After Rukawa Kaede blocked the shot, he looked at Zhang Feng.

The man who had defeated him on the street court in the past.

It's just that he is completely different now than when we first met him.

At that time, he was nearly a head shorter than himself, but now, he is actually much taller than himself.

This change is really shocking.

Zhang Feng ignored Rukawa Kaede's"fighting" look and continued to chat with Ikegami Ryoji.

Ryoji Ikegami, Lingnan's leading defender.

After being baptized in many competitions, not only his defensive skills have skyrocketed, but he also has a good three-point ability.

But the most commendable thing is his actor-level diving’...

When it comes to causing offensive fouls against the opponent's ace players, they are easy to pick out and difficult to guard against.

In the Winter Cup match against Toyotama, Nanlie made two consecutive offensive fouls at the beginning....

Nan Lie was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

However, he was still pushed to the bench by Shigeichi Taoka.

After all, first graders still need to be given���Naito's chance.

This is his first game.......

On the basketball court.

Lingnan served a sideline ball.

After receiving the pass from Uozumi, Tomoyuki Uekusa quickly passed it to Tetsuya Naito who was 'opening the back door' inside.

The so-called 'opening the back door' means going around behind the other party.

Sakuragi Hanamichi, who had just started playing basketball, didn't react for a while.

Then, a"bang!" was heard....

A burly man completed a slam dunk on his own head

"you! How dare this bald man..."Looking at Naito hanging on the basket, Sakuragi Hanamichi was quite angry.

However, he stopped after noticing Akagi Haruko next to him


"Yasuda, pass the ball to this genius later."

Sakuragi Hanamichi said

"Well..."Yasuda Yasharu is quite embarrassed.

Although Sakuragi Hanamichi is extremely talented, he is still a beginner. pass the ball to him...Isn't this nonsense?.......

"idiot."Rukawa Kaede on the side said

"Bastard, stinky fox, what did you say!"Sakuragi's firecracker-like character ignited every moment.

"Is this redhead guy really a player?"

"How do you know how to fool around?"

Ryoji Ikegami on the bench said with a look of disgust.


"This interesting guy will become a very terrifying opponent in the future."

Zhang Feng said with a smile

"ah?!"After hearing Zhang Feng's words, Ikegami Ryoji's expression was slightly startled and said:"Afeng, stop joking, how is it possible for this guy? ? ?".........

On the court, Rukawa Kaede takes over the offense.

Facing the masked Fukuda Yoshio, Rukawa Kaede got rid of him with several fake moves.

Over the course of a year, although Fukuda Yoshiaki's defense has improved, it is still difficult to guard against a player of Rukawa Kaede's level.

Rukawa Kaede quickly cuts to the basket, and Naito makes up the defense.

"Don't even think about it!"

Rukawa Kaede used his amazing skills to spin in the air and perfectly avoided Naito Tetsuya.


In the end, the great ape king"Uozumi" slapped the basketball on the backboard.


The domineering slam dunk made people feel the terrifying defense of Kanagawa Prefecture's No. 1 center 'Uozumi Jun'.

However, Akagi under the basket is also alert.

After picking up the rebound, he wiped the board and hit the ball.........

"This Naito is really an idiot. Just stand firm."

"If he dares to bump into him, he will fall down directly."

"First make him an offensive foul."

Flip expert 'Ryoji Ikegami' cursed.

"Well..."Zhang Feng couldn't help but feel a little speechless........

Lingnan attacks, this time, it’s finally Sakuragi Hanamichi’s turn to perform...

Through Fukuda Yoshihao's movement without the ball, he thought he would completely get rid of Sakuragi Hanamichi, but after shooting,...

This strange redhead actually jumped up and missed his own shot.



"What a terrifying bounce!"

However...When everyone praised Sakuragi Hanamichi, Sakuragi Hanamichi felt a little complacent.

Yoshio Fukuda quickly picked up the dropped basketball, and then quickly cut into the paint with a short body.

"Fool!"Seeing that the absent-minded Sakuragi Hanamichi actually missed the defense, Takenori Akagi couldn't help but said angrily.

By the time Sakuragi came back to his senses, it was already too late.

Fukuda Yoshio had almost reached the basket....

What makes Akagi even more speechless is that...

Fish lives here...

He actually ran outside the three-point line.

Just when Akagi hesitated, Fukuda's army had already rushed over.

A light one-handed slam dunk scored two more points for Ryonan.........

Shohoku, who started the game, was defeated by Lingnan, who had no twin emperors. This also made the war in the hearts of Rukawa Kaede, Sakuragi Hanamichi, Akagi Takenori and others ignite.

"Damn it, you masked guy"

"How despicable, you actually took advantage of me not paying attention..."

Sakuragi Hanamichi pointed at Fukuda Yoshio who was wearing a transparent mask and said

"Idiot, don't be embarrassed."Akagi Takenori hit Sakuragi Hanamichi on the head with another violent blow.

In this regard, Fukuda Yoshihao didn't say anything.

I don't know why....

Fukuda Yoshihao feels that his strength will increase after wearing the mask...

For this reason, after Yoshio Fukuda put on a mask after his facial bones were injured last time, he has developed the habit of wearing a mask during games..........

The game continued, and under Lingnan's strong pressure, Rukawa Kaede finally showed his strength.

Junior high school MVP!

The new king of Kanagawa Prefecture!

Continuous breakthroughs, shots, and occasionally a few inside connections with Akagi slowly narrowed the point difference.

As for Sakuragi, he is still unstable on the court....

There may be a beautiful block one second ago, but a second later, there may be a second dribbling violation.

In addition, Sakuragi Hanamichi was beaten by Naito who was standing behind him.���Uncomfortable.

This big guy is much stronger than a gorilla

"Baldhead, your strength is not bad."Sakuragi, who was pushed away by Naito again and took off the rebound, and the second attack was successful, said quite angrily.

"Hehe, compared to my boss, he is a little worse."Naito Tetsuya said

"Your boss?"Yingmu was startled, and then thought of Zhang Feng, who had just held him down with one hand.

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