Seven of the Night” has been making a lot of noise recently, and it is indeed a rare handed down work.
It’s just that traditional pop and rock are two completely different fields.
Director Zhao Dingsheng was a little embarrassed.
“In terms of pop music, Shen Fei’s works are indeed not controversial, and his talent is not questioned, but it is still a commonplace issue. This is rock and roll. His voice is too delicate, to be honest, it is not suitable for this kind of rough rock and heavy metal.”
“It makes sense. In the end, Shen Fei is just a newcomer. It’s the first time for him to come into contact with this type of concert. If it doesn’t work well, accidents can easily occur!”
“Yes, yes, we still have to consider it carefully. After all, we don’t need to say more about the importance of this concert. Instead of cutting the show, we can’t let foreigners watch jokes!”
The backstage lounge was a little chaotic for a while.
The music festival is about to start, and a few people are still uncertain about paying attention. Just when everyone can’t convince anyone with your words, Xie Tianxiao stood up.
“I think I can let him try it out. I have also heard Shen Fei’s songs, and they are indeed very spiritual. The previous “Liang Zhu” was also a masterpiece of the concerto.”
As soon as Xie Tianxiao’s hoarse voice came out, the noisy discussions at the scene stopped abruptly.
Even if he didn’t trust Shen Fei, Xie Tianxiao would not aim at nothing.
“It’s done, you don’t have to argue about this, I’ll go find Shen Fei now!”
There is no other way, but a dead horse is a living horse doctor.
The director is not an indecisive person either. He followed Zhang Zhenyue to the auditorium to invite people in person!
Seeing that the music festival is about to open, the theater scene is also lit up with warm light.
Shen Fei and his party were in the auditorium talking about gossip in the entertainment industry, as well as newcomers who have recently risen in the music world.
“Shen Fei, hurry up, Jianghu rescue!”
Seeing Zhang Zhenyue and director Zhao Dingsheng hurried over, they didn’t say anything polite and went straight to the topic.
Shen Fei was a little overwhelmed, Ruan Qing was completely drowsy, and the whole personInstantly refreshed.
Others were a little confused about the situation.
Seeing Shen Fei’s silence, Zhao Dingsheng said anxiously, “The band is in a bit of a situation now, do you understand heavy metal music?”
“Heavy metal music? Heard…heard…what’s the matter?”
Shen Fei had an ominous feeling in his heart.
“If you hear it, then you understand!”
Zhao Dingsheng’s eyes lit up, but he didn’t make the words clear, and without saying a word, he dragged people to the backstage.
“No, what’s the situation, slow down! My arm is not your toilet paper, so I can’t pull it so hard!”
Watching a few people leave, Old Xue Li Jian couldn’t help looking at each other with a confused look on his face.

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