Chapter 144 National Champion! [2/6]

Lingnan successfully advanced to the national finals. On the other hand, the competition between [Hakata Shang University Affiliated] and [Hainan Affiliated] also came to an end.

At the last moment, Mu Shen failed to make a killing blow.

But Mu Shen, who failed, suddenly felt relieved for some unknown reason.

On the contrary, he still feels pity for the Hakata Shang University affiliate who won over him.

That beast opened its huge mouth, waiting for food to arrive.

Hakata Commerce University affiliate narrowly defeated its opponents and entered the national finals.

Tomorrow is the national finals.......

Aida Yayoi went to Zhang Feng’s dormitory in the evening to conduct an interview

"Are you confident about tomorrow's game?"Aida Yayoi asked

"certainly."Everyone laughed.

For some reason, after Anan defeated the Queen of the Mountain, everyone in Lingnan had an inexplicable confidence, whether it was the starting player or the substitute player. What is even more frightening is that in the two games against the Queen of the Mountain, the team The hit rate increased by an average of 10%, which is an extremely scary statistic.

"What do you want to do after the national competition?"Aida Yayoi said with a smile.

"Go home and have a good sleep."Qingshan said gracefully

"Well, sleep. Matsushita Arisato smiled.

"make up a lesson..."When it was the turn of the microphone to be handed to Yue Yue Hongming, Yue Yue Hongming said with a black line on his face. He couldn't help but look at Zhang Feng with envy and jealousy, mdzz, why does Mao usually play so hard and look so handsome? Better than myself

"Head to the United States."Yuzhu said in a deep voice.

"Well, let's go to the United States."Zhang Feng laughed and said that in the 2000 ABCD training camp, there were many good players, including Dwyane Wade, Carmelo Anthony, and the talented player who was once comparable to LeBron James.........

This interview lasted about an hour.

Everyone was laughing and laughing.

This is completely different from the nervous and livid-faced Hakata Shougang University affiliate....

Although Hakata Shang University Affiliated has also entered the finals, they are aware of the gap between themselves and Lingnan.

Zhang Feng, this bug cannot be solved.

In addition, there are other Lingnan players who have high morale.

The growth of Zhang Feng and others has made Lingnan the second AA-level strong team in the country.........

The match between Ryonan High School and Hakata Shougang University Affiliated School.

Although Hakata was much stronger than yesterday's diggers, they still couldn't suppress Lingnan.

After the start, the Tsunami brothers showed off their power.

It rained three points in the arena.

This three-point rain is more intense than before. The big reason is that Zhang Feng, who has [Board Master] and [Crazy Rebounder], can also grab offensive rebounds when Xiandao misses. , continue to wave 3.

After three minutes of rain, Lingnan began to practice the"Double Horns Tactics" again.

The double horns tactic makes Yoshihao Fukuda the biggest beneficiary. His inside cuts are extremely efficient.

Although Bodo also organized many counterattacks, the opponent's firepower was too strong.

The two teams are like fighting landlords, no matter what card you play...

I have always used the king bomb [Tsunami Combination].

How to fight this? ? ?.........

This year's national competition finals is the least suspenseful one ever, and at the same time, it is also the most entertaining one.

In addition to all kinds of unreasonable three-pointers, Zhang Feng also contributed all kinds of incredible slam dunks.

Especially the visual impact of a slam dunk is not much worse than watching an NBA-level game.

In the end, Lingnan defeated 118vs80 by 38 points and won the national championship.

As for Zhang Feng, he scored 54 points, 19 rebounds and 10 assists in this game. He had a triple double and became the best player this year.【MVP】

The national competition has come to an end.

Lingnan's third-year veterans burst into tears!

They had fantasized about this moment for a long time.

I didn’t expect it would actually come true this year.

For many third-year veterans, this is their last time competing.

After all, it will be difficult for most people, even high school star players, to enter the professional arena in the future. They have to fight for their future success.

For example: Aoyama Elegance and Matsushita Yusato, they will all choose to quit the team after the national competition to make the final sprint to get into college.

Maybe this championship trophy will not have much impact on their future lives and will not bring any benefits, but for them, for these basketball lovers, this championship trophy is everything to them.

The audience will not forget: when Matsushita Yuri was playing against Sanno, he was so guilty that he beat the floor with his hands because he was intercepted by his opponent.

The audience will never forget:

Although Aoyama Elegance was beaten by his opponents many times, he still gritted his teeth and persisted when facing the opponent's trump card, even if the result was still a blow.

Zhang Feng is the most eye-catching presence in this year's national competition!

But these 'veterans' who have dedicated their youth to basketball are also worthy of respect........

"our target is!"Taoka Shigeichi shouted the slogan for the last time

"Dominate the country!!!"Zhang Feng and others roared.

The sound was so loud that it resounded throughout the sky.

At the same time, a series of mechanical and cold electronic sounds sounded in Zhang Feng's mind.

"Ding, the system upgrade is complete"

"Please check the host!".......

"I wipe it!"

"Is the upgrade really completed?"

"Damn it!"

"I can finally become stronger quickly again"


Zhang Feng laughed wildly in his heart, but when he saw the character panel in his mind, he couldn't help but have a black line on his face.

Why is Mao...

My attributes have been reduced so much....

"Ding, friendly reminder: This is based on the strength of NBA players as a template reference."

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