87: The shame of domestic entertainment, Shen Fei’s songs are all fast food?
Shen Fei was startled.
He realized that he had underestimated Peng Peng from the beginning to the end!
He can ask such a perverted question in front of a girl! ?
Chewing the gum that the goddess has chewed, does that count as kissing the goddess?
Do you dare to be more disgusting?
“Yeah, does it count?”
Shen Fei looked at Peng Peng solemnly, seeing that he didn’t look like he was joking, he was a little confused for the first time.
“I suddenly thought of a line of lyrics that is as outrageous as yours!”
“Huh? What lyrics?”
The three of them were wondering, and in the next second they heard Shen Fei sing: “I’ve blown the evening wind that you blow, so do we count as hugs~”
What the fuck?
Shen Fei’s voice was as gentle as still water flowing deep, and there seemed to be turbulent waves hidden under the gurgling stream.
Blow the wind that you blow, then do we count as hugging?
When you came, you were endlessly gentle, and when you left, you couldn’t help but feel heartbroken. Even if you know the result, you still believe that love is in the memories.
Just one sentence, but let a few people hear the regret in it.
Yixing was stunned.
Come if you really open your mouth to 18?
Do you really use your brain to write songs?
Zifeng doesn’t understand music, but he can tell the difference between good and bad.
After only listening to one sentence, various pictures are automatically generated in my mind.
I have listened to a lot of songs over the years, but apart from the previous song “The Love of My Life”, there is no song that can make her feel this way.
“Shen Fei, can you sing it to us completely!?”
Zifeng’s eyes widened, and he couldn’t care less about the girl’s reserve, so he hurriedly approached and asked.
Peng Peng nodded, and echoed: “Yes, yes, Brother Fei, you see, we are actually the same kind of people.”
Originally, he was going to give some benefits to sister Zifeng, but after hearing Peng Peng’s words, Shen Fei lost his mood instantly.
What is the same type of person? Why am I just like you! ?
When you insult yourself, can you not take other people with you?
“No, just this sentence, okay, I’m tired, I have to squat for a while, call me again if you need something.”
After finishing speaking, regardless of Zifeng’s begging, she just folded her clothes and fell asleep.
“Hey…it’s all your fault!”
Zifeng gave Peng Peng a hard look, and then angrily went to report to Huang Xiaochu.
This time even Yixing didn’t stand by his side.
“Brother, it’s really not good. You should learn from me and talk less.”
After speaking, he left the room.
Peng Peng still didn’t understand which link went wrong.
He shook his head and didn’t think much about it.
With the intervention of the director team, the recording process went smoothly.
As long as Shen Fei and Naying Gao Xiaosong are in different frames, the atmosphere will be considered harmonious.
The island scenery is unique here.
The restless mood will soon subside after being blown by the salty sea breeze.
Several guests who came in the afternoon also completed a series of labor tasks under the arrangement of the program group.
I didn’t finish work until evening.
Gao Xiaosong fanned his fan,Talking and laughing with the eagle.
Peng Peng and Yi Xing are exhausted.
Much of the work assigned to these two fell to them.
There are opinions that cannot be said.
“These two children are exhausted. You go back to the house to rest for a while, take a bath, and I’ll call you when dinner is ready.”
The guests were not aware of it, so they could only grieve Peng Peng and Yixing. After all, they were guests.
When it was time for dinner, the sun went down.
Smelling the aroma of the food, Peng Peng and Yi Xing were instantly revived with blood.
You can have different frames when you are working, but you can’t always have two tables for dinner.
With that lesson at noon, director Yan Yi deliberately chatted with Shen Fei and Gao Xiaosong, and asked them to restrain their emotions as much as possible.
Shen Fei is naturally fine, as long as others don’t take the initiative to provoke him, he is happy too.
Gao Xiaosong had no objection, but his tone sounded a little perfunctory.
“It’s been a tiring day, Peng Peng Yixing, you two should eat more.”
Huang Xiaochu sandwiched a chicken leg for each of them.
It’s a very warm scene. Teacher He suddenly said: “I’m full, so let’s make persistent efforts tomorrow!”
Peng Peng and Yi Xing’s expressions suddenly collapsed.
Seeing their appearance, several people in the seat laughed.
Under the leadership of Xiaochu Huang and Teacher He, the atmosphere of this dinner was quite harmonious.
Shen Fei was still cooking by himself, occasionally pausing to pretend to be very interested in their topic.
These facade efforts still need to be done.
He doesn’t know anything about the world.
Seeing that Shen Fei kept silent, Lao Xue wanted to get more topics and scenes for him.
“Hey, Yixing, why did I hear Mr. He say that you have been pestering Shen Fei for songs this afternoon? What songs do you want?”
“Yes, I was just about to ask.”
Teacher He also stopped his movements and looked at Peng Peng and the others curiously.
He noticed something was wrong in the afternoon, and his sister kept chasing Shen Fei as if she wanted some song.
“It’s all Peng Peng’s fault!”
Hearing Xue Zhiqian and Teacher He ask about this, the younger sister looked helpless.
Then tell the story.
Teacher He was stunned.
“Peng Peng, you can’t do it!?”
“Just kidding, you guys are serious!”
In front of so many people, Peng Peng finally remembered that he was a public figure.
He laughed awkwardly, and then hurriedly shouted to Yan Yi, who was beside him: “Director, this part is choked!”
Yan Yi made an ojbk gesture to him.
Then he whispered to the helper on the side: “The focus of this issue’s external publicity is on Peng Peng. The clip just now was cut and posted on the official website. I’m so mad that I want to chew the chewing gum that the goddess has chewed!!”
“Got it!”
Not knowing that he was about to be put on the shame column of internal entertainment, Peng Peng defended: “I’m all here to set up Shen Fei’s songs, how do you sing that sentence?”
Yixing took over the words and sang directly: “I have blown the evening wind that you have blown, so can we count as hugging each other.”
“That’s right, that’s it.”
Although his singing skills were much worse than Shen Fei’s, the tune was correct.
Xue Zhiqian’s eyes widened. They, professional singers, looked at problems from a different angle than Peng Peng and the others.
The main melody already exists, as long as you add some details, this is another golden song that can be listed!
“How many good songs do you have hidden? 287? What’s the situation with this song? Is it a finished product or a semi-finished product?”
Rare opportunity!
“Longing for Life” is such a good platform.
If you can make a good song on the show, it will not even lose the impact of winning the championship on a large-scale music variety show.
Others could also see that Xue Zhiqian was building a bridge for Shen Fei.
Just before they could ask questions, another discordant voice came from the dinner table.
“Forcing new words to express sorrow, piling up rhetoric, and melody can’t stand up to scrutiny. Today’s music has this common problem, and I don’t know when it started, the Chinese music scene suddenly entered this fast food era.”
Gao Xiaosong picked up the paper fan and shook his head.
Originally, he wanted to give Yan Yi a face, but Shen Fei didn’t plan to delve into the previous conflict.
The problem is that now this guy has to jump out to grab the limelight, but Gao Xiaosong still can’t turn a blind eye.
What’s more, he had already criticized Shen Fei’s songs as worthless before, how could someone else sing against him.
“Really, look back, the songs from ten years ago are still classics. To be honest, I really can’t appreciate the works that are blown to the sky now.”
With Gao Xiaosong taking the lead, the eagle couldn’t stand the loneliness anymore.
As the two sang together, the originally harmonious atmosphere at the dinner table froze again.
Old Xue’s face changed again and again.
Anyone could see that his smile was a little stiff.
If it weren’t for the fact that they were seniors, Lao Xue would have scolded people.
Shen Fei didn’t say a word, he was stunned to buckle so many hats on him.

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