Chapter 155: Inside Attack Skills - Bottom Step [2/5, please subscribe]

Garnett recruited 20 people for special training in the training camp. Of course, in fact, it was just a pointer.

After all, you only have about two hours, so how much you can learn depends on your own understanding.

Among these 20 people, there is only one outside player, Zhang Feng.

The rest are all inside players in the training camp, both high and low ranked........

"As insiders, our role is not just to compete for rebounds under the basket and prevent outside players from breaking into the basket."

"We need to have a good offense around the basket"

"The trick I will teach you today is one often used by NBA star insiders - the bottom step."

Garnett stood in front of many high school geniuses and said loudly.

These talented high school students are almost all elites everywhere. They have been arrogant since they were young, but in front of NBA superstars, they all behave very humbly.

"Bottom step.

Regarding this professional term for basketball, basketball fans in previous lives only heard it 12 years later.

The English name is"drop-step"".......

"No. 7, No. 32, come out for a moment"

"Let me first introduce myself."

Garnett pointed to No. 32 Zhang Feng and another white player No. 7.

"I wipe it!"

"David Lee!!!"

Zhang Feng suddenly noticed that the No. 7 in Garnett's mouth turned out to be the future double-double king of the league, David Lee.’

"Hello everyone, I am David Lee. I am 206cm tall and weigh 105kg. I am a power forward. I am 17 years old and graduated from high school."David Lee introduced himself as David Lee. Zhang Feng remembered that he only entered the NBA in 2006, but in fact David Lee was one year older than LeBron James because he was a high school student. He only entered the NBA after four years of college.

David Lee is an excellent scorer at the basket, but he struggles on the defensive end, so he has always been called a double-double player!

-After Li introduced himself, Zhang Feng also started to introduce himself.

"My name is Zhang Feng. I am 186.5cm tall and weigh 80.5cm. I am a point guard. I am 15 years old and I am a freshman in high school."Zhang Feng said.

After hearing Zhang Feng's self-introduction, the high school students present showed surprise.

At the age of 15, he defeated the almost 18-year-old Chris Dolby. This is not easy. You know, Chris -Dolby is considered a player who can enter the NBA.

He is 15 years old, which means he is extremely talented and has an immeasurable upper limit.

At the same time, Garnett's expression changed when he heard that Zhang Feng was only 15 years old. Garnett couldn't help but changed slightly.

Garnett also watched the game between Zhang Feng and Chris Dolby. Except for his poor passing ability, this little guy was very good in other aspects, but this didn't interest Garnett too much. Note, after all, if the opponent is already 18 years old, it can only be called outstanding. He is still far away from the NBA level.

After all, as a point guard, his vision and passing are particularly important. Importantly, you can compete with your peers with your good body. However, once this type of player enters the NBA, they will be quickly overwhelmed.

However, now that I heard that Zhang Feng was only 15 years old, he really stepped into it for the first time. Garnett's vision.

15 years old is the fastest time for a player's physical development. If he is given another two or three years, this kid with a wild style of play can really make a name for himself.

After all, there is only time left for him. More......

"very good"

"Now let me explain in detail what is the bottom step"

"Zhang Feng, pass the ball to me."

Garnett let David Lee get stuck behind him and asked Zhang Feng to pass the ball to him.

Zhang Feng gave the ball to Garnett. After Garnett caught the ball, he leaned on David Lee and turned toward the baseline..

Immediately afterwards, Garnett only had the basket in front of him.


The top-notch bounce and speed in the NBA made the rim buzz.

Garnett pretended to be X in front of young players like Zhang Feng........

This offense under the basket looks like just turning around and passing David Lee, but in fact it is not that simple.

When Garnett performed [Deep Step], he used his strong upper body strength to squeeze out the space. At the same time, this was also accompanied by the movement of his footsteps.

After performing the sinking step, Garnett's front was almost unguarded and wide open.

For inside players, this is simply a God-given opportunity.

"Many post players in the NBA know the bottom step, but not many can actually practice it well."

"In addition, there are very few people who can use it correctly."

"If you want to gain a foothold in the NBA, your body is the foundation, but your mind is the most important, unless you have the physical strength of Shaquille O'Neal. Of course, Shaquille O'Neal is also very cunning in the game."

"First of all, what I want to give you is the bottom step. Secondly, it is to hit the wrong position."

"In NBA games, you will face many mismatch opportunities. For example, if you encounter a short defender guarding you in the paint, if you hold the ball and charge hard, you will be easily intercepted."

"If you fight with your back, you will be double-teamed soon."

"At this time, if you have solid [sinking step] skills, after receiving the pass from your teammate, catch the ball, shoot the ball, and collect the ball, you can create a shooting space.".......

So, so, so much!

Garnett said a lot.

Regarding these experience transfers, Zhang Feng nodded repeatedly. I have to say that these things are really useful.

However, this made Xue Zhayuzhu suffer because he couldn’t understand English at all~

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