184: The sound of the east and the west, Qiao Youlin became the target of public criticism?
Despite the fact that public opinion has been controlled by the head office during this period of time, Ruan Qing knows that the impact of this incident will not be so easy to pass.
I thought that the entertainment industry would wait for this turmoil to end before killing the carbine.
Who knew that the attack would be launched in advance because of a New Year’s Day party.
The three briefly glanced at the news of public opinion, and there were still many flaws in Shen Fei’s body.
But this time the public opinion was not aimed at him.
The main station seems to have become the target of public criticism.
Shui Jun carefully studied Shen Fei’s past, starting from the stage of “Sound of Dreams”, almost every song was picked up and analyzed by Shui Jun.
Recalling the old story, the outside world already had a clear understanding of his personality.The problem lies in the production process of “Blind Tone”, the head office deliberately guided public opinion and promoted “Panda” to the altar.
And it was on the premise of knowing that “Panda” was Shen Fei.
The original intention of the program group is naturally to be right to the song and not to the person.
Although Shen Fei occasionally deviates from the classics, the positive impact of each of his songs “Serve the Country with Loyalty”, “A Young Chinese Story”, and “Chi Ling” is immeasurable to the whole society.
No one can deny this.
However, if someone really wanted to hold on to Shen Fei’s character design, there was nothing the head office could do.
“Others are expected, but the most difficult thing now is… Uncle Qiao’s identity!”
Ruan Qingdai frowned. The rhythm that the entertainment industry brought about 380 seemed to be targeting Shen Fei, but the firepower was actually concentrated on Qiao Youlin.
After the finals of “Blind Tone”, Shen Fei officially announced his love affair with Yiyi in public, which is now well known.
The impact is there, but not much.
After all, what Shen Fei’s fans like are basically his works.
Question Qiao Youlin is Yiyi’s father.
The main station did not hesitate to tell a “big lie” to the outside world. Could it be that the deputy director took advantage of his position to disregard the reputation of the main station and use his power for personal gain?
As soon as this topic came out, it instantly became the focus of discussion on the entire Internet.
Now the netizens are the most “hatred of hatred”.
Those capital didn’t dare to smear the head office, but it was naturally easy to mobilize public opinion to disgust Qiao Youlin.
When it was released that Shen Fei received another invitation from the main station after “Blind Tone” and was about to attend the New Year’s Day party, netizens who had remained neutral also began to waver.
“I don’t think so.”
Shen Fei sighed, thinking that these people were only targeting him, but he didn’t expect to involve Qiao Youlin in the end.
“I can’t blame you for this. Who would have thought that their methods would be so rude!”
Yiyi didn’t get angry.
If this matter becomes serious, even if the head office knows that Qiao Youlin is right, in the end, in order to quell public opinion, it can only aggrieve him to take the blame.
Someone has to be in charge.
Thinking of this, the girl couldn’t help but worry about her father’s situation.
If it wasn’t for her begging Qiao Youlin to give Shen Fei a chance to play, there would not be so much rhythm now.
“Yiyi, call Uncle Qiao first to ask about the situation and see what the main station’s attitude towards this matter.”
The more this time, the more calm.
Ruan Qing’s words also brought Yiyi back to her senses, and hurriedly made a call to Qiao Youlin.
Because of the public opinion on the Internet, the atmosphere at the main station became a little weird.
In so many years, this is the first time that a senior leader in Taiwan has been publicly questioned by netizens about their personal ethics and professionalism.
After all, it is about the reputation of the deputy director and the main station, and the upper-level leaders attach great importance to it.
The official website immediately clarified this matter.
The response given is also very tough!
The background of the main station is not just talk.
Their rhythm can be brought with it.
Not to mention that it is the deputy director of the station who is at the center of public opinion, even the lowest-level intern reporter, who can’t be accused of trumped-up charges.
Qiao Youlin behaved fairly calmly. He hadn’t seen any storms for so many years, and his mentality was not affected by the rhythm of the Internet.
Just after the emergency meeting, the phone rang.
“Hey, Dad, why haven’t you answered the phone?”
Yiyi’s tone was a little anxious.
After making several calls in a row, no one answered, and the online public opinion intensified, which inevitably made people think more.
Qiao Youlin smiled and comforted: “Just after the meeting, the phone was turned off.”
“Dad, that’s all right with you, right? I see that those navy soldiers on the Internet have pointed their finger at the main station. What’s the attitude of the station on this matter?”
“You also underestimate the power of the main station. We are different from the local stations. Word of mouth is not given by netizens, but the influence does exist. Naturally, the main station will not compromise with the capital of the entertainment industry, but the opinions of the people still have to be taken care of. , the meeting was held just now, and Shen Fei’s place in the (bifj) arena on New Year’s Day has been cancelled.”
Speaking of this, Qiao Youlin was a little embarrassed.
After all, I just told Ruan Qing yesterday that Shen Fei could be given a place to play.
As a result, his spot was cancelled today.
Since taking the position of deputy director of the main station, Qiao Youlin has not done such a change of day and night.
There is no way, although the slander and criticism on the Internet have little effect on him, but as the Spring Festival is approaching, Taili does not want to let public opinion continue to ferment at the end of the year.
One more thing is worse than one less thing, and Shen Fei can only be temporarily wronged.
“The rhythm of the Internet is so big, just depriving Shen Fei of his qualifications for the New Year’s Day party at the main station?”
Yiyi’s eyes widened, always feeling that this matter was handled hastily.
The deputy director of the station used his power for personal gain, which damaged the reputation of the main station.
Even if it’s not suspended for probation, someone must be sent to investigate, right?
Hearing Yiyi’s meaning, Qiao Youlin rolled his eyes angrily, “Do you think this matter is not big enough? Forget it, I won’t tell you, the rhythm on the Internet this time is not big or small. It’s not small, it will always have an impact on the reputation of the main station, and we can’t sit idly by. Recently, let Shen Fei calm down a little., Don’t pay attention to those public opinions on the Internet. ”
“When this turmoil passes, we will compensate him accordingly.”
“Don’t worry, with Sister Qing and I watching, there won’t be any problems with Shen Fei.”
Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief, the stone in her heart finally fell.
After chatting for a few more words, Qiao Youlin hung up the phone.
After changing from the previous indifference, his expression became a little dignified.
Obviously, the public opinion this time is not as calm as he said.
Shen Fei did not find any problems with his previous performance on the stage of “Blind Voice”.
However, the quota for the New Year’s Gala, and Qiao Youlin’s recent behavior of recommending Shen Fei to the Spring Festival Gala to Wang Ping, still attracted a lot of doubts in the stage.
If it’s “pandas”, there’s nothing wrong with that.
It’s just that knowing the uncertain factors in Shen Fei, he still wanted him to be on such an important stage.
From the perspective of others, there are somewhat personal factors.
After all, in the “Blind Voice” finals, Shen Fei’s last song “Inflation” was really good.
Qiao Yulin couldn’t argue, everyone has selfishness, and he was no exception.
If Shen Fei wasn’t Yiyi’s boyfriend, he wouldn’t take this risk.
On the other side, Jian Yiyi’s expression seemed less tense than before.
Ruan Qing also immediately asked about the attitude of the main station.
“How is it? What’s going on with Uncle Joe?”
“My dad wasn’t affected, but Shen Fei’s quota for the New Year’s Eve party is gone.”
Ruan Qing and Shen Fei stared, unable to wait for the follow-up results for a long time, both of them were confused, “There is no place to play, and then?”
“There is no more, my dad just asked Shen Fei to calm down for a while, saying that after the limelight passes, the stage will compensate him.”
“That’s good.”
Ruan Qing also heaved a sigh of relief, but Shen Fei frowned.
Such a big rhythm just deprived him of his spot in the New Year’s Eve party, no matter how good the reason was given there, he didn’t believe it.
But since Qiao Youlin didn’t want to elaborate, he probably has his own plans.
Shen Fei didn’t continue to struggle.
Even if something happened, he had a way to deal with it.

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