Seven of the Night” came out some time ago, Yiyi has already read it.
Those raps that were written to her as freestyle phrases before, it is estimated that they are works that are enough to change the whole music scene!
“Evil! When I look at him, he is not human!”
Looking at the figure on the stage, Xue Zhiqian secretly complained in his heart.
Then he shook his head with a wry smile, this was not his own voice.
To the stars of the Chinese music scene, Shen Fei is like a big mountain in front of them. Even if he is a big celebrity who has been in the entertainment industry for decades, there is really no one who can reach him in terms of works alone. this height.
The cheers at the scene continued for a long time, and Ruan Qing didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.
Although she doesn’t understand rock music, but from the comments of several people, she also knows how this song will affect the Chinese music scene.
I thought that only roaring and shouting rock music would arouse the audience’s emotions, but I didn’t expect that this deviant singing form would also resonate.
Whether it was a sensory illusion caused by the “Shen Fei effect”, the reaction of everyone was beyond her expectations.
After being stunned for a moment, Ruan Qing smiled wryly, “Before I came here, I agreed to only wear my ears, but I was forced to open the business. Now that the audience has reacted so much, the controversy over this song will probably not be small. After tomorrow, there will be a lot of trouble on the Internet. This guy is too uneasy!”
Yiyi believed it.
“The Seventh

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