Zhao Ruoyao.

But even this kind of man has very obvious flaws. Why does he have to step on several boats? Why does he have such a relationship with his best friend Qin Lan?

But Yang Mi doubted her own judgment at this time. Could it be that she was a little too sensitive? Lu Chunyang fell asleep in her room last night and slept soundly, so

He doesn't have any dark circles at all and looks very energetic.

Otherwise, how could he be in such a good spirit the next day if he fooled around with Qin Lan in Qin Lan's room all night!

When Yang Mi thought about it, she wondered if she had wrongly blamed Chun Yang, or if she was too sensitive. .

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