236: Gray area, bloody opening!
Su Mo’s decision, as well as the bad eyes of everyone, doubled Yiyi’s pressure.
But after paying so much, how could she just give up, even if she knew that there would be a deep pit in front of her, she couldn’t control that much.
After negotiation, the director team chose to respect the decision of the players, but they can only be responsible for the subsequent impact.
After this episode, the program continued as usual, and the title drawn by Yiyi’s group was “Black and White”!
Including the professional rappers present, everyone frowned.
Open topic selection, higher degree of freedom and greater difficulty.
But some people are already eager to try it.
To be able to enter the top sixteen, this kind of impromptu rap will naturally not be difficult for them.
Everyone quickly had a draft in their hearts, Yiyi’s face was a little flustered, and the works that Shen Fei had taken out before flashed in their minds, and the content didn’t seem to fit with today’s impromptu theme.
However, those preparations are not completely useless. Even if they are trying to get away with bluffing, they must have professional string words and changes in rhythm.
Thinking of this, Yiyi took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.
It’s just the tense atmosphere pervading the scene, coupled with the hostile eyes of other players, no matter how strong the psychological quality is, it can’t stand such torture, not to mention the girl’s heart is not sure.
“Four One Zero”
Su Mo off the court saw that Yiyi didn’t seem to be fully prepared, and his expression was a little playful.
There is no porcelain work without diamonds.
Being brave at this time will only make yourself more embarrassed.
In her opinion, admitting that she is unprofessional is better than making a fool of herself in public.
With Zhao Bin’s suggestion, Su Meng saw the situation very clearly.
The atmosphere at the scene gradually became restless, and these “professional” rappers waited too long for this moment.
As a leader in the Chinese rap field, what Regou is most looking forward to is the impromptu rap session.
“This part is the most test of the players’ rap skills and on-the-spot reaction ability, but everyone seems to be quite relaxed.”
“This type of freestyle is not too difficult for professional rap musicians. The problem is whether the contestants can raise the idea of ​​the topic from the surface to a higher level, want to get high scores, flow, beat, rhyme, and lack of connotation. No, I hope you can bring something different.”
As soon as Regou finished speaking, “Little White Dragon” stood up first, and the atmosphere at the scene was instantly ignited.
The DJ teacher randomly played a rhythm, and a dynamic music sounded on the scene. The rappers unconsciously moved with the rhythm, and the little white dragon also paced back and forth in the center of the venue.
“OK, come, say black as white and white as black”
“I don’t know if I’m tired to fight at any time”
“The body is hot”
“Black and White, Black and White, Black and White”
“I’m turning every day”
“Black monster is not an ordinary animal”
“Adrenaline rush you-so-slow”
“I will roar on the night of the full moon”
With the roar of the little white dragon, the atmosphere at the scene instantly boiled.
Although there are also suspicions of clichés, but to have such a level of improvisation, there is no doubt about the strength of the top sixteen!
“There is still something to watch in freestyle. The gap between professional singers and amateur players will come out at once!”
“It’s natural to be able to enter the top sixteen, not to mention that Xiaobailong has never lost in freestyle. Before in the underground arena, 13 championships in 15 games is not a blow!”
“The first appearance is so explosive, the pressure on the players behind is not small!”
The emotions of the audience were quickly aroused.
The other players did not forget to follow along, but it was noisyIn addition, I will still pay attention to the connotation of the lyrics.
At the beginning of the show, several instructors did not have much emotional ups and downs, but nodded unconsciously along with the music.
“It’s not bad, Xiaobailong knows when to break and when to go in again. The flow also changes differently. The key is to dare to stand up first. There are indeed two brushes!”
Regou’s evaluation is quite satisfactory, but Zhang Zhenyue has a different opinion.
“The ability is not bad, but the rhyme appears in multiple positions in the lyrics, and the words are still very particular, but it is obviously suspected of being a set of words. The key has no connotation and just floats on the surface.”
Deng Ziqi nodded, agreeing with Zhang Zhenyue’s evaluation.
It may not be good to fight these people on stage, but from the audience’s point of view, they can also hear whether a song is good or bad.
Xu Jinyan didn’t react too much, but now Yiyi is most worried.
Xiaobailong’s singing continues.
“Our lives are like novels”
“Saving You When It’s Crucial”
“If you want to leave, I will leave you as you wish. It doesn’t matter if you have you or not.”
“The mountain will fall, and everyone will run”
“The road is slippery in the dark, the moon is dark and the wind is high, I have no ability, don’t scream”
After singing this, the scene was full of laughter again, and anyone with a discerning eye knew who Xiao Bailong’s words were aimed at.
But freestyle’s battle is like this, swearing is just an embellishment.
It is also an expression of black culture, a form of popular music that entertains with humor, wit, and banter.
Feeling the provocation from Xiao Bailong, Yiyi became more and more nervous, Shen Fei frowned slightly, and his expression finally changed.
With the change of the live beat, Big Fish grabbed the microphone.
“Hey, put-your-hands-up”
“Chaos, Darkness”
“Evil is always in your thoughts”
“Rotten, rotten”
“In the face of justice, all of these are dissipated at the touch of a button”
“Two Colors Zone”
“Black and white, black and white, black and white”
“If you stand in the haze too long”
“Then in the end, give up on yourself! Overcome yourselves!”
Without singing a word, the atmosphere at the scene exploded instantly!
The players couldn’t hold back their restless emotions, and that’s what they wanted.
Not only mocking Su Mo’s abstention is self-defeating, but also implying that Yi’s continuing to participate is beyond his own power.
Su Mo’s face darkened. He didn’t expect that these people would not forget to diss themselves after abstaining.
However, seeing Yiyi’s predicament on stage, I felt a lot more balanced.
The audience didn’t think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, but Ruan Qing was not angry when she heard it.
Relying on your own ability to reach the top sixteen, how can you not be self-sufficient!
Big fish is still immersed in his own world and doesn’t care what others think.
When this impromptu rap was about to end, he suddenly looked at Yiyi who was beside him and handed the microphone up.
The girl did not expect that they would attack herself so early.
The panic in his eyes was boundless, and his brain instantly became a mess, but since he had already taken over the handover, he could only bite the bullet.
Seeing that Yiyi’s expression seemed a little wrong, Ruan Qing had a bad feeling in her heart.
Shen Fei also sighed.
His worst fears seemed to have happened.
Yiyi still couldn’t stand the pressure from the program group, the contestants, and the media!
The rhythm of the live DJ teacher is constant.
Yiyi wanted to calm herself down, but now she was so nervous that she was a little deprived of oxygen, and even her vision became blurred, but not to the point where she couldn’t open her mouth, but maybe even she herself didn’t know what to sing next. ……..
The arrow had to be sent on the string, and at the moment, the rap works that Shen Fei had given her before could only be mixed together, but the effect was destined to be terrible.
“Light, as light as paper”
“Light, scattered places”
“Light, it hurried as the applause died down”
“She is singing, unbearable injury”

Yiyi’s voice trembled slightly, her eyes were obviously less confident than other rappers.
The other players frantically made expressions to put pressure on them, disturbing the girl’s already messy rhythm.
The effect is “significant”!
“Candlelight in the Evil Night Breaks the War and Chaos”
“Song Song Chuan Thousands of Miles Hometown to Eradicate Famine”
“Innocent on this road”
Hearing this sentence, Shen Fei frowned. The two songs didn’t stray from the topic. The problem flow was obviously not in the same key. Yiyi forced the two songs to be mixed together.
If it is normal, there will be no such mistakes.
He could hear that Yiyi was so nervous that she started to panic.
The previous part was okay, but when the rap started, everyone’s expressions were wrong, there were doubts, and there were jokes.
“What is this singing? Obviously not in the same rhythm, and it’s troublesome to set the lyrics professionally. I don’t know what the lyrics mean!”
“This doesn’t fit with today’s theme. If I think she dares to play, what’s the point of it? That’s all?”
“It’s better to learn from Su Mo, it’s better to give up on yourself.Overcome! ”
“Don’t be sour, even if she sings like a donkey’s lips and a horse’s mouth, she can still advance. They have a relationship and a backstage, and these grassroots rappers can’t compare!”
“If she can advance at this level, then I can too! Her freestyle is not a star and a half worse than other contestants. The show team can’t ruin the whole show just because her backstage is Shen Fei!”
Feeling the strange eyes of the people around, Yiyi felt a little suffocated, and it was difficult to even open her mouth.
Right now, my brain is blank, and I just instinctively sing out the passages related to black and white that I have memorized these days.
“A late-night visit without the sound of a 5.9-person carriage”
“Evil in Victoria’s Moonlight”
“Blood Opening”
“Old Organ in the Corner”
“Always Accompanied All the Time”
“The black curtain is blown by the wind”
“The sun penetrates silently”
“Sprinkle on the beasts I tamed”
The pieces are grouped together in a way that makes no sense.
It has lost its original flavor.
The restless atmosphere at the scene obviously subsided a lot, and several instructors performed a little unclear.
Zhang Zhenyue shook his head with a smile, and he did not shy away from Shen Fei’s face, and directly expressed his opinion.
“Yiyi is really just a beginner. She seems to have forgotten that the theme this time is black and white, but it’s just a points competition. There is still a chance to catch up in the future.”
Regou didn’t think so, but after listening to a few paragraphs, he had a different feeling. “Although it sounds chaotic, the artistic conception of the lyrics makes people feel bright. The sunlight penetrates silently and sprinkles on the group of beasts that I tamed… If nothing else, this sentence In any work, it is the finishing touch.”
“And you talked about the theme just now. I don’t know if you have noticed that her black and white are not lyrics, but a sense of picture! That kind of black and white, gloomy picture sense!”

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