107: If Shen Fei is young and does not feel inferior, there must be a lot of objects!
The influence of this talk show in the circle is obvious to all.
Shen Fei’s topic has soared recently, and it is reasonable to be invited.
At 8:30 p.m. the next day, countless netizens heard the wind and were in front of the TV on time.
In the TV studio, hundreds of spectators came in one after another.
The big screen also began to broadcast Shen Fei’s highlight moments found by the program team.
Starting from the stage of “Sound of Dreams”, classic songs such as “Tomorrow Will Be Better”, “Expansion”, “The Love of a Lifetime”, and “Love Must Have” appeared one after another.
The program team deliberately avoided lightning, and those songs that made people’s mentality were released in the form of text.
After the video was over, Lu Yu, who was wearing a green cheongsam, also appeared in the center of the stage.
“Reading chicken soup for the soul, comprehending a happy life, watching all kinds of red and purple, thinking about the world, hello audience and friends, welcome to “Lu Yu You Yue”, this guest who is here today has only debuted for half a year, and he has created a world that makes people feel An unattainable musical myth!”
“Some people say that he is a musical genius, and he has the demeanor of everyone at the beginning. Others say that his music is grandstanding and can only laugh at him. Today, 18 days, we will tell his story, let us applaud and invite Shen Fei to play. !”
Under the expectant gaze of countless audiences at the scene and in front of the TV, Shen Fei, dressed in casual clothes, finally appeared on the stage.
“Come here, Shen Fei staggered towards us with a pack of explosives!”
“I seem to be more handsome than the photos on the Internet! Should he still be single?”
It was the first time I had a close encounter with Shen Fei, and a female audience member at the scene became a nympho.
“The good-looking skin is promiscuous, and the interesting soul is addicted to being single. When this song “Shaolin Kung Fu is Good” comes out, if you want to get rid of the single, it will not be so easy!”
“Indeed, to be his girlfriend, you must have the consciousness to risk your life!”
“I can’t blame him all. After being single for a long time, some people’s characters will be distorted.”
“No, he’s in such a good condition, there’s no reason why he can’t get off the single! ”
“Could it be because of some aspect that made him extremely inferior, that’s why… [dog head saves his life]”
“Yes, yes, I remember that a foreign emotional expert did such a study. People with low self-esteem often have psychological barriers. It shows that they are different from others. No matter how good they are, no matter how they are recognized by others, they always want to follow People keep a certain distance, which leads to people with low self-esteem who are often insecure about their feelings!”
“Tsk, I said, it turns out to be flawed. It’s a pity. If he is young and doesn’t feel inferior, there must be a lot of objects, right?”
“0.0! Are you serious?”
The audience discussion room.
Lu Yu had already invited people to the sofa with a smile, “Let’s say hello to everyone first.”
“Hello everyone, I’m Shen Fei. I’m very happy to be able to share my experience with you on this stage.”
The opening was quite satisfactory, and it had been rehearsed many times in advance, and Shen Fei was already familiar with it.
Lu Yu also quickly entered the state.
“There is still a lot of controversy about your fortune experience. People who like you praise you as a once-in-a-lifetime musical genius. Of course, there are also many people who don’t approve of your music, saying that they are spiritual poisons, and what’s more, Saying that you have sullied Chinese music, what do you want to say to them?”
“Um… a thousand readers have a thousand Hamlets, I can’t control the audience’s preferences, my music has no frame, and it is really difficult for those who are used to living within the rules and regulations. , but this is my musical attitude, I’m sorry to affect your aesthetics, but I won’t change it!”
Shen Fei replied seriously to the question raised by Lu Yu.
As soon as these words came out, there was thunderous applause from the scene.
If music has been within the established framework, it will never be able to progress.
Shen Fei’s appearance seemed to be to break this confinement.
Qiao Yiyi nodded repeatedly off the court.
After going through so much, Shen Fei has indeed matured a lot.
“Well said, excellent people are always mavericks, they are often not understood, they are often criticized, and only know when they have experienced pain. When I first listened to your “Swelling”, what I thought was , the world has left us with bruises all over our bodies, but the wounds grow out of wings!”
Without waiting for the audience to agree, Lu Yu changed his words and suddenly added: “But after hearing your song “Shaolin Kung Fu” not long ago, I suddenly found out that these words do not apply to all situations, and the wounds grow wings. Someone used it to fly, but I found that you seem to use it to make soup…”
Lu Yu still had that “like spring breeze” smile on his face.
Just the words he said made the audience hold their breath.
Others used their wings to fly, and Shen Fei used them to make soup! ?
So this is the true meaning of chicken soup for the soul?
I got it!
The audience in front of the screen called the expert.
After all, he is a well-known talk show host with a national reputation. This insight is really unique!
Joe Yiyi frowned.
I didn’t say this before during the rehearsal.
Not surprisingly, it should have been added temporarily by Lu Yu.
The purpose is clear at a glance, most of it is to cater to the voices who question Shen Fei on the Internet.
If it’s been negotiated in advance, it’s okay to make a harmless joke.
The problem program group never greeted them at all.
Not only want to use Shen Fei’s popularity to earn ratings for the show, but also want to step on Shen Fei to improve the reputation of the show.
How shameless.
After realizing Lu Yu’s intention, Qiao Yiyi’s face became a little ugly.
Shen Fei was not stupid, he quickly figured out the tricks.
However, he didn’t leave immediately.
Originally, I wanted to complete this interview honestly. Since you are playing such a small trick behind your back, you can only accompany you to the end.
“Sorry, just kidding, Shen Fei’s experience is still very inspirational. He was born in the grass roots and has come to the present step by step despite the controversy. In addition to a strong heart, what do you think is the most important factor for you to persevere along this path? ?”
Lu Yu called 317 haha, trying to uncover the page.
“Actually, there is no important factor. If I really want to say one, it may be the experience of a previous friend that affected me.”
Hearing this, Lu Yu instantly became interested.
“What kind of experience? Can you share it with everyone?”
“I remember when I was a freshman, a roommate was from the South. He said he had an ex-girlfriend, a sophomore sister. They had known each other since high school. In the university, his girlfriend was admitted, but my roommate failed. For this relationship, my roommate decided to repeat the study.
Lu Yu stared curiously: “And then, didn’t they go to the same university? Why did they become ex-girlfriends again?”
“Yes, I was admitted to the same university. On the day of the school year, my roommate happily went to the school to find her. His ex-girlfriend was also surprised when he saw her. At that time, he said: You have learned to live your life and try your best.! ”
Shen Fei’s words made Lu Yu frowned, not understanding what he meant.
The audience also had a black question mark face.
But soon.
As if thinking of something, the confusion in Lu Yu’s eyes faded away, and a morbid flush rose on her face, everyone could see that she was getting a little angry from embarrassment.

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