Seven of the Night” completely shattered the arrogance in their hearts!
Feeling the gazes from all directions, Shen Fei didn’t care, he was still immersed in the melody of the song, and the performance continued.
“Facts can only go through”
“Soil without footprints”
“Abrupt subtle floral fragrance”
“I heard footsteps”
“An expected moccasin heel”
“He pushed open the door and the wind shook the kerosene lamp for a while”
“The typewriter stopped at the killer’s name and I turned around”
“The night sky over Westminster, it’s starting to boil”
“Blooming in the chest, flamboyant death”
In the interlacing of the water-like keys, the night seems to become more mournful and profound.
The strange environment gradually spread.
The street lights were dim, and the dim lights were quietly leaking on the road.
Sisi’s cold air drifted like a ghost.
The deserted night scene created was as melancholy as Su Mo’s mood at the moment.

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