85: Don’t talk too much, clown in the entertainment industry!
These words were about reporting Shen Fei’s name directly.
The smell of gunpowder on the table overflowed the screen, and the atmosphere became a little depressing.
The key topics outside the knowledge level, Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He couldn’t get in.
Neither of them knew how to warm up, not to mention Yixing, Peng Peng and Zifeng.
There are mixed reviews of Shen Fei on the Internet. Some songs are indeed not aesthetically pleasing to the public, but it is not possible to completely negate his works from a single point of view.
Gao Xiaosong’s words are subjective-emotional too obvious.
No one else had the heart to eat, but Shen Fei seemed to have heard nothing, which did not affect his appetite at all.
Since the broadcast of the first issue of “Sound of Dreams”, many people in the outside world have been staring at the song.
Some people are high above the ground and are used to selective blindness. As long as there is a “black spot”, they will hold on to it. Good works are not mentioned.
Seeing that Shen Fei didn’t want to talk to him at all, Gao Xiaosong felt like he was punching cotton.
The frequency of fanning is also a little faster.
That eagle had an opinion on Shen Fei, but now that Gao Xiaosong said it, he didn’t plan to hold it back.
“If our generation had such a good environment, the international influence of Chinese music would not be reduced to the current level.”
“Isn’t that right? In order to save money on making an album, I finally managed to get some results, and I have to find ways to spend money to find relationships to promote it. Isn’t it all the music dreams that people seem to be illusory now.”
Gao Xiaosong talked about the big truth one by one.
If he hadn’t known that he was from a famous family, Shen Fei would have believed it.
Others may play music for their dreams, he is purely a hobby.
There are not many works that can be produced, and he always likes to pretend to be a senior.
Open your mouth to the Chinese music scene, close your mouth to the music dream.
Uninformed laymen might really believe his nonsense.
Seeing that Shen Fei was still indifferent, Gao Xiaosong couldn’t bear it any longer.
“Why is foreign music doing so well? A Bieber can have hundreds of millions of fans around the world when he is a teenager? I think it is a question of values. The music industry should establish correct values ​​for newcomers and listeners. Look at their music platforms. On the list, which one was brought up by hype and black box operations?”
Hearing this, Shen Fei finally stopped the movement of his hands, and said a conditioned reflex: “Hey hey hey…”
The already anxious atmosphere at the scene was instantly embarrassed.
I know everything.
Shen Fei’s words were alluding to Xue Zhiqing’s “Hello, Hello”.
Before winning the Penguin Music Most Popular Chinese Golden Melody Award, this song won the first place on the itunes beautiful country total chart and the first POP chart.
Anyone with a discerning eye knows that it was brushed.
Shen Fei did not expect that he would actually use Kun Kun’s works to slap other people’s faces on this day!
Old Xue seemed to be in position, and he didn’t dare to breathe too loudly.
Want to laugh but dare not laugh.
It was really uncomfortable.
Wang Yang watched his nose and his heart, and meditated in his heartDiamond Sutra.
The eagle looked like he wanted to share weal and woe with Gao Xiaosong, but in this situation, it was really hard to speak.
Lao Gao said it with certainty before, but now it sounds like a joke.
Peng Peng and the others really didn’t understand what happened.
Yixing gave Huang Xiaochu and the others popular science knowledge points in a low voice.
A sudden burst of laughter broke the deadlocked atmosphere at the scene.
Aware of Gao Xiaosong’s sharp gaze, Peng Peng quickly covered his mouth, not daring to look down at everyone’s faces.
Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He looked at each other helplessly.
Why should the mind.
You talk about your dreams and no one says anything about you. Why do you talk about the values ​​of foreign music?
The most important thing is that, in Peng Peng’s view, the excellence of Shen Fei’s works is no worse than that of Bieber.
It’s just that due to cultural constraints, there is no way to spread its influence abroad for the time being.
Of course, these are just the views of the majority of Chinese people.
In fact, if you often visit some foreign social networking sites, you should know that the influence of Shen Fei’s works abroad is definitely not low.
Qiao Yiyi listened to his song “Tomorrow Will Be Better” for the first time, because it was on YouTube’s top 10 global music influence list this week!
Even now, news of Shen Fei’s works can still be seen on some mainstream websites.
However, if Gao Xiaosong wants to belittle a person, he will base it on facts.
Isn’t it still going with the feeling?
Being “slapped in the face” by a newcomer in public, Gao Xiaosong couldn’t bear his face.
Peng Peng’s laughter was the last layer of the fig leaf.
The situation is showing signs of getting out of control.
Huang Xiaochu glanced at Yan Yi next to him.
The director team is now looking like they are watching the fun without taking it too seriously.
Let’s talk about it when we cut the video later on or not. Go back and make some articles about it. Isn’t the popularity of the show coming.
Lao Gao is now blushing with a thick neck and frantically fanning the paper fan in his hands.
“You are a newcomer who relies on hype and grandstanding to get a bit of traffic. Do you know what emotion is? Do you know what it’s like to sing under the flyover? Do you understand the kind of boxed lunch that costs five yuan every day, but it costs millions The hardships of finishing an album?”
It can be seen that Gao Xiaosong is a little embarrassed and angry.
But the rules are clear.
Shen Fei stuck a lion’s head in his mouth with chopsticks, and said vaguely, “Speak as if you understand.”
“What did you say!?”
Gao Xiaosong thought he had heard it wrong, so he sneered and said to Ying and Wang Yang next to him, “He said I don’t understand? Oh, did you hear that, he actually said I didn’t understand!”
Old Xue secretly gave him a confession.
You are a rich second-generation born with a golden key in your heart, what do you know about singing under the bridge.
Even if you have been there, it is an experience of life.
There was no pressure at all.
The number of people who played music in the past was somewhat wealthy.
Most people can’t get enough to eat, so how can they afford this.
Of course, there are also a lot of people who really fought all the way for their musical dreams.
But it certainly does not include Gao Xiaosong.
If the trouble goes on, they will not look good on their faces.
Wang Yang stood up and warmed up, “Actually, it’s not that exaggerated. You still have a few small money on your body. At that time, people who made music were basically a little rebellious. ”
“Pharaoh, it’s boring to say this. Let me ask you, what was the most extravagant consumption you had when you were young?”
“The most extravagant…an album.”
“Look, this money is still spent on music. Now, how much of the so-called musicians spend their money and energy on music?”
Speaking of this, Gao Xiaosong re-entered the state and turned to Shen Fei and asked, “What about you? What is your most extravagant consumption?”
Shen Fei frowned and thought for a while, “Three seconds 698!”
0.0! ?

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