Wang Chao's eyes lit up.

A small vest and shorts, with cute braids.

At this moment, Chen Xiao looked like she came out of a comic book.

【Wow! The little wife is here!】

【Human beautiful indeed!】

【I hope you don't sing anymore. I like watching you dance the most.】

【More than just killing men, it's killing gods! 】

Sisi was speechless: Throughout the ages... As expected, concubines are the most favored.

Ruoba pouted: Senior brother! Last time you said you liked watching me dance the most

【I think it's better to forget it and not jump. There are too many wolves, and I feel I am at a disadvantage.】

【Well, let's take it home, close the door, and enjoy it slowly. 】

Yang Mi and others:...

Chen Xiao blushed: Okay/shy

Wang Chao sighed, looked at Cheng Xiao and asked:

"Xiaoxiao, are you going to dance or sing?"

"Then I'll sing too."

"There's a karaoke competition tonight!" Wang Chao said with a smile

"Of course, Wang Chao, don't forget, you promised to sing a song for me after I finish singing!" Cheng Xiao smiled and blinked.

Hearing this, the director team and the male guests all became interested.

All the netizens in the live broadcast room also began to discuss it.

Wang Chao could only hold his forehead with his hand and said helplessly:


"Then I will sing a song from before,"Confession Love Song"》"Chen Xiao smiled and said,

"Brother Wang Chao, please play the accompaniment!"

""Okay!" Wang Chao nodded.

【Oh my god, you're going to make a big fuss by teasing me like that!】

【You guys are really amazing, don’t you really consider your own future?】

【Huh? That's right!】

【Isn't that perfect? Couldn't Xiao Xiao use this as an excuse to confront Yue Hua directly?】

【It can also prevent others from labeling you as an ungrateful person or a traitor.】

【If that's the case, then I have to let go and cooperate.

Yang Mi laughed secretly: You're not stupid, otherwise, do you think you're giving Xiao Xiao a chance for nothing?

Chen Xiao was also happy: This is the best!

I'm looking forward to it, what song will Brother Wang Chao sing for me?


After figuring out the key, Wang Chao put aside all his worries.

His fingers slid across the black and white keys, and the piano sounded slowly.

Chen Xiao looked at Wang Chao and sang a sweet and affectionate song:

"I've always wanted to tell you


I love you!

Loving you can stand the test.

I have never avoided the problems you gave me.

I am willing to do anything for you.


You don't know how important you are to me.

You are the only one I love.


There is a warm light shining down,

I only love you you are my superstar."

Originally, it was a song for all the stars to sing, but

Chen Xiao sang it all by himself.

Maybe it was the sound of the piano that touched his heart, or maybe it was the emotion that moved him.

The song was so touching.

Everyone at the scene was silent for a while.

No one is blind, so they can still see something.

However, after all, being on a show is not a proposal scene.

Could it be that everyone has to shout"Marry him, marry him" together?

So, everyone continued to play dumb.

They only gave warm applause to Chen Xiao's singing.

The guests and the program team avoided it, but the netizens in the live broadcast room did not.

This group of people are all a group of people who like to watch the fun and make trouble.

"Wow! Nai Xiao also confessed to Wang Chao?"

"How fresh! Look at the lyrics, how corny!"

"Yes, I was looking at Wang Chao the whole time, my eyes were so dry, I was just about to offer myself"

"Maybe it's another scandal. Don't you see that all the girls are the same? Could it be that they all confessed their love and devoted themselves to each other?"

"Little brother, go home and do your homework. Be good! You don't understand the world of adults."

"But to be honest, looking at the scene where Wang Chao risked his life to save me this afternoon, if I were a woman, I would have given myself to him right there and then."

"Next, let’s see what Wang Chao’s attitude is."


"Brother Wang Chao, what do you think of my singing?"Chen Xiao asked shyly

"Well, you sang very well, I like it very much."Wang Chao smiled and clapped.

Wow! It's confirmed!

All netizens speculated.

The guests and directors were also a little surprised.

Good man, you two are not afraid of affecting your future by doing this?

Just when everyone was surprised, Wang Chao continued:

"Well, as promised, the next song is for you."

"Then I have to listen carefully." Chen Xiao said happily.

Not only her, but also Yang Mi and others were full of expectations.

I wonder what kind of love song this little durian will sing to Chen Xiao?


Wang Chao did not play the piano this time.

He stood up and took the guitar that he had prepared.

Then, he sat down in front of the microphone stand.

His fingers brushed over the strings, and his whole body suddenly glowed with a strange brilliance.

Chen Xiao, Yang Mi and others had stars in their eyes.

Seeing this scene, netizens exclaimed:

"Here it comes, Master Wang is going to show off again!"

"Hold your tongue, I want to lick the screen!"Everyone inside and outside the screen suddenly fell silent.

A master is a master, first of all, he must not lose in momentum.

Secondly, the sound of the piano must be fuller and more granular.

Give full play to the greatest advantages of the instrument itself.

Just hearing the prelude, Dawei and others couldn't help but be dissatisfied:

"This guitar level is really unmatched. There are only a handful of people in China who can play to this level."

Of course, whether the guitar is played well or not is not the point - the prelude gradually ended, and following the lively accompaniment,

Wang Chao's deep and magnetic voice sounded:

"Dedicating our youth to the glorious city behind us, we paid a price for this beautiful dream.

Leaving love to the most sincere girl beside me, you accompany me to sing, you accompany me to wander, you accompany me to lose together.

Until now, I suddenly realized that what I dreamed of was true love and freedom


The song is Zheng JUN's"Elopement".

Wang Chao's singing still has no profound skills.

Because of this, the emotions poured into it are even stronger.

It makes people feel open, wild, and yearning for freedom.

Lazy and arrogant, alternative and beautiful.

Chen Xiao has been completely fascinated, and his big eyes are full of obsession.

Yang Mi and others like to listen to it, and they are envious and have complicated feelings.

As the sound of the piano intensifies, his voice suddenly becomes high-pitched.

The climax comes:

"I want to elope with you, to the farthest town.

I want to elope with you, to be the happiest person.



Upon hearing this, Chen Xiao's little brain exploded!

The whole person was stunned!

It seemed that his whole body was wrapped in a mixed feeling called happiness, excitement and happiness.

His heartbeat accelerated and he couldn't breathe.

Yang Mi and others were already stunned. Damn

, I asked you to sing a love song, what the hell did you sing?

Take her away and become the happiest person?

Damn, do you want to play so big?

What about me, what should I do?

Wait for me, if you can't explain it clearly, I will never let you go!

Eloping, I will make you unable to get off the wall!

All the guests, working groups and netizens in the live broadcast room were also stunned at this moment.

Good man, you are so fucking flirting, aren't you?

Others are seducing vaguely, and you just start snatching without saying a word?

Wang Chao sang HIGH, who cares what others think.

Blame me? This is all your fault!

"In the city of desire, you are my last faith.

White as a ray of joy, illuminating my heart


I want to elope with you, to the farthest town.

I want to elope with you, to be the happiest person.

Elope with you! Elope with you!"

The song ended, and the magical words echoed in everyone's mind for a long time.

Suddenly, the scene fell into a dead silence.

Everyone in the director group and the male guest group stared with their eyes wide open and their mouths slightly opened.

They looked as cute and silly as wandering frogs.

Although Yang Mi and others looked admiring, they were also full of resentment.

They pouted their lips one by one, like abused little swans.

Only Chen Xiao was the most different in the audience.

Covering her mouth, her big eyes were full of excitement and admiration.

As soon as Wang Chao finished singing, she rushed over like a gust of wind——

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