161: Palace Master? Hualiu music star in the post-traffic era!
Half past seven in the evening.
Qiu Mingkai is doing the final debugging work in the background.
The online live broadcast channel was also officially opened to the public, and countless netizens flocked to it.
In ten minutes, more than 50 million people were online simultaneously.
The appeal of the main station, coupled with the explosive stage performance of “Panda”, made “Blind Voice” aThe popular music reality show.
Although he was mentally prepared, the enthusiasm of the audience still caused the backstage staff to be in a hurry.
“To release all the backup channels, we must ensure that the live broadcast is unobstructed. In addition, we can put the highlights, let Teacher Sa Beining and the players prepare, and the live broadcast will start in the last fifteen minutes!”
With Qiu Mingkai’s order, the screen in the studio lit up, and the surround speakers on the scene also started working at the same time.
Everyone’s ears quickly remembered a sad melody.
“It’s “Suddenly Wanting to Love You” by Teacher ‘Tiga’!”
Listeners quickly remembered where the melody came from.
The screen also appeared in front of the screen when Tiga played.
There were cheers all over the place.
Although pandas thriving on the stage of “Blind Tone”, the performance of others “Three Six Three” is equally remarkable.
Captain Dragonfly and Petal Shower that appeared later also led the scene to a new climax.
Until the panda image appeared on the screen.
The passionate melody of “Serve the Country with Loyalty” gradually sounded in his ears.
The audience’s emotions exploded instantly!
Everyone stood up and sang in unison to the melody.
“The suspense was lost before the game started…”
The judges shook their heads with a wry smile.
To be honest, they are on pins and needles in this position.
Putting the songs from Panda on a stage like “Blind Tone” is simply a dimensionality reduction blow.
Even a group of people at the top of the music pyramid on the stage of “Singer” can only retreat in front of these two songs.
Feeling the strong atmosphere of the scene, Qiu Mingkai stared nervously at the time.
Then slowly picked up the walkie-talkie.
“Ok, all departments pay attention, the host is in place, the countdown is thirty seconds… ten, nine, eight, seven… three, two, one! The lights are on!”
As soon as Qiu Mingkai finished speaking, the host Sa Beining walked slowly onto the stage.
The audience applauded again.
“Welcome to the live broadcast of the new music challenge reality show “The King of Blind Singers” exclusively titled and broadcast by White Elephant. Thank you Longteng Media for your strong support of this show. I am the host Sa Beining!”
After a familiar opening remarks, Sa Beining continued his announcement.
“After the first few rounds of fierce competition, we have decided the top four players on the “Blind Tone” stage, and they will be greeted by a more tragic competition system. Next, we will draw lots…”
After briefly explaining the process of the game to the audience.
There was a rumbling sound of drums.
The program team tried their best to create a tense atmosphere on the scene.
“The one who played first, in the first few games, he used his strength to prove his qualifications to stand on this stage, let’s give our warmest applause, and invite Teacher ‘Tiga’ to play!”
As soon as the voice fell, a video of the program group’s interview with “Dija” appeared on the big screen at the scene.
“The fans left a message saying that your level is the closest to Teacher Panda among the contestants this season. What’s your opinion?”
“To be honest, I didn’t expect that I would go this far. Participating in this kind of competition is also a big challenge for me, because I have to try singing habits outside my comfort zone, I have to change my voice, and I have to Trying to adapt to different vocal ranges… After all, not everyone can switch between various voices like Teacher Panda!”
After the interview, the scene also sounded bursts of cheers.
Without their wonderful performance, this season’s “Blind Tone” stage would have lost a lot of color.
The lights dimmed, and the noisy studio was quiet in an instant.
The moment the melody sounded, the eyes of several people in the jury fell on Li Jian.
Zhang Yu was a little surprised, “Hey, isn’t this the song “Wait Away” that you sang?”
Li Jian nodded, but did not expect the other party to sing this song on the stage.
“This song is not difficult, but it may be difficult to control emotions. Judging from Diga’s performance in the past few episodes, many professional singers can’t handle some details. He is so delicate, the key is to deliberately change the voice line Yes, no accident, Diga should be a senior in the music world who became famous earlier, I already have a few candidates in my heart, but I’m not sure yet.”
Looking at the figure on the field, Li Jian spoke out his thoughts.
Others also looked thoughtful.
But soon, everyone’s thoughts were brought into this song by the soft voice.
“Loneliness Makes Blind”
“Thinking makes people panic”
“Drink a little more wine”
“Can some more wind be liberated?”
The soothing music calmed everyone’s hearts.
Although not as amazing as “Panda”, but also sang his own level.
The key dares to seek breakthroughs on such a stage, and his performance deserves everyone’s applause!
If there is no “Jing Loyalty to Serve the Country” and “Juvenile Huaxia” Zhuyu in front, the response of “Dijia” will definitely not stop there.
After the song was sung, the audience also paid their respects to this unknown senior in the music industry.After “Tiga”, “Captain Dragonfly” came to power.
Sing an old song “Dream Chaser”.
The strength is undeniable, but the response is general.
Although it is a bit poignant, the audience’s attention is really not on them.
“Thank you, thank you for the wonderful performance brought by the teacher. The next one who will play, with only two songs, has changed the pattern of the entire Chinese music scene…”
Before Xiao Sa finished speaking, there was a wave of cheers at the scene.
Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene was successfully ignited, Xiao Sa did not continue to sell off…  
“Let’s applaud, Teacher Panda is on stage!”
The long-awaited began to come out.
Amid the prolonged applause and cheers at the scene, Shen Fei, dressed in a familiar panda doll costume, returned to the stage after a week’s absence.
Looking at the picture in front of the screen in the backstage lounge, Yiyi was a little nervous for no reason.
No one knew how much pressure Shen Fei was under.
It’s not just the misinterpretation and criticism of black fans.
Even his other side “Panda” is not as beautiful as others seem.
Netizens have high expectations for him!
However, if the subsequent competitions fail to come up with works that are at least on par with “Serving the Country with Loyalty” and “Juvenile Huaxia”, I am afraid that many people will be disappointed.
At that time, the top streamers in the entertainment industry who have been suppressed by him to the point where they dare not speak out will definitely rebound collectively.
Even if it is the main station, I am afraid that it will be difficult to block the audience of Youyou.
For this show, Shen Fei put himself on the opposite side of everyone.
Just being with him can be overwhelming under the ton of pressure on him.
Seeing the girl’s dejected appearance, the old man was a little confused.
However, thinking about Shen Fei’s situation, Yiyi’s worry was justified.
“What’s so good about this stinky boy, it’s worth your attention?”
Hearing the helplessness in the old man’s tone, Yiyi put her chin on her hands, her eyes a little dazed.
“Grandpa, what kind of person Shen Fei is, you will know soon.”
The old man shook his head, thinking that this girl is really stunned.
But he didn’t bother anymore, his eyes fell back to the screen.
As usual, it is an interview with the players.
“Teacher Panda, some people say that you are the star of the new era of music, what do you want to say about that?”
5.9 “Fear and fear!”
In front of the camera, Panda imitated Han Lei’s voice again. Although he was already prepared, there was still a burst of exclamations at the scene.
“I just sang what I wanted to sing. To be honest, I didn’t expect these two songs to have such a big response. The progress of the Chinese music scene cannot be promoted by the efforts of one or two people. In my opinion, music is only A medium for conveying thoughts and emotions.”
“We live in an era of peace, and our works are glitzy on the surface, and they can also reflect the current situation of this era from the side. This is understandable, but we can’t forget the history, we can’t forget the prosperous years, and the current peace is the predecessors. Throwing their heads and pouring their blood is the result of thousands of heroic spirits fighting with their lives!”
“Unfortunately, I can’t sing their style…”
Looking at the interview video in front of the screen, everyone at the scene was silent.
Old man Qiao was also moved.
There was no time for the audience to recollect, a quiet melody suddenly sounded in the studio hall.
At this moment, everyone’s hearts were raised.

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