It was not only the escapees who were nervous, but also the pursuers. Especially when Teacher He Yang Rong entered Zhouzhuang Town, his breathing became visibly rapid.

Ning Zhou might be in town, and they might have a chance to win the first hunt.

On the way here, I basically understood the information on the other routes. Only Wei Chenna had some hope, but he was still on the way.

They were naturally excited to get the first drop of blood. Along the way, the two of them had already discussed the countermeasures and prepared their "guns".

There is only one type of gun, paintball gun.

The rules clearly stipulate that as long as you are hit, you will be deemed to be incapacitated.

According to the information, although Ning Zhou is not a muscular man, he is young. If they are discovered while they are in action, it will still be a bit difficult to pursue him.

The instruction given by Li Tongna was to arrest the person.

It was impossible to increase the number of troops. The escapees spread out and the pursuers could not arrive in time, so they had to rely on them.

At present, it is certain that Ning Zhou definitely has a mobile phone. Others do not know yet and must be captured for interrogation.

The red flag car drove slowly through the town without opening the windows.

They were looking for the license plate of the pickup truck.

Calls without the owner of the car cannot be intercepted halfway. Likewise, Ning Zhou cannot get a reminder.

If he was really in the town, he would have no chance of escaping if he was calculating mentally or not.

"It seems to be that one."

After walking for a while, Yang Rong pointed excitedly at the roadside.

"43716, yes, it's a blue pickup truck with cargo on it."

Teacher He swallowed, but did not stop directly, but drove forward a short distance.

Hongqi is the sponsor of the program and the designated car of the pursuer.

After all, their advantages are huge. In addition to helping with publicity, they also impose certain restrictions to some extent.

However, the escapees probably don’t know yet.

Therefore, before everyone set off, Li Tong told everyone that there would be no harm in hiding the car if possible.

Bang...bang...two times, the two got out of the car.

The distance between them was only a few dozen meters, but they still wore masks. If they were recognized and made a fuss, there would be a risk of alerting the enemy.

"Excuse me, does Xiaoshuai live here?"

There was no one in the car, and they were probably staying in a hotel nearby. They looked outside for a while. Except for the aunt at the front desk, no one came in or out. Teacher He walked in, and Yang Rong was squatting outside.

"I am his friend,"

Seeing the questioning look from his aunt, Teacher He coughed twice on purpose.

"Come and have a chat with him."

"Oh, they live in room 303. They went out to eat just now. They should be at the fast food restaurant next door."

"Then, is Xiaoshuai a couple coming to live here, or is there someone else?"

"Just the two of them."

"OK, thanks."

Teacher He's heart sank, there were only two of them?

Did Ning Zhou leave, or was he staying in another hotel?

Following the boss's guidance, he quickly found the fast food restaurant. There weren't many people eating there, and it was easy to distinguish a man and a woman among them.

"Hello, is this Xiao Shuai?"

The couple looked up and were stunned.

"Which star are you?"

Teacher He was so happy that there was a show, and he immediately took off his mask.

"Teacher Ho."

Xiaomei exclaimed and immediately covered her mouth, but the excitement on her face could not be concealed.

She really liked Teacher He and never expected that she would meet him in Zhouzhuang.

After parting with Ning Zhou, the couple chatted for a while, and finally came to the conclusion that it was impossible.

Which star will come to the countryside?

Who would have thought that as soon as we settled down and took a few bites of food, people would come.

"Did you know I was coming?"

Teacher He strikes while the iron is hot.


The hesitant look made Teacher He more sure of his judgment and got straight to the point.

"Where is Ning Zhou now?"

The couple didn't answer.

"Is he staying in the same hotel as you guys?" Yang Rong was a little anxious.

The couple remained silent.

"I know that you may feel sorry for him and cannot expose his whereabouts."

Teacher He is such a smart person, how could he not see why Xiaoshuai and his wife are in trouble.

“But, strictly speaking, you are just strangers, and you were just kind enough to give him a ride.

In fact, Ning Zhou is not a good person.

Do you know how he met you at Yuhu? He drove a taxi and robbed a taxi. "

Hearing this, the two of them had surprised looks on their faces.

"I won't lie to you on this."

As he said that, Teacher He took out his mobile phone, found the report on the Internet, and handed it over.

After the couple looked at it, their eyes changed, as if they had made great determination.

"He guessed that a celebrity would come, but he didn't know it was you. He thought it was William Chan or Da Zhangwei."

"Where is he now?"

Teacher He interrupted directly. The night was long and there were many dreams. The questioning could be left behind. As long as the person was not caught, there was a risk of escaping.

When this scene was broadcast in the live broadcast room, many viewers were yelling at the two people, feeling that Ning Zhou's traces should not be exposed.

However, there are also many people who support it.

You are filming a show now, and the robbery is fake, but what if it happens in real life?

All in all, the noise was overwhelming.

"It's at the Friendship Hotel. It's not far away. It takes about five minutes to walk there. I'll show you the way."


Teacher He did not refuse. They were careful all the way there, not only hiding themselves, but also observing the surroundings.

Ning Zhou may not be in the hotel at this time. He may go out to eat or something, and there may be a face-to-face meeting.

Soon, the four of them arrived at the Friendship Hotel. At Teacher He's signal, Xiao Shuai walked in with him, while Yang Rong squatted outside.


Teacher He said hello to the aunt.

"Are you staying in a hotel? ID card."

The other party didn't even raise his head, just cracking melon seeds and following the show.

"I'm looking for someone. Did this person come to live here about an hour ago?"

Teacher He took out the photo and asked.

"An hour ago?" The aunt looked up and said, "I have no impression."

"He came in alone."


The aunt recalled it for a while, and said "oh", which made Teacher He feel refreshed.

"Is there any?"

"I'm not sure if it's this person. There was a young man who came here before. I can't remember what he looked like. It was about the same time as you asked.

However, when he came in, he asked about the price and felt it was too expensive, so he left. "

"Leave, do you know where you are going?" Teacher He was anxious.

"I don't know where to go. I guess I found another hotel."

During the previous interrogation, Ning Zhou had about 600 yuan in his possession, all of which was "robbed" from Yan Han.

It makes sense to save a little.

"Excuse me, how many hotels are there in this town?"

When he was about to leave, Teacher He turned around and asked.


Teacher He was shocked. What a big town, there were eleven hotels. It would take a lot of effort to find them one by one.

There was no other way but to call Li Tong first.

The old man was a little speechless about the scale, but he still refused to ask Teacher He on the phone to inquire first.

Ning Zhou is not simple. He will never use his ID card to book a room. If you happen to pass by while making a call, he will run away.

Outside, especially in rural areas, it is not too difficult to find someone to help. You can only ask each person with photos. In addition, check whether there is surveillance in the hotel or nearby.

Although Teacher He was disappointed, he had no choice but to act separately from Yang Rong.

He went to knock on the door, and the young lady was responsible for searching and monitoring.

When I arrived at the fourth hotel, I received a call from Yang Rong.

"Ning Zhou has already got on his motorcycle and left."

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