Is Bai Xingjian the kind of scumbag who cheats?

Well..... Of course not.

He doesn't lie to the cannon.

Even when he sleeps with girls, he often rarely takes the initiative himself.

It's all the atmosphere that has arrived, and the girl can't help it...

He is still immersed in the joy of photography, and the girl comes directly to pounce on him, what can he do?

You can't just hold up your camera and ask the girl to wait..... Who are you waiting for, are you waiting for your husband?

I really waited for it in my last life.

The moment he hid in the cupboard, he knew that someone more qualified than himself to take pictures and love her was back.

The moment he was dragged out of the closet, he knew that loving someone couldn't be hidden at all.

When he was asked why he was in the closet, he knew that loving someone was inexplicable.....

When he was beaten, he knew that it hurt so much to love someone~

"Do you know what it's like to love someone?"


When he heard Bai Xingjian's words, Tang Yan directly entered the red temperature state.

This is.... Confession?

And looking at Tang Yan, whose face was flushed, Bai Xingjian Jue showed a puzzled look, "Tangtang, what's wrong with you?"

"I.... I'm fine.... You, you go on...."

"Ahh "

Tang Yan: ......

Her aunt is gone, and you tell her this?

And Bai Xingjian's explanation of the word scumbag can be regarded as an eye-opener for her.

Is that okay?

She suddenly fell into a state of puffing up, but unfortunately, even so, only her face was bulging.

Other places that want it to drum are not something that can be done by being angry, it depends on talent.

Still a familiar hotel, familiar rooms.

Even the sheets are so familiar.

"Revisiting the old place" is quite embarrassing for Tang Yan.

It made a mess in the room last time...... I don't know if it's because people are too excited or too excited, anyway...... The amount is huge.

Otherwise, it can't be as "scary" as the scene.

If you are a little more ruthless, you may have to make a murder scene.

But this time, it's much faster to get into the photo state.

Tang Yan naturally went to the bathroom to change his clothes...... The ones that Bai Xingjian bought for her last time, several of them have not been opened, and they are still brand new.

In fact, for Tang Yan himself, taking this kind of photo is not completely worrying.

But again, the degree of her worry actually depends on Bai Xingjian.

If it was when she first met Bai Xingjian, she estimated that no matter how interesting she was to him, 560 would not let it go like this......

There will still be a minimum of vigilance.

The kind of news that men and women took some intimate photos during their relationship and were exposed after the breakup is not new in this year.

But with Bai Xingjian's actions during this time...... It made Tang Yan have a feeling: he will not be that kind of person.

There is always a "cost of crime" in it.

The more successful people are, and the more famous people are, the more they will think about something when they do something.

Those photographers who hit the street took intimate photos of other girls, and even if they sent them out, it had no effect on him.

At most, he was held down by the police uncle and sent to prison for a few days.

But if something like this happens to a big name in the photography industry, it will ruin the career.

It's your own job that is smashed.

Who will ask you to take pictures in the future?

The more successful the photographer, the less likely he is to engage in these things.

And is Bai Xingjian a success now?

In Tang Yan's opinion, he is too successful!

Therefore, Tang Yan naturally didn't worry that these photos taken by Bai Xingjian for her would be leaked.

At least, he won't leak it out on his own initiative.

Of course, although Tang Yan's idea is very convincing in Bai Xingjian, when his request begins to be further "perverted", it is still a little unbearable.

"Dabai, this razor...... I won't use it....."

What's the matter, this thing won't work?

Bai Xingjian looked puzzled, "Hey, don't you girls all want to take off your hair?" I see that your armpits are quite clean......

"You can go to the beauty salon..... I haven't tried it myself. Tang Yan bowed his head and said.

I haven't tried it myself, but it's okay.

Bai Xingjian: This is a little difficult.

How to say, girls in summer and girls in winter are two different types.

In the summer, they don't wear much, so they pay attention to all aspects, and they basically have to clean up any excess hair or something every day.

I can't wait to get rid of the hairs on my arms, and I'm bound to turn myself into a shelled egg.

But, in winter, even if it's a girl who wants demeanor and no temperature, at most she wears boots and stockings or something.

At this time, how many of them do you think they will still worry about hair removal?

Raise your arms and look at yourself, friends, what you are, so are the girls.

Having said that, last time Bai Xingjian told Tang Yan that he was back in advance.

The girl may have gone to the beauty salon in advance..... So Bai Xingjian didn't see a single scum that time.

But this time, when I took the photo, I changed my clothes and raised my hands......

Tang Yan himself realized this first, and was so frightened that he directly clamped his arm, saying that he didn't dare to raise anything.

Fortunately, Bai Xingjian was more considerate and went directly to buy her a hair removal cream and a razor.

And she said it wouldn't work?

"Uh..... If you don't mind, I can help you. Bai Xingjian said after thinking about it.

This kind of thing, in fact, the girl really can't accept it.

Sometimes, couples can't accept this.....

It's not that the relationship is not close enough, even if it is negative distance contact, this kind of thing of holding a blade and scratching the skin...... Many people have an instinctive fear.

For example, when a guy goes to the barber shop to cut his hair, the barber pulls out that extremely sharp knife and casually cuts it across your chin and neck....... Normal people will feel nervous.

If you are the kind of person who was naughty when you were a child, and reached out to touch the barber's knife, and then easily cut a hole in your finger, the fear in your heart is even worse.

So..... Bai Xingjian really didn't think that Tang Yan would not mind him coming to help with this.

Anyway, if it is his own, even if he has not used it, he must start it himself, rather than let others do it for him.

Fortunately, after Tang Yan hesitated for a moment, he finally nodded.

"That.... Then you should be lighter~"

"Don't worry, I'll be very careful, if you hurt, just tell me. "

"Will it bleed.....?"

"Uh, this shouldn't be, did you get blood before?"

"I don't know, I'll just lie there and let the family ....."

Bai Xingjian always felt that there seemed to be something wrong with this conversation.

Why don't you just shave your armpit hair, why does it sound so astringent?

Something is wrong with her!

After the hair removal cream has softened the hair sufficiently, the shaver makes a slight "prickling" sound when it comes into contact with the skin.

Tang Yan felt goosebumps on his body for a moment.

But.... She was afraid that she would move around and accidentally scratch herself.

I had to endure the discomfort......

Of course, there's more to it than just the strange feeling of a razor.

The tingling and itching feeling of Bai Xingjian's fingers pressing on her arm also made Tang Yan feel uncomfortable.

Even my heart seems to itch.

Her face heated up again..... Biting his lip and closing his eyes tightly.

Thorn ~ stab ~ Bai Xingjian didn't let Tang Yan be "tortured" for too long, and his movements were still very sharp.

This kind of work is rarely done, but it is not completely inexperienced.

After all~ After working as a photographer for a long time in the previous life, all kinds of guests will be encountered.

Some big sisters just step on horses and like to let people do these things for her......

Of course, it feels different to do this to different people.

For example, Tang Yan in front of him~

Bai Xingjian got these for her, so she didn't hate it very much, and even thought her expression was quite cute.

So, after scraping it clean, Bai Xingjian raised a little bit of a desire to tease her, and gently scratched it with her fingers~


Tang Yan, who was stimulated by this, almost jumped three feet high, and after understanding what was happening, he looked at Bai Xingjian with a complaining face.

"Are you afraid of itching?"

"Yes~ You're so annoying....."

"Ahem, sorry, sorry, slippery, I really couldn't hold back. "

Tang Yan ignored him and lowered his head to check Bai Xingjian's work results.

Well, it's so clean! there's not a trace of slag left.

Originally, it had been a few days, and there were some horns to the touch, but now she is a shelled egg again~

However, at this time, Bai Xing (ajfe) Jane said faintly, "Sugar candy~ You have to pay attention to personal hygiene." "


"There's a little bit of sourness. "

"How is that possible!"

Tang Yan's eyes widened, his face was flushed, and at the same time, he looked at Bai Xingjian in disbelief.

At this point, the thief wanted to raise his arm and smell it.... But I feel that it is too unsightly for me to do this action. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And if she does, doesn't it mean that she has a weak heart!

But..... But if it really tastes .... What should I do?

She really didn't change her clothes yesterday..... How can anyone change their clothes every day!

But it doesn't taste like it lasts a day, does it?

She's not the kind of person who sweats easily![]

"Really, I kid you not. "


"You don't believe you smell it yourself~"

When Bai Xingjian said this, he was already ready to make this joke so far.

Don't accidentally make the girl cry, it won't end well.

As a result, Tang Yan couldn't help it.....



"I'll just say it doesn't taste!"

"Hey, yes~"

"Come and smell it again!"

"Huh?!That's not good....."

"I really don't, you don't believe you're here to smell it!"

"It's not..... Actually, I don't need to, I must have just made a mistake. "

Bai Xingjian shook his hand again and again, thinking that it was time to start taking pictures.

However, Tang Yan's strength has obviously been fully stimulated.

At this time, there is no soft girl character in the original normal state, but she is tough like a mature royal sister.

You have to smell it, you have to smell it, you have to smell it!

Bai Xingjian: ......

Forget it, or else, he just means something?

After more than ten seconds, Tang Yan forced his eyes, "Does it smell?"

"Nope. "

"Really.... Really not?"


At this time, she opened her eyes and looked at Bai Xingjian, who was close at hand, gasping for breath and frowning slightly....

Something is wrong, something is very wrong.

A few seconds later, Tang Yan pressed tightly to Bai Xingjian's ear, "Did you smell it?"


"Great White...."


"Why don't you smell it again?"


"Is that okay?"


The curtains of the hotel are very shading.

So, even during the day, when the curtains are drawn, if the lights are not turned on in the room, it is actually no different from the night.

Nights and days can really bring people a completely different mentality, as well as a sense of security.

In the room, when the atmosphere is getting hotter and hotter, the follow-up.... It's like pushing a boat down the river.

Today, Bai Xingjian still couldn't finish taking the rest of the photos for Tang Yan.....

It's not that he doesn't want to shoot, but he really can't do it.

"Dabai, it seems to be dark outside. "

"Huh, huh?"

Bai Xingjian didn't know how Tang Yan could tell the difference between day and night.

Anyway, he himself couldn't tell the difference.

I don't even remember how long it has been.

Of course, in fact, Tang Yan, who was lying on top of him, just felt that it was dark, and she even felt that she had already slept for a while.....

It's daytime before going to bed, so isn't it night?

"Why don't you go and have a look?"

"Yes, but you'll have to get up from me first. "

Hearing this, Tang Yan was a little embarrassed and wanted to get up.

But after more than ten seconds, "No.... I don't have the strength, forget it. "

"You wait a minute, I'll look at the time on my phone. "

Although Bai Xingjian was "sealed" at this moment, he still had an arm that could move freely.

Trying to reach for my phone and glancing at the time.


It's really late, it's past nine o'clock.

Wasn't it only four o'clock when the two of them came?

Tossed for so long?

"Did you ask your roommate to take a leave of absence for you?

Hearing this, Tang Yan raised his head slightly, "No... Forget it, I'm too lazy to say it, I'm tired. "

"Why don't you sleep for a while?"

"I think I've been asleep for a while..."

Bai Xingjian was silent, he couldn't tell Tang Yan that she was not asleep, but temporarily unconscious~

To put it simply, it's a roll of your eyes.

"Dabai, I'm hungry. "

"Then get up, and I'll buy you food." "

"I can't get up, I won't eat. "

After a while.

"I'm so thirsty. "

"I'm going to get you water?"

"Oh, it's annoying, people just can't get up~"

Bai Xingjian: .....

He understood, this chick is lying coquettish with him.

Where can't I get up, I just want to lean on him and hum.

Fortunately, Tang Yan was really hungry and thirsty, and after humming for a while, she still couldn't stand it first, and got up with a little difficulty and let go of Bai Xingjian.

After getting some water for her to drink, Bai Xingjian turned on her mobile phone and began to order takeout.

Of course, there is no takeaway app these days, but the last time he stayed in this hotel for a few days, he saved the contact information of some restaurant owners around.

It wasn't until more than ten o'clock in the evening that Bai Xingjian and Tang Yan were fully fed and drunk.

Well.... Maybe he was the only one who was full.

Even in this state, Tang Yan was quite restrained when he ate or something.

It is estimated that he is half full, so he looks at Bai Xingjian pitifully and eats.

persuaded her to eat more, and she also said that the physical teacher would scold her if she knew it, which was too well-behaved.

"Big white, the sheets and... It's dirty again, do you have to lose money to other people's hotels again?"

"That's right. "

"Then you lost the money, can I take this sheet with me?"

"Okay. "

It's normal to keep a souvenir, right?

It's just that Bai Xingjian looked at the stained sheets, looked at Tang Yan again, and a thought burst out of his mind.

"Sugar Candy, you have the strength now, don't you?"

"Uh-huh. "

"That.... I'll go ahead and take pictures of you. "


Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!Ask for rewards!Ask for monthly tickets!Ask for reminder tickets!Ask for customization!

The second five thousand words.

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