Lin Qingxue's pretty face was as red as a peach, and she was as shy as water:"What, don't talk nonsense, he is my brother-in-law!"

"Brother-in-law? The girl looked slightly stunned, and said with a bright smile:"I thought you found a boyfriend?" Did you come with your brother-in-law?"

"is it not OK? Let me introduce you, his name is Su Chen!

After the introduction, Lin Qingxue introduced to Su Chen:"Brother-in-law, her name is Su Wanting, she is my college classmate in Jiangdu!""

"Um!"Su Chen nodded slightly as a response.

Su Wanting smiled slightly:"Go in, the food is almost ready! After dinner, I'll take you two around!"

The three of them walked into the villa and sat down on the sofa. Su Chen asked Lin Qingxue:"When are you going to see your brother?

Lin Qingxue replied:"Tomorrow morning, I'm a little tired from driving!""

"That works!"Su Chen didn't ask any more questions.

Then, the two women started making jokes and chatting. Su Chen sat quietly on the side. After a while, a servant came over and said���Su Wanting said:"Miss, the food is ready, it's time to eat!"

"knew!"Su Wanting nodded slightly and stood up:"Let's go and eat!"

Su Chen and Lin Qingxue both stood up, and the three of them walked towards the kitchen. Before they had taken a few steps, a loud voice came:"Cousin!"

Su Wanting paused and looked towards the door of the hall. A tall and straight figure walked towards her. This was a young man in his twenties, wearing a black tunic suit. He had a resolute face and was quite handsome.

Young man His name is Su Chen, Su Wanting's cousin.

Su Wanting's pretty face was happy and she said a little surprised:"Cousin... why did you come down the mountain?

Su Chen smiled faintly:"Your father called me to come down the mountain!""

"Did he ask you to participate in the ring match tonight?"

Su Wanting guessed that her father has been very distressed in the past two days and has been inviting master martial artists to participate in a group competition.

The organizer of this group competition is the Ningzhou Martial Arts Association, but the person who set up the stage is from Simi Members of the national Taekwondo sect, these Simi people are all very skilled. They have been in the ring for four days and have only lost one game so far.

These Simi people are particularly arrogant now and have unleashed a lot of tricks. With arrogant words that insulted the warriors, this martial arts competition has caused uproar in the city and angered countless warriors and citizens in Ningzhou. The owner of the gym is her father, who rented the martial arts hall to the Wushu Association.

Originally, her father thought that the Wushu Association was hosting some martial arts activities, so he rented the martial arts hall to the Wushu Association. Who knew that he was renting the martial arts hall to the Wushu Association. The Simi people promote Taekwondo.

Now, things are getting worse. Her father has been reviled by many warriors and citizens. Everyone is eager to find warriors to defeat those Simi people and stop this matter. Of course, there are also warriors for China. She let out a bad breath.

Unfortunately, her father had invited many warriors to participate in the arena competition, but without exception, they all lost.

"That's right, these Simi people are so arrogant. The news has spread to our Tianwu Academy. They actually say that we have no one in China. They also say that we Chinese warriors are like sick young people. They say that the world's martial arts originated from Si. Secret, Taekwondo Kung Fu is the world's number one martial art. They are really a group of people who sit in the well and watch the sky. I will definitely teach them a lesson tonight and feel proud of the Chinese warriors!"

Su Chen clenched his fists with a face full of indignation. He seemed to have strong confidence in tonight's arena match.

"Cousin... these Simi people are very powerful. So far, they have only lost one game. You... can you beat them?"

Su Wanting was a little uneasy.

Su Chen smiled confidently:"Don't worry, I have now obtained the true inheritance of my master. I am the most powerful disciple among my master's disciples. I not only know Xingyi Quan, but I also know the Five Elements. Boxing, Baguazhang, isn’t it Taekwondo? I believe you are definitely no match for me!"

"Okay, let's go together that night. I hope you can feel proud and proud for us Chinese warriors!"Su Wanting looked forward to it

"Okay, let's see how I teach those arrogant Simi people tonight!"

Su Chen smiled proudly and looked at Su Chen and Lin Qingxue:"Cousin, who are these two?

Su Wanting pointed at Lin Qingxue and introduced:"Let me introduce to you, this is my college classmate, her name is Lin Qingxue!" After saying that

, he pointed at Su Chen and said:"This is her brother-in-law, his name is Su Chen!""

After hearing the introduction, Su Chen looked up and down Lin Qingxue's body. Lin Qingxue's slender figure and beautiful face like a hibiscus gave his eyes a hint of fire that was hard to detect. The corners of his mouth curled up. With a cool smile, he walked straight to Lin Qingxue with his hands in his pockets, stretched out his hand, and said with a smile:"Hello, nice to meet you, my name is Su Chen!

Lin Qingxue did not reach out to shake hands, but responded with a faint smile:"Hello!""

Su Chen retracted his hand in embarrassment when he saw that Lin Qingxue did not shake hands.

Su Wanting smiled lightly:"Cousin... I tell you, Qingxue's younger brother is also studying martial arts at Tianwu Academy. You might know him!"

"Is it? Su Chen smiled slightly and asked Lin Qingxue:"Beauty, what is your brother's name?" Which master did you learn martial arts from?

Lin Qingxue shook her head:"I don't know who he learned martial arts from. His name is Lin Yujie!""

"Lin Yujie.."

Su Chen murmured and thought for a moment, feeling a little unfamiliar with this name.

Although they are in the same academy, Tianwu Academy is very large, with more than a thousand students and more than ten martial arts departments.

"I've never heard of your brother's name. There are too many students in Tianwu Academy. Beauty, where are you from?"Su Chen had a cool smile.

"Wanjiang! Lin Qingxue replied calmly

"That's quite far, so are you here to see your brother?"Su Chen guessed.

Lin Qingxue nodded slightly:"That's right!

Su Wanting said:"Cousin, we are going to eat now. Are you hungry? Let's eat together!""

"Well, I happen to be a little hungry!"

The four of them took a step and walked into the kitchen. They saw a dining table in the kitchen filled with delicacies from the mountains and seas. The fragrant aroma filled the whole house.

The four of them sat down around the dining table, but Su Chen was Sitting next to Lin Qingxue, Su Chen sat on the other side of Lin Qingxue.

Seeing Su Chen sitting next to Lin Qingxue, Su Wanting didn't understand his intention and smiled jokingly:"Cousin... what are you doing?"

"Ahem...what are you doing?.."Su Chen was a little shy.

Su Wanting said bluntly:"You are sitting so close to my classmate, what, you want to take advantage of my classmate?"

Lin Qingxue's face suddenly turned red, she moved hurriedly, and moved her stool at the same time, so that she was close to Su Chen.

Su Chen looked at Lin Qingxue's actions and glared at Su Wanting speechlessly.

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