93: Shen Fei Sings a Love Song, Exclusive Fan Benefits!
Peng Peng’s words silenced the surging sea water.
Yixing looked like he had seen a ghost.
Is this really what carbon-based organisms can say?
How did he manage to grow so big?
The gods always think about you, and there is a tomb to see the true feelings!
don’t understandQuietly study hard, who makes you apply what you have learned?
The sister was full of disgust.
She couldn’t help but feel numb at the thought of spending six seasons with such a foolish critic.
How could someone be so defiant! ?
Look at Shen Fei on the side, oh, it turns out to be his fan, that’s all right!
Aware of Zi Feng’s strange gaze, Shen Fei was dumbfounded.
Can this be on me too?
But one thing to say, as Peng Peng’s idol, Shen Fei is deeply worried about his future.
“Uh…Are you all right? Why are you looking like that? Is there a problem?”
Peng Peng tentatively asked several people.
He finally realized something was wrong.
“You’re fine, the problem is the world!”
Yixing patted Peng Peng on the shoulder with a solemn expression.
“I know I’m not very good at these routines, brother Fei, why don’t you teach me a few more tricks? Is there anything simpler and more direct?”
“Forget it, I think it’s fine for you to be alone, so don’t go and harm other girls.”
Didn’t teach him that he was abusive!
Shen Fei still had the bottom line of being a man.
“Don’t, Brother Fei, you know me, I’m just a little dull, and I’m absolutely single-minded about feelings. Your fan team is mostly straight men like me who can’t even get in the door of love. Turn back to others. It is said that our Flying Normal Human Research Institute is a single dog club, and your face is not good.”
These words awakened Shen Fei.
Fans should be like Peng Peng, if they say it out, they will lose their own people.
“It makes sense, but you can’t even learn the simplest routines. What can I teach you?”
“Song! I can sing your song as soon as I hear it! I remembered the song “Tears from the Iron Window” after listening to it only once last night. If you don’t believe me, I will sing it to you. The greatest pain in life is… ..〃‖.”
“Hey, alright, alright, I believe you.”
Seeing that Peng Pengzhen wanted to do it again for them, Shen Fei quickly stopped.
After thinking about it, there are quite a few songs in Qu Kuli that are suitable for this kind of love.
Peng Peng looked expectant.
Zifeng and Yixingxin raised their voices.
Let Shen Fei teach you to sing love songs?
The melody of the Sichuan version of “Thank you for your love” echoed in the ears of the two.
And the scene from last night is still vivid in my mind.
Photos of Gao Xiaosong’s confusion and helplessness when he was caught were still on the headlines of the major sections.
The panic in their hearts hasn’t dissipated yet, now Shen Fei is going to open his voice again! ?
“Uh, Peng Peng, in fact, I think there are many ways to chase girls. You don’t have to sing. I can teach you to dance!”
Yixing still wants to struggle again, no matter how young he is, he can’t stand the stimulation one after another.
The younger sister Zifeng also hurriedly agreed: “Yes, it’s good to dance, nowadays girls like boys who can dance.”
“Really? If you don’t have dance skills to learn to dance, how long will it take you to graduate?”
“It may be difficult to become a teacher without dance skills, at least three or five years.”
As soon as these words were finished, Yixing regretted it.
Sure enough, I heard that it would take three to five years to become a teacher, and Peng Peng passed it directly.
“Forget it, three or five years is too long. I can’t wait that long. Brother Fei, teach me a song!”
Seeing that Peng Peng had made up his mind, Shen Fei could not refuse.
“Okay, I’ll teach you a song when you go back.”
“Really in stock!?”
Unexpectedly, Shen Fei really agreed, Peng Peng’s eyes widened, somewhat surprised.
He also asked with the attitude of trying it out, and it turned out to be a pleasant surprise.
“Don’t wait to go back to teach, the environment here is so good, the sea, the beach, the coconut trees, don’t you think it’s very romantic? Wait, I’ll get you a guitar!”
Peng Peng is also impatient, knowing that Shen Fei has a new song, he can’t wait for a moment.
I can’t take care of the tasks assigned by the program team.
Feng Feng Huo Huo ran all the way back to the mushroom house.
“Hey, Peng Peng, where are you running so fast?”
Seeing his impatient look, Xiaochu Huang, who was picking up trash on the beach, was confused.
“Shen Fei wants to teach me to sing, I’ll get him a guitar!”
“Sing? Who did he just say was going to sing?”
Huang Xiaochu didn’t respond immediately, and turned to ask Mr. He next to him.
“It seems to be Shen Fei.”
After saying this subconsciously, Teacher He and Xiaochu Huang paused for a moment.
They froze in place for a few seconds, their eyes widened, their eyes horrified, and then they exclaimed in unison: “Shen Fei is going to sing again!?”
The news spread like wildfire.
The originally calm beach was instantly boiling.
Gao Xiaosong’s “bones are not cold”, it is hard for this guy to aim the butcher knife at the other guests of the show group! ?
They are still children!
Knowing that Shen Fei had a new work, the eagle shuddered subconsciously, she is now cautious, for fear that this guy will stare at her.
If there is anyone else here who has a quarrel with Shen Fei, she is the only one.
Qiao Yiyi was also anxious.
The words he said this morning were really taken by Shen Fei as a deaf ear.
too muchHow could he not understand the truth?
When the show aired back, Shen Fei would definitely be the target of public criticism.
High popularity is a good thing, but if the controversy is too big, the dominance will not be in their hands.
He was hesitating whether to go up and remind Shen Fei that Peng Peng had appeared in everyone’s field of vision at a trot with a guitar.
Now I can only pray that this guy can take it easy.
“.” Come, come, yo, everyone is here. ”
When Peng Peng handed the guitar to Shen Fei, Yi Xing wanted to struggle again.
“Uh… Actually, about love songs, Teacher Xue Zhiqing has more experience!”
Hearing this, Zifeng nodded again and again, “Yes, yes, let Teacher Xue Zhiqing teach you two songs, you are afraid that you will not find a girlfriend!”
Peng and Pengchong rolled their eyes, “You don’t really think I’m stupid, do you? Teacher Xue Zhiqing’s song is good, but you’re going to let me sing “Ugly Eight Eccentrics” in front of the girl I like?”
Well, you’re smart now.
Zifeng and Yixing looked at each other and almost forgot about it.
(with money Zhao)
Xue Zhixing’s song is good or not, but it is only suitable for broken love and healing.
But if Shen Fei asks you to sing love songs, I can’t see how smart you are!
Seeing that Peng Peng was determined to go all the way to the dark, several people did not do the same.
Shen Fei silently adjusted the guitar.
The most important thing in the library is love songs.
It’s just that I couldn’t wait for the girl who carried this heavy weight to appear.
Today, for Peng Peng and for those fans who have always supported him, Shen Fei plans to make an exception.
Soon, a cheerful, melodious melody echoed from the crowded beach.
The restless hearts of everyone also calmed down in an instant.
Zifeng and Qiao Yiyi both widened their eyes, but it was only the accompaniment that made them unable to take their eyes off Shen Fei.
The moment the familiar singing sounded, time and space seemed to freeze at this moment.
“I can’t forget the first time I saw you”
“A pair of charming eyes”
“in my mind”
“Your figure can’t be shaken away”

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