Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 128 Ha, I am the hiding party? (Additional update for alliance leader Zhou Xiangbo)

"Twelve o'clock,

twelve o'clock,

It’s twelve o’clock tonight.”

Huang Shengli almost shouted, making the tools in front couldn't help but turn their heads.

He only took 1.6 seconds out of the ten minutes given by the program team to think about it, mainly because he felt that the surprise came too suddenly.

Brother, you are the biggest commander at the headquarters. You don’t have much image if you don’t pay attention to it.

"Although there is a risk of you being exposed if there are too many people in the mall, it will be more troublesome for us to find him. If we meet a store owner who is willing to cooperate, we can't find him even if he hides under his skirt.

This choice is too easy, it must be midnight, let's play a game quietly. "

Seeing the two captains taking turns being happy and sighing, the program director's face was almost crooked with a smile.

[The third choice is the number of people participating in this hide-and-seek.

According to the ratio, the capture and escape ratio is 1:2, that is to say, one person is looking for it, and two people are hiding it.

A, two people,

B, four people. 】

Ah. This made Ning Zhou miserable. He had obviously calculated the current number of escapees. The four people he captured meant that all the escapees had to be mobilized.

"Program team, I want to ask a question, does the victory condition require finding everyone?"


"Because the rules of hide-and-seek are different across the country, after comprehensive analysis, the program team

Before the start of the game, the hiding party will arrive one hour in advance. Once the time is up, regardless of whether it is hidden or not,

Each person caught has a mobile phone. As long as the person hiding is photographed, they will be eliminated immediately.

During this period, the hiding party does not need to be fixed somewhere and can be arranged freely.

Within the limited time, all members of the Tibetan side are photographed, and the capturing side wins.

At the end of the limited time, as long as one player from the hiding side is not photographed, the Tibetan side wins. "

Ning Zhou remembered that when he was a child, hide and seek seemed to be a catch if he saw someone calling out his name, but this was not important, as long as he followed the rules of the show team.

What he cares about now is not these, but the number of people

It seems that there is a choice, either choose A and take all the responsibility on yourself.

Either call the members back. After all, there are many people and there are many hiding places, so the success rate may be higher.

But the second point is too costly to implement.

After finally getting out of the city, you run back again. Don't forget that the ultimate goal is to escape, not to win a small game.

The key point was that there was no time to discuss it with the members, only ten minutes.

As long as you can hide it well, you still have a chance of winning.

When option A came out, Huang Shengli didn't say anything. No matter which one he chose, it made sense.

[Fourth option, hide-and-seek time,

A, three hours,

B, four hours. 】

"BBBBB, I choose B, hahahaha, Ning Zhou, are you stupid? Luck is also a part of strength.

The arrangement of the program team is good and quite fair. The party chosen first seems to have an advantage, but in fact."

There was no doubt about it, everyone knew what he was laughing about.

It's also my fault that the program team deliberately didn't present the four options together. Winning the first game of rock, paper, scissors doesn't count as a win.

"It's too much!"

When Ning Zhou heard these two options, he felt as if he had been showered with a bucket of ice water from head to toe in the middle of winter.

I can't say anything unfair. After all, he won. I believe the program team must have prepared four options in advance.

"This is really bad luck."

Three hours, four hours, just one more hour. After half a day of analysis, the so-called advantage can be said to be gone.

"Can I regret it?"

"Okay, if you regret it, you, including three random escapees, will broadcast their traces every two hours, and will be punished for twenty-four hours."

"You're wrong, you're wrong, don't go back on your word, don't regret it!"

There are only three losers, and one more is given away, so why not give it a try?

[Okay, the first "Hide and Seek" competition of Escape from Ming Dynasty will start at 12 o'clock tonight.

Before the start, there will be vehicles from the program team to greet you, above! 】

Huang Shengli opened all channels with a smile.

"Let's take a rest now. At twelve o'clock in the evening, let's play hide and seek."


The chasing team members all said they didn't understand, so why did they just play hide and seek?

He recounted what had just happened. There were no surprises, and everyone became energetic instantly.

"There are still games like this."

"That sounds interesting."

"So, we are looking for four people, right? Then who will participate?"

Photos of the thirteen team members appeared on the big screen at the headquarters.

"There is no discrimination. In our team, the physical strength of girls is definitely weaker than that of boys.

The location is in a shopping mall. The specific floor and location are unknown for the time being, but from the three hours it takes to start, we can infer that it must be quite big.

Therefore, the two people responsible for finding them must have good physical strength.

Before choosing, let me tell you that everyone can go back to the hotel to rest in the afternoon.

The game starts at twelve o'clock. We have won. The escapees will be equipped with positioning and must take action in the middle of the night.

Moreover, it is night, and there is no train to allow them to move indefinitely. Let's set a small goal. At 12 noon tomorrow, we will capture at least three escapees. "

Not a word of Huang Shengli's words mentioned chicken blood, but every word was chicken blood. It is estimated that the chasing team will not be able to sleep for a while when they return to the hotel.

Now that I think about it, it's a good thing that I didn't sleep well last night.

“To put it bluntly, two people catch four people.

noob? "

"I'm OK!"

Bai Jingting pinched his fingers.

The title of Iron Lifter is not for nothing. When participating in other variety shows, if you speed up, you can get rid of those behind you.

In addition to being young and having been a fugitive, he was relatively familiar with the other party, so it was no surprise that his name was mentioned.


"I'm OK too!"

The disappointment on the faces of Hou Minghao, Ling Gengxin, Li Zhiting and others in the other car is self-evident.

Huang Lei comforted with a smile.

"This is the best choice. Although Xiaobai may not have much higher physical strength than you guys, he is actually quite attentive, has strong reasoning ability, and is familiar with his opponents.

Not to mention Wuhan Iron and Steel.

Don't forget, he is a former firefighter. For us, the mall is just a place for shopping and shopping, but Wuhan Iron and Steel must have inspected it to understand the building structure and know where there are blind spots. "

After listening to Huang Lei's words, several boys who were still a little confused at first suddenly realized that Wuhan Iron and Steel was indeed the most suitable one.

Now that Huang Lei explained it and Huang Shengli did not repeat it again, this was the reason why he chose Wuhan Iron and Steel.

"You two, Ning Zhou, have already seen it before. Your identity may have been exposed, which is a pity.

But if you work hard tonight, if you win, nothing will matter.

come on! "

"come on!"

Compared to the bustle of the pursuit team, Ning Zhou was in a daze.

After about ten minutes, I took a pen and paper and started writing and drawing.

He probably doesn't know as much about shopping malls as the girls in the team.

I don’t go there often. In the past, some shops were opened in shopping malls. After arriving, I would directly clean up the site, do training, chat with the boss and make tea.

If you want to buy something by yourself, go straight to the topic and leave after buying without any delay.

As expected, knowledge is wasted when it is used.

First reaction, he wrote the ceiling?

I have been responsible for the decoration of several new stores, and all have unified processes and standards, one of which is suspended ceilings.

In addition, in my impression, almost all shopping malls have suspended ceilings, does that mean they can be climbed up?

There are two reasons for the question mark.

First, is it possible to really go up?

Second, my first reaction was the ceiling, so would the pursuer have the same idea?

If you really want to climb up, it is basically difficult to move. If you are seen, the only way is to be photographed.

Next are the shops.

Shops in shopping malls are naturally open at night. There are scenes in the movie where the good guys stand in the window and the bad guys just pass by.

Naturally, Ning Zhou wouldn't believe this plot. He could only say that it was like a clothing store or something. It could be hidden, but three hours would be enough.

Compared to his entanglement, the pursuer was much more relaxed.

Comrade Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. has already started class.

As Huang Lei said, shopping malls are generally more formal, have their own security, and have strong fire prevention awareness.

But I do go there a few times a year. After all these years, I am a professional, so it is absolutely okay to say that I am familiar with it.

In his view, there are several points to note.

One is the children's area, which has a lot of large-scale equipment, such as ocean pools, slides, etc., which is more than enough to hide an adult.

Furthermore, in the furniture area, some beds look solid underneath, but they can actually hide four or five people.

Including the cabinets in the restaurant, etc., there is quite a lot of space.

During this period, Huang Shengli didn't say another word. Wuhan Iron and Steel was the expert in this regard.

Look at Xiaobai, he's blushing so much, he can't wait to start right away.

In this way, a group of people returned to the hotel talking and laughing, others went to rest, and the remaining two continued to study, listing all possible hiding places, where to start, how to cooperate, etc. discussed in detail.

"Ning Zhou seems to be in ruins!"

Backstage, on the left, the pursuers were having a heated discussion, and on the right, Ning Zhou was already lying on the bed.

There are still a few places on the paper that are too unfamiliar. It would be useless to think about it without seeing the scene.

The program team said that the hiding party has one hour, so go and take a look at it then.

After eating instant noodles and sitting for a while, my pajamas hit me.

Before lying down, Ning Zhou didn't forget to change the password and lock it in various ways.

It stands to reason that the pursuers should also be discussing countermeasures at this moment. If someone comes over, they will pretend that there is no one inside.

Moreover, Ning Zhou had observed it when he came back last time.

There was a drain pipe next to the kitchen window, and I was only on the second floor. Even if the other party broke the door, I could escape.

Just thinking about it, thinking that my eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, I fell asleep.

I don’t know how long it took.

"Ning Zhou, Ning Zhou wake up"

He opened his eyes and saw a familiar figure standing in front of him.

"Am I dreaming?"

Ning Zhou muttered.

"Why is it you in the dream too!"

After hearing this, Zhao Lushi's shaking hands became much weaker.

"Master Ning, wake up!"

Um? !

Ning Zhou sat up and wiped his eyes hard. The one smiling like a flower under the light was not Zhao Lushi but someone else.

"No, why are you here?"

As he spoke, he looked behind her.

"Where are the others? How did they come back? Have they been discovered?"

"Don't be anxious. Get up and speak slowly."

Then, he pulled Ning Zhou up and went to the living room proudly.

"How about it, be happy."

There is food on the table, still steaming.

"I guess you probably didn't have dinner. You must be very thoughtful."

Ning Zhou doesn't have a personality that gets anxious easily. People are here and he doesn't dwell on this moment.

"You didn't eat it either, just one piece!"

"Hey, I just picked a small shop, it should be a good place to see a lot of people.

Don't worry, I dressed up and will definitely not be recognized.

Come on, have a Coke. "

After saying that, it clicked and opened for him.

Ning Zhou hadn't eaten enough in the afternoon. It was already dark outside, so he stopped being polite and picked up his chopsticks to eat.

Zhao Lushi likes to eat with him, mainly because Ning Zhou's food looks particularly delicious, and her appetite will improve accordingly.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

"Members are worried,"

The young lady might also be a little afraid of Ning Zhou's blame, so she moved out of the entire team.

"Last season, you faced everything alone. Teacher He said that he recognizes your ability, but the manpower is limited.

You don't know what the competition is, maybe you need help.

It would be unwise for all of us to rush back, but we can still do it by sending one person, a car and a mobile phone.

Even if he loses the game later, he still has the conditions to escape. "

"Well done!"

"I don't know. What did you say?"

Zhao Lushi lowered her head, preparing to be told, but was a little surprised when she received Ning Zhou's affirmation.

"You don't always like to take all the responsibilities, so what about this time?"

"I'm so tall!" Ning Zhou smiled and took out a tissue to wipe the oil from the corner of his mouth: "It would be nice if there were two more, we'll talk about that later.

It's 8:15 now. No, it's more than six hours. It's not enough for you to go back and forth, right? "

"Well, after deciding to let me help you, I changed my strategy.

I got off the expressway early and hid Teacher He and the other three. After arriving, I received a call from Chen Weiting.

I have successfully found your third uncle's address and are on my way to pick up Teacher He. "

"I see!"

"So what's the competition?"

"Just right!"

Ning Zhou looked around and found a piece of white paper with few words written on it.

"At twelve o'clock tonight, we will play hide and seek in a shopping mall in Jinling.

There are two people on the other side, and there was only one of us originally, but now there are two of us. "

It was very simple, and Zhao Lushi understood it.

"for how long?"

"Four hours."

“It’s very difficult”

"Who says it isn't? I'm so unlucky."

It was still early, so Ning Zhou informed him of the multiple-choice questions for the afternoon one by one.

However, what made him regretful was that Zhao Lushi did not give much constructive advice. When the young lady was not famous, she did often visit shopping malls, but only for shopping and hiding places.

"Hey, we can look it up online. It's hide-and-seek in the mall. Where can we hide it?" She thought of an idea.

Ning Zhou was about to nod, but after thinking for a while, he immediately shook his head.

"That's not right. What if the other party also searches for this question?"


However, the power of two people is greater than that of one person. At least there is negotiation and there is one more person who needs to be found, so the success rate is higher.

In this way, time passed slowly. At ten minutes past ten, both parties received a notice from the program team asking the contestants to go downstairs.

It can be said that Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. and Xiaobai are full of confidence. You must know that they have hardly had any rest from the afternoon to now. They have been studying and even figured out how many pits there are in toilets in general shopping malls.

In their opinion, there must be two or more girls among the four people on the other side.

Because there are actually a lot of cracks in the mall that men can't get in, but smaller girls still have a chance.

When the time comes to put something on the top or wrap it a little, you may not be able to notice it.

But it’s different now. Once I’m mentally prepared, I’ll naturally check it out.

Before leaving, the members were cheering them on, saying that they were waiting for good news. As long as they won the game, you two would rest tonight and leave the rest of the work to them.

When we got downstairs, a minibus with all the curtains closed was waiting with the door open.

"Hey, why are you two alone?"

Seeing them getting on the bus, the staff above asked.

Xiaobai glanced at Wuhan Steel.

"Aren't they just two people, chosen by the fugitive?"


The staff member slapped his thigh.

"Did the director forget to tell you?

Tonight, you are playing the role of the hiding party in hide-and-seek, and the other party is the seeking party, so two more people are needed. "



Huang Shengli: WTF? ? ?

(Thanks to boss Zhou Xiangbo for the 100,000 point reward. The boss is very generous)

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