One Hundred and Twenty-Eight: The Stone Breaking! Of course, the living are calling for help!
Before Chen Xiaoyun had time to ask the specific reason, Shen Fei had already stepped onto the stage amid the audience’s expectations and applause.
Today he seems unusually quiet.
After changing his previous disguise, no one knew what he was thinking at the moment.
What’s the point of sticking to it if your style isn’t understood?
Shen Fei was a little confused for no reason.
It’s just that some questions are destined to have no answers.
Suddenly a spotlight came on.
The dazzling light made Shen Fei feel a little uncomfortable, and subconsciously closed his eyes.
In the next second, several piano sounds suddenly sounded in the studio.
Qiao Yiyi, who was watching all this at the player tunnel, frowned.
The melody of this song seems to be different from the one Shen Fei took out that day.
Before the girl could react, a melody that made the heart beat slower by half a beat suddenly exploded like thunder at the scene!
Because Xiaogang was eliminated, the depressing atmosphere was directly detonated.
The heartstrings of the audience were instantly tense.
Inexplicably heavy.
Just a prelude, Shang Wenjie felt a pressure that made her suffocate.
Chen Xiaoyun opened his mouth slightly, looking at the stage a little confused.
Hearing the melody flowing in his ears, a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.
The next second, Shen Fei’s singing echoed in the studio hall.
“If someone asks me, I will tell”
“But no one came”
“I’m looking forward to helplessness”
“There’s something to talk about, but it doesn’t get loaded”
“Hey, it’s a Cantonese song!”In the backstage lounge, the moment the singing started, Deng Ziqi’s eyes widened.
Li Jian also frowned, “This song…”
Before he could speak, Han Lei made a silent gesture to the two of them.
Eyes fixed on the screen.
The audience at the scene also looked at each other in dismay. Their understanding of Shen Fei’s Cantonese songs still stayed on the song “Love in a Lifetime”.
However, the melody of this song seems to be completely different from the previous one.
Shen Fei was just immersed in his own music world.
It seems to be talking to himself, his voice is soft, but it seems to be suppressing a huge amount of energy.
“My mood is like a bottle lid waiting to be opened”
“The mouth is growing moss”
“Crowds get quieter”
“More and more indifference”
“I’m going to make an accident”
“Suddenly like singing”
After an elongated falsetto, the listener just feels like they’re drowning.
Suddenly there was a palpitations deep into the bone marrow.
The quieter the crowd became, the more indifference it became, Xiaogang fell silent.
No one at the scene could feel this coldness better than him.
The extraordinary human nature that was cultivated in the low valley is also showing signs of collapse at this moment.
Those lay people who had collapsed one night also clenched their hands, and this song made them have the urge to shout!
Shen Fei lowered his eyelids and continued his inner monologue.
“Anywhere is like a four-sided table”
“Wear the most flashy shirt and dress with emotion”
“When someone comes to take pictures, remember to insert the pocket”
They will always see you at your best.
No one cares what’s going on.
Shen Fei’s voice suddenly increased a bit, his eyes were a little confused, as if he wanted to try his best to see through the fog in front of him to see what he insisted on!
Everyone’s hearts also twitched, and they knew that the climax was here!
“You think I’m exaggerated”
“Exaggerated because I’m scared”
“Like wood and stone”
“Did you get attention?”
With just one sentence, Han Lei in the backstage lounge abruptly stood up.
It was as if someone had hit him a few times in the chest with a heavy hammer.
The tight string in my heart is broken!
Li Jian and Deng Ziqi also had their mouths open, and there was nothing but horror in their eyes when they looked at the field!
too exaggerated!
You can feel the shock like being struck by lightning through the screen.
Xiaogang’s lips trembled slightly, and his vision became a little sloppy at this moment.
Ten years of silence and ten years of repression.
Introverts don’t get noticed and don’t learn how to get noticed.
The plain lyrics can make every ordinary person find a shadow of himself.
Qiao Yiyi stood there in a daze, thinking back to what Shen Fei just said for no reason.
What should a living person be called?
Of course help! Life! what!
The girl opened her mouth to call for help, but couldn’t make a sound.
Shen Fei seemed to be telling the audience a story that everyone could understand.
“I’m afraid of being forgotten”
“Let’s play it zoomed in”
“Very disturbed how to be elegant”
“Does the world still praise silence?”
“Not enough to explode”
“How can there be a topic for me to brag about?”
“To be a great entertainer”
This song stimulates the soul of the listener!
The camera is everywhere, a mess!
The audience who was stabbed in the soft underbelly was already weeping.
“Really, suffocate!!!”
“What kind of fairy can make music like this?”
“Actually, I’m afraid of being forgotten. Why did I suddenly become a crying fool…”
“Is this really the Shen Fei I know?”
Stunning is no longer enough to describe the audience’s understanding of Shen Fei at this moment.
They never thought that this newcomer in the music world, who has no burden on his body and is careless about everything, will burst out energy enough to detonate the entire Chinese entertainment circle on such a stage in a way that no one thought of!
No one knew what he was thinking at the moment.
“The eighteenth year, the alma mater dance”
“Stand like a minion”
“I was in tears then”
“Swear you must see me”
“Self-esteem has been sunk”
“Focus on curing hunger”
“If you haven’t got it, you know why”
“A lot of big moves, making these mistakes”
“I’m beating people to look at me, is it morbid?”
There was a sudden sigh in the backstage lounge.
A morbid flush appeared on Li Jian’s face at some point.
The corners of his mouth twitched, clearly his self-deprecation.
In addition to being amazed, there was a struggle in his eyes, and there seemed to be a trace of relief.
In the music world for so many years, he has never seen anyone who can sing a song so hoarsely!
“I thought that “The Love of My Life” was already the pinnacle of Cantonese songs, but I didn’t expect that, after all, I was too narrow-minded!”
Li Jian shook his head with a wry smile. The young man in front of him, who was worth two decades, had the courage to stare at this moment.No.
Han Lei and Deng Ziqi agreed.
The hysterical man in front of them made them feel a little strange.
“Why can someone use such simple lyrics to create such a burst of emotions!?”
The audience in the live broadcast room was also at a loss.
“This year, the eighteenth, standing at the gate of the school, standing like a minion, and my self-esteem has fallen… tears, really tears, isn’t it me who sings on a horse? What’s wrong with my friends holding hands? What is the express rule in school that you can’t hold hands with your brothers?”
“Some people laugh like sand sculptures when they cry! [cover face]”
“I’m really touched. I’m graduating from college soon, I swear, I’ll make them all look at me!!!”
“Have ambition, I thought the same way last year, but before graduation: Mercedes-Benz Big G is almost meaningless; after graduation: Meituan is better than Qingju…”
“People are working so hard on stage, do you have to add poison to chicken soup!”
The audience tried to cover up their inner fragility with laughter.
The louder the laugh, the crueler it is.
Shen Fei didn’t give them much time to breathe.
“You think I’m exaggerating”
“Exaggerated because I’m scared”
“If it’s like wood and stone, do you get noticed?”
“Actually, I’m afraid of being forgotten, so let’s zoom in and play.”
“Very disturbed how to be elegant”
“Does the world still praise silence, not enough to explode”
“Why is there a topic, let me praise, become a big entertainer”
“It’s over, what kind of monster is this?”
Looking at Shen Fei who was hysterical on the stage, Chen Xiaoyun’s expression suddenly struggled.
After a moment of effort, he sighed helplessly.
Today’s event was completely unexpected.
After the three seasons of the show, he also encountered many powerful singers with different styles.
But no one can make the audience so crazy like Shen Fei!
No one can sing a song so deeply into people’s hearts like him!
In Shang Wenjie’s eyes, Shen Fei is a lunatic immersed in his own music world.
Once upon a time, this was also a dream she had been pursuing.
Only now, she has drifted away from the line she insisted on.
Unwilling, jealous, envious, Shang Wenjie has mixed feelings.
Why did he have to go through so much to get what he has now, but Shen Fei was at the peak of his debut, why can he be blessed by God?
Jealousy is beyond recognition.
Shen Fei responded quickly.
“Not many lucky ones”
“If you haven’t been, you’ll know why”
“With ten times the painstaking efforts, make one stand out”
“Are normal people enough for me to be argumentative?”
The hysterical shouts instantly resounded throughout the studio hall.
The lights flickered wildly with his rhythm, and the explosive stage performance made the audience go crazy!
How can there be so many lucky people, ten times painstakingly only to be the most outstanding one, amazing at one time!
Can someone just see it?
Can you really see it!
The glasses on the bridge of Xiaogang’s nose had a layer of fog.
The body is also trembling.
The lights on the stage also flashed for him (good good), but now, he is the bleakest one in the corner.
Persistence really worth mentioning?
Can feelings also be called grandstanding?
Shen Fei wanted to ask this world, but with a puzzled heart, his soul-piercing cry resounded throughout the studio again!
“You call me flamboyant”
“Don’t be afraid to add a few boos”
“I’m bored when I’m there”
“Do you watch the show, is it hysterical enough?”
“Sprinkle the flowers with tears, I just want you to be surprised”
“Does it seem like I didn’t exist in the old days?”
“Increase the bet, and the blue veins also appear, if I know it exists now?”
“Look at me and stop looking at the smallpox”
Sing until the voice becomes hoarse!
Sing until the listeners’ minds begin to melt!
If it’s not for inner struggle, who wants to be really exaggerated?
“I can drink as much as you want without your cup of tea”
It’s like being strangled by the throat.
The feeling of suffocation made everyone open their mouths.
He wanted to shout with Shen Fei, but he couldn’t make a sound.
The studio, which was obviously noisy, was so quiet at the moment that there were only frenzied accompaniment and slightly hideous singing.
A high-pitched sound that seemed to break the shackles and hit the heavenly spirits filled the audience!
confused! Depressed! Unwilling! resentful! All emotions turned into this last cry.
“Don’t forget that someone is there, I’ll make a noise for you!! Ah!!! Ah!”
The emotions that had been suppressed throughout the game were released at this moment.

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