Chapter 147 Heading to the American ABCD Training Camp [5/6]

After spending a day in Hiroshima, Zhang Feng and others set off back to Kanagawa Prefecture.

In addition, since Nan Lie also wanted to go to the United States with Zhang Feng to participate in the ABCD training camp, he went to Kanagawa Prefecture with him.

Kanagawa Prefecture Railway Station.

Not long after he came out of the platform, Zhang Feng saw a familiar figure looking around, with nervousness and excitement written on his face.

"leaf!"Zhang Feng said hello with a smile.

"Afon!"After Ye Zi saw Zhang Feng, Ye Zi, who hadn't seen him for many days, rushed towards Zhang Feng like a bolt of lightning. At this moment, he completely forgot that there were many people around him.

"Ahem."Seeing a young couple showing off their affection in front of him, Shigeichi Taoka couldn't help but cough twice.

"that...Hello everyone"

"Thank you all for your hard work."

Zi Zi hurriedly came out of Zhang Feng's arms and said shyly.


"No, no, it’s your Afeng who has the hardest time."

Matsushita Arisato joked

"No way."The leaves suddenly turned red.

"I must be busy. I have been so busy signing autographs with girls recently that my hands are almost broken from exhaustion."Xiu Hongming said sourly.

"screw you."Zhang Feng said angrily.


This gave Ye Ye a new look......

After the national competition came to an end, everyone went home to find their respective mothers.

Zhang Feng only stayed at home for one day, eh...No, to be precise, he should have been with Ye Zi for the whole day.

In the evening, Zhang Feng had dinner at Ye Zi's house.

Ye Zi's parents are very satisfied with Zhang Feng. After all, Zhang Feng is now a celebrity in Kanagawa Prefecture.

Almost everyone who plays basketball knows Zhang Feng.

After dinner, Zhang Feng went to Ye Zi's room to give him extra lessons. half an hour later...

After Ye Zi sent Zhang Feng out of the house, he kept rubbing his arms.

As for Zhang Feng, he looked satisfied...........

Shortly after leaving the house, Zhang Feng turned on his cell phone.


In order not to affect...Indescribable things go on.

Shut down...This is inevitable...

Soon after turning on the phone, Zhang Feng found that he had more than ten missed calls.

Zhang Feng dialed over and said with a smile:

"Nanlie, what's wrong?"

"What are you so anxious about?"

However, there was a yelling voice on the phone.

"Bastard, where have you been?"

"He actually left me to someone else"

"my first kiss...Woo woo woo..."

Nanlie's voice came from the other end of the phone, crying for his father and mother.

Nanlie followed him to Kanagawa County. Zhang Feng couldn't take him with him all the time, so he asked Ye Zi's friend Yuanzi to help.

When the big-faced Yuanzi saw how handsome Nan Lie was, there was no reason why he wouldn't agree.

As a result, Yuanzi took Nanlie shopping and dinner. Finally, while watching a movie, he took advantage of the dark light and suddenly pounced and snatched away Nanlie's first kiss....

"It's settled, it's settled. What's the big deal."Zhang Feng comforted him. After finishing speaking, Zhang Feng immediately moved the phone half a meter away from his ear.

Immediately afterwards, there was another roar from Nan Lie...........

The next day.

Zhang Feng, Nan Lie, Fujima Kenji, Uozumi Jun and Fukuda Yoshihao went to the United States.

As the last candidate, Zhang Feng planned to take Akagi there, but Fukuda Yoshihao called him at night.

The sultry Yoshio Fukuda is not content with the status quo and wants to visit the basketball kingdom.

Fukuda Yoshihao is one of the male friends with whom he has the best relationship in the world. There is no reason not to be close to him, so Zhang Feng did not go to Akagi Takenori, but asked Fukuda Yoshihao to go with him.

On the other hand, Taoka Shigeichi was not idle either. He came to the middle school mentioned by Zhang Feng and asked about [Naito Tetsuya].

Today's Shigeichi Taoka is not a strange uncle.

Shigeichi Tagoka is now a champion coach known throughout Japan.

He was highly received by the middle school leaders after saying"Naito Tetsuya".

The school leaders patted their chests and promised that they would try their best to persuade him to go to Lingnan High School.

After all, this is a very glorious thing for their middle school.

The coach of the national champion, Lingnan High School, personally came to recruit people....

What an honor!

Things developed so smoothly that it made Shigeichi Taoka, who had previously failed to recruit many talents, feel so unrealistic.........

This year's ABCD training camp in 2000 is full of talents.

There are several talented high school students who are famous throughout the United States.

Upon entering training camp, everyone will have a number.

Number 1 is the strongest, decreasing in order, and 250 is the weakest.

These are judged by professionals in the training camp based on the player's strength.

Numbers will change daily and adjustments will be made for wins and losses.

For example, Tracy McGrady suddenly went from No. 175 to No. 1.

The same was true for Kobe in the past...

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