Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 28 Huanzhugege starts up

At that moment, Ye Ming said unceremoniously: "You, I know it but I don't know why. We were originally able to get together and discuss things this time, but after such a fuss, forget it, let's wait until the 18th to start the production." That day. Maybe it will be even more lively then, but that’s not necessarily the case.”

What Ye Ming is looking forward to most now is that Princess Huanzhu can be launched on time.

Beijing, Prince Gong’s Mansion.

The cast of Princess My Fair Princess, the first scene, a scene where everyone is playing in the imperial garden.

There is no difficulty in this scene. The director's purpose in choosing this scene is actually to make people relax and get into the situation earlier. In fact, the camera is not started at all.

Cameraman Liu Jiajun was too lazy to move and sat aside smoking.

In his eyes, director Sun Shupei seemed to be not very friendly.

Sun Shupei didn't seem to be very satisfied with the cameraman, but the cameraman was from Zhongjie Company, and he was just the director hired by Zhongjie Company to save the scene.

Therefore, Sun Shupei turned a blind eye to some things.

Half an hour later,

Assistant director Chao Guoli greeted everyone and said: "The actual shooting will begin now, the actors are in place, and all departments are preparing."

The first scene of episode four, the first point, the first shot, the first point.

After the layout, it was time to start shooting.

Although Zhao Wei felt uneasy, he was still a student at a professional school and had some basic skills.

At this moment, Su Youpeng was a little nervous. It was his first time filming a costume drama. Although he had memorized this line by heart yesterday, it was his first time filming when he picked up the pastel-yellow-bottomed lotus bowl. , but my mind was blank. I completely forgot what words to say.

Standing on the periphery and watching, I saw this situation at a glance. I shook my head and said, "I have stage fright. This is a taboo for an actor."

Lin Xinsu frowned and said, "I have stage fright. Is there any good way?"

Both are actors from Baodao, so Lin Xinru and Su Youpeng have become closer these days.

Now that Su Youpeng was in this situation, she naturally saw it and was anxious in her heart.

Fan Binbin also followed and said: "How can a big shot like Guaiguaihu have stage fright? Ordinarily he shouldn't?"

Ye Ming shook his head and said helplessly: "This has nothing to do with big names or not. Youpeng is a singer. He is naturally familiar with singing, but in terms of acting, he is also a newcomer, and he is not even as good as Zhao Wei from the vocational school came with confidence.

But because he is a big shot, he is worried that he will not perform well and has this kind of worry about gains and losses, so he suffers from stage fright. Others cannot help him, so he must come out on his own. "

Because there is no drama about Zhang Tielin today, he is just wearing a silk gown, a light blue silk gown.

Follow and stand on the outside.

Hearing Ye Ming's words, Zhang Tielin turned around and said: "It's not wrong at all. This kind of stage fright. If Youpeng didn't come out today, there would be no way to film this scene."

Although the assistant director Chao Guoli was a little angry, but because she was facing Su Youpeng, one of the biggest names in the crew, after NG, she said: "Youpeng, you have to relax, never once."

Director Sun Shupei didn't expect it to happen, so he didn't take it to heart.

However, Su Youpeng was unable to open his mouth and speak his lines twice in a row.

This is called stage fright. If he can't get over this psychological hurdle, it's like what Zhang Tielin said, and it will be impossible to continue filming his scene today.

After the third NG, Sun Shupei finally couldn't help it anymore and stood up and said, "Su Youpeng, what are you doing? You can't pass such a simple line. Isn't this wasting everyone's time?"

Although Su Youpeng is a big singer, he is indeed a newcomer when it comes to acting. He was taught a lesson by the director in front of everyone, and his face was not shiny.

At that moment, Su Youpeng said with a very kind attitude: "I'm sorry, director, but as soon as I turned on the camera, I forgot all the lines that were on my lips. My mind went blank. I don't know what happened to me. I just couldn't remember anything."

Sun Shupei was also quite helpless. He understood that Su Youpeng had to go through this hurdle by himself, and others could not help him.

Therefore, at this time, Sun Shupei thought for a while and said: "Forget it, take a ten-minute break and relax."

Su Youpeng immediately stood up and found a place to continue familiarizing himself with Zi's lines.

At this time, the director was frowning. Money was already tight, but if something like this happened, the funds would be too much to bear.

Ye Ming came over and said, "Director, I have an idea that might work."

Sun Shupei glanced at Ye Ming. This actor was smart and had many ideas. It was because of the song "Mouse Loves Rice" that he was appreciated by Qiong Yao and got the role of Erkang.

Otherwise, this role may not be his. Zhou Jie and Liu Hanmin were both eyeing this role, but Ye Ming still had the last laugh.

Director Sun Shupei's eyes lit up and he said, "Let me know if you have any ideas."

Ye Ming smiled and said: "Why Youpeng is like this? It's just because he is nervous. Therefore, Caihu has this kind of problem, coupled with his experience in filming, well, this is understandable. But, I can guarantee that he He did his homework very carefully yesterday. Knowing that he would be filming this scene today, he had already memorized his lines.

Therefore, I think he is mentally ill. As long as we are like this, there should be no problem. "

A heart disease requires a heart medicine. Sun Shupei glanced at Ye Ming, nodded with satisfaction and said: "Not bad, not bad, just do it."

After giving instructions, deputy director Chao Guoli will naturally make arrangements.

Ten minutes later, Chao Guoli greeted all the departments, and then said to Su Youpeng: "Because the director is considering the first scene, you are nervous, so move in first, and the four of you will cooperate and treat it as a real shot. But I won’t turn it on, so I’ll do a real shot next time.”

Now Su Youpeng felt a lot more relieved, and his whole body relaxed and he suddenly entered the state.

Holding a pastel-yellow lotus bowl, he blurted out the line: "I serve tea as wine to the most beautiful deer."

Zhao Wei naturally followed the next sentence immediately, holding a tureen with a pastel yellow background and patterns of flowers and birds, and said: "To the most confused hunter."

Then, for the next line, Zhao should have lowered his eyebrows and glanced at the tureen before continuing.

However, I didn't expect that this time,


Director Sun Shupei called a stop without mercy and said angrily: "The stage manager, where is the stage manager, Liu Yuebing, get over here."

This time, the director almost went crazy. He finally solved the problem of Su Youpeng's stage fright, but he didn't expect such a big flaw to appear on the tea bowl.

Su Youpeng walked over quickly, fearing that he had made a mistake somewhere.

Sun Shupei glanced at Su Youpeng and said, "It's not your problem this time, Youpeng. It's because the props are wrong."

Liu Yuebing ran over quickly, like a gust of wind.

He said very respectfully: "Director, what do you want me to do?"

Sun Shupei pointed to the banquet table in the pavilion and said angrily: "What's going on? How did you prepare it? I asked you to prepare a complete set of pastel-yellow-bottomed lotus bowls. What do you do to me?" I prepared them, but why are the two different? One is a tangle of flowers, and the other is actually a pattern of flowers and birds. You don’t know that these two tea bowls have close-ups, right?"

Liu Yuebing finally realized what had happened. This was a low-level mistake that should not have been made.

Fan Binbin said in confusion: "Two tea bowls, will the audience notice these?"

Ye Ming sighed and said: "Although this imperial drama has elements of drama, some etiquette still needs to be paid attention to. This is the palace after all. Think about it, there is a queen, a prince, and a princess and a young master. , these people drink tea and actually say they can’t even find a complete set of tea bowls. Isn’t this fooling the audience?”

Zhang Tielin said earnestly: "Yes, details determine success or failure. If it means that your concubine and Ertai have this kind of tea bowl in front of them, or if there is no tea bowl at all, I don't care. Because their tea bowls did not have close-ups, but the tea bowls of Xiao Yanzi and Yong Qi were given close-ups. Therefore, in a situation like this, if the two tea bowls do not match, it is conceivable that How serious this would be."

In fact, in such a situation, Liu Yuebing felt that things were a bit tricky precisely because he realized this.

He knew he was being framed.

Therefore, at this time, Liu Yuebing was not a good person, and he would not let go of being tricked.

At that moment, he turned around angrily and said angrily: "Liu Daiwang, come here, you bastard, what did I arrange for you yesterday? This tea bowl is for a close-up shot. You have to give it to me." Find a set. If you really can’t find a set, at least find two pairs. But look at you, you have found two tea bowls. As a result, the two tea bowls are not a family. What do you think? Whatever you do, it doesn’t matter what you want to do, it doesn’t matter, get out.”

This matter was actually arranged by Liu Yuebing yesterday. Just in case, everyone, in fact, Liu Yuebing told everyone several times in a row, for fear of what kind of accident might happen during the on-site shooting at such a time. .

But I didn't expect that I was very careful about this matter.

Still being tricked.

It must be the work of the prop Liu Daiwang, because he and the cameraman are cousins, so naturally they are relatively close, and he is considered a confidant of the cameraman's group. Of course, he said that he would see the jokes made by himself, the director's confidant.

The director and cameraman were at odds, which was an open secret among the crew. (To be continued)

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