138: Too Poor Insurance sent a congratulatory message, Shen Fei wants to hold a variety show by himself! ?
Hearing the system prompt, Shen Fei was stunned for a moment.
After a brief glance at the program format of “The King of Blind Singers”, I found that it was similar to a music challenge reality show in the previous life.
Combine music with suspense.
Without the blessing of popularity, the idol singer faded away, and everyone was on the same starting line.
Not rely on appearance, alsoDon’t tell sensational stories.
Once the show is launched, the attention it receives will definitely be comparable to that of “Singer”!
Unexpectedly, there was such an unexpected surprise, and the smile on Shen Fei’s face became a little sincere.
This battle, the focus of the entire network’s attention, has come to an end.
Although Shen Fei was eliminated, the show had to continue.
The media aimed the long guns and short shots at Han Lei and Li Jian.
Shen Fei successfully faded out of everyone’s sight.
After the live broadcast, it was rare for him to be generous, and he invited Lao Xue and Peng Peng Zifeng to go to the nearest five-star restaurant for a feast.
Old Xue felt somewhat a pity for Shen Fei’s performance in the semifinals.
However, it was also vaguely known from the conversation with Ruan Qing that the result of this game was controlled by the program team.
Lao Xue is no stranger to these unspoken rules in the circle.
Shen Fei has no background, let’s not say whether he can climb over the mountain of Han Lei, even if he really won the championship, offending the toilet seat for a championship title is not worth the loss.
This state of affairs could not be better for both parties.
Compared with Lao Xue, Peng Peng thought much simpler.
“Hey, brother Fei, I don’t think I can grasp the essence of this song. How can I sing it so arrogantly? If I sing this song to the girl I like, can I make her look at me differently?”
Before Shen Fei could speak, Zi Feng couldn’t help rolling his eyes.
“Don’t go to harm people girls, use this song to chase girls, what do you think?”
Hearing this, Peng Peng was unhappy, “Then how do you want to chase?”
Zifeng felt that he had to teach him a lesson.
“Routines are too low-level. Let me ask you, what do girls want most from a man?”
Yixing continued: “I know, feel safe!”
“Look at Ren Yixing! Then I’ll ask you again, how can I make girls feel safe?”
This stumped a few people.
After thinking for a while, Yixing tentatively asked, “A steady work and a stable life?”
Zifeng shook his head, “Too general, nothing new!”
Yixing frowned, and said again: “That is to strengthen the body and improve self-cultivation”?”
“On the surface, not deep enough.”
“I know, rich!”
Seeing that Peng Peng started to grin and grin, Zifeng suddenly felt a little tired.
“It’s not her money, and you have to use your brain. Too rich a man will make girls feel insecure. You guys should understand such a simple truth!”
Unable to understand, Peng Peng and Yixing could only cast their eyes on Shen Fei for help.
Seeing that the two of them were stumped, Shen Fei had a confident look on his chest.
Ruan Qing and Yiyi were also curious about what answer he would give.
“Oh? Then tell me.”
“What a big deal, isn’t it just insecure, buy her more insurance!”
Fog grass?
God buys insurance.
After Shen Fei’s voice fell, it was like cephalosporin paired with wine, and everyone felt a little overwhelmed.
Lao Xue’s eyes widened. Is this how you, meow, preached and received karma to solve puzzles?
Misunderstanding children also have to have a bottom line to cut.
Huang Xiaochu smiled and shook his head. It is estimated that only this kind of mentality can write so many songs against the sky.
Ruan Qing seemed to be thinking of something, and she was stupid, “So some time ago you bought Yiyi’s thin insurance, too poor insurance, just to make her feel safe!?”
Hearing this, Qiao Yiyi was also stunned.
“Yes, otherwise what do you think?”
Shen Fei spread his hands, for such an obvious purpose, he thought Ruan Qing and Yiyi should have understood.
Ruan Qing opened her mouth wide, she had never been so speechless in her life.
If the insurance company doesn’t ask you to endorse, it’s a loss they can’t make up for in their lifetime.
Everyone looked at each other in dismay.
After being stunned for a while, Qiao Yiyi couldn’t help but laughed out loud.
Peng Peng and Yi Xing looked at each other, and seeing the light flashing in their eyes, Huang Xiaochu understood that they had failed again!
The atmosphere at the dinner table was rather relaxed.
Although this focus game is over, the impact is still spreading.
Because of the performance of the four players, the Internet has already fallen out.
Entries related to “Singer” frequently appear in hot searches.
Although Shen Fei was eliminated, he still occupies the C position in this heated discussion.
“The sudden show flashed my waist. Brother Shente is just a legend. How much I look forward to it, how much I hope you know!”
“I didn’t expect this century pk to end so hastily…”
“It’s a pity, who would have thought that Shen Fei would sing this song on such an important stage.”
“This song is not bad. How can you expect Shen Fei to have the level of “Exaggerated” in every song, so I can’t stand those clowns who gloat over misfortunes and only tell lies and brazenly say that Jiang Lang’s talents are exhausted. Shen Fei no longer needs to tell those What did the black fans prove!”
“As a pure passer-by, I also stand for Shen Fei this time, don’t forget, he is just a rookie who has only debuted for half a year. When he meets a national team member like Mr. Han Lei, his current performance is already very impressive.People were surprised. ”
“That’s right, but this song is too cheap! [Laughing and crying]”
“To be honest, I have rheumatism and can’t listen to such trendy songs. It is foreseeable that there will be a wave of national legends soon. [cover face]”
Although the outside world’s evaluation of this semi-final is not bad.
But the popularity is far less than that of the song “Exaggerated”.
The audience apparently did not realize the seriousness of the problem.
Some media even described the semi-final as anticlimactic.
This song “Brother is Just a Legend” has also become the object of audiences’ scoffing.
They don’t care if your song resonates or not.
To put it nicely, it’s called the occasion. In layman’s terms, isn’t that just bullshitting.
Tucao returns to Tucao, and the words are much milder than before.
After all, the melody is catchy, and although the lyrics are a little lacking, they can stand up to scrutiny.
Although the splash brought by the Internet is not very big.
However, the repercussions in the circle were not small.
Another sleepless night for countless people.
In the following days, the public opinion on the Internet was inclined to the finals of “Singer”.
In just one night, Shen Fei’s hot search index dropped a lot.
However, this “Brother is just a legend” has gradually replaced the previous square dance music, and the psychological endurance of netizens has ushered in a new round of more severe challenges!
After resting for two days, Shen Fei also regained his energy and got up early.
Just glanced at the push message on the phone and rolled over and got out of bed.
The result was similar to what he expected, and he could be considered to have retreated from the storm of public opinion.
After a simple breakfast, Shen Fei came to the company to find Ruan Qing and Qiao Yiyi.
He still has an important matter to discuss with the two of them.
“.” Looking for investment? Looking for investment? Is there a problem with Shaolin’s funds? Or what is the state of Xingye (good Li’s)? ”
Seeing Shen Fei’s arrival, he asked the company if there were any channels to get some investment, Ruan Qing was confused.
“It’s not a movie. I have an idea. I want to make a sound ensemble. I have already thought about the specific process. Now there is a lack of start-up capital.”
“Yinju? You want to make a variety show by yourself!?”
Realizing that he heard correctly, Ruan Qing was dumbfounded.
Yiyi was also a little surprised.
“Shen Fei, why did you suddenly want to do a variety show by yourself? Is it because of “Singer”…”
“It has nothing to do with the singer. It’s just that I took a break for the past two days. Suddenly I had this idea. I thought it was feasible, so I wanted to try it.”
“Come on, I said that you are a singer who doesn’t sing well, why do you have so many unrealistic ideas in your mind? Forget the movie, anyway, there is a star to help support the facade, you know how saturated the music variety shows in the market are now. Well? Even old-fashioned music dramas like “Singer” have to use the relatively extreme form of live broadcast because of the involution.”
“You tell me now that you want to do a music variety show by yourself…”
Ruan Qing was no longer able to complain.

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