White Yujing in the sky, five cities on the twelfth floor.

This is the theme of a set of photo blockbusters designed and shot by Bai Xingjian for Liu Yifei Zheng'er.

is also the biggest action he did in the crew of "Dragon Babu".

Most of the crew's manpower was transferred by him.


crew's field affairs, props, and lighting are all on the battlefield...... Even this film and television city, which was built with a huge amount of money, was used to the extreme by Bai Xingjian.

Originally, Zhang Jizhong wanted to ask several directors of the crew to help Bai Xingjian.

is not to dictate to his shooting, but to help him dispatch the crew.


command and dispatch of so many people is not an easy task.

But right..... Bai Xingjian is still okay.

It doesn't matter how many people there are, is he doing photography?

As long as it is, it belongs to the photography skill.

Then he is at full level.

Outrageous, but grasping.

After filming as a whole, Bai Xingjian is like a veteran director who has controlled the crew for many years, and he plays the whole crew like an arm.

This is also a shoot in which he makes the most of foreign objects and the environment.

To put it bluntly, Liu Yifei only needs to show a face...... The rest, all stacked under various conditions.

Whatever he wants, he has all the light, shadow, and environmental factors he needs...

One thing to say, this shooting method is very enjoyable, but it is also extremely costly.

It is precisely because of the crew of "Dragon Babu" that Bai Xingjian can be so prodigal.

Similarly, with such a large shooting cost, the final film is naturally not ordinary.

Bai Xingjian is playing this time in order to find another way, he just wants to amplify an element to the extreme.


A good film is made by nature, and a clever hand can get it.

However, there are times when people can create landscapes that are particularly moving.

Just like many award-winning photographs are eventually revealed to be posing.

After all, the biggest advantage of posing is that you can control the variables.


"This picture...... No matter how you look at it, it's a little dragon girl...."

Zhang Jizhong frowned, looking at the girl catching the moon in the photo, her eyes full of fairy spirit..... His brow furrowed slightly.

In fact, the role of Wang Yuyan should be more bookish.

However, even if the temperament does not match, Zhang Jizhong really can't find fault.

He himself knows that Xiaolongnu and Wang Yuyan ..... In fact, there is no need to distinguish so clearly.

He has already contacted the cooperative magazine, and before and during the broadcast of "Tianlong Babu" next year, the magazine will use so many sets of photos taken by Bai Xingjian as the core to publish a series of Tianlong-themed magazines.

Similarly, these photos can be featured on various TV shows, posters, and even outdoor billboards .....

There was no way, Zhang Jizhong could only pinch his nose and recognize it.

Such a high-quality photo is absolutely eye-catching, and he wants to give himself two slaps if he doesn't use it to promote himself.

As for how much money to pay Bai Xingjian...... It's okay, he's already sent the photos to the investors and give them a headache.

As long as it's a little normal aesthetic, you have to pinch your nose like him in the end and pay the money.

As for how much..... Not more, not much, just pay more for a first-line star~


"Eighty percent~" Bai Xingjian looked at the progress of Liu Yifei's treasure chest, and had words.

Sure enough, the results of making such a big move are still very remarkable.

The progress bar flew up.

However, he himself understands that the progress behind me may not be solved by this kind of "physical opening".

"Wow! you took such a nice picture of me....... Do I really look like this?!".

Looking at his freshly baked blockbuster, Liu Yifei couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

That's really the more I look at it, the more I like it.

No one has ever been able to photograph her like this...... not eating the fireworks of the world

"I'm a big country, isn't it normal to have a few fairies?" Bai Xingjian said very casually.

He said this casually, but it made Liu Yifei feel overjoyed.

He said I was a fairy!

He must like me!

Biting his lip, Liu Yifei suddenly proposed, "Brother Xiaobai, let's go to that driftstone beach again." "

"Huh, what are you going to do?".

"People want to see how Ta Huang is doing. "

"It's dead. "Bai Xingjian is still very good at spoiling the atmosphere.

Liu Yifei was angry and wanted to beat him.

It's such a meaningful place..... That's where the two of them first held hands!

"I don't care, I'm going!" The girl pouted, deliberately bulging her face into a small bun, and began to maliciously sell cuteness.

It's quite.... It's quite a contrast.

The fairy girl and Yaochi Moon Rabbit when I took photos before, this will be puffed out with my face and my eyes wide open to sell cuteness to you~

All at once it fell from the sky.

There is less fairy energy, but it wants to be close.

"No, no, no, it's far away. In the face of such a lovely girl, Bai Xingjian was still unwavering.

You say I'll go, isn't that licking a dog?

"Then I'll go myself~".

Obviously, there is no return ticket for the girl's escape.

A girl of this age wants to do something, and that's really like a stubborn donkey.

Youth is always an unsolvable proposition.

But in the same way, this kind of warm emotion can also bring different scenery and inspiration.


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