Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 21 Xiaozhuang opens the door

On the other side, Teacher He and Yang Rong arrived at the Magic City at around eleven o'clock, with a little tiredness and expectation on their faces, and a new day began again.

Ignore the pleasantries and start a meeting immediately.

Along the way, the twelve people were not idle. According to Li Tong's request, they either called or sent messages to contact the artists, agents, or bosses on the list.

Without exception, nothing gained.

This is to be expected, after all, we all know that finding friends can be risky.


When Li Tong appeared on TV, everyone stopped communicating, picked up their notebooks, and prepared to record.

It’s not a matter of formalism. If you don’t write down many clues in your notebook, you really can’t remember them.

"First of all, I roughly figured out why Ning Zhou appeared in Xinjiekou."

Li Tong said, taking a few steps back, and the tool man pushed the wall of avatars in front of the camera.

"He should be completing a certain task."

"Complete the mission?" The pursuers looked at each other.

They also analyzed it in the group and came to the conclusion that Ning Zhou is a conspicuous person who wants to express himself. This is quite common in programs.

If you succeed in escaping, you are a hero. If you fail, you will only be laughed at by netizens for a few days, which is not a big problem.

But the task. I never thought about it at all.


Li Tong was very patient and released a video. Others were unfamiliar with it, but Teacher He recognized it at a glance as the robbed driver, Yan Han.

"Look carefully!"

The old man held the remote control in his hand and kept replaying it slowly.

Yan Han answered the first two questions very smoothly, but when he heard whether he saw Ning Zhou using his mobile phone, he paused and looked sideways unconsciously.

"This is what people do subconsciously when they lie."

"Teacher Li, I'm not doubting you, but isn't it a bit arbitrary to make a judgment based on just one action?"


Li Tong was not angry at the pursuit team members' doubts.

"These conclusions drawn from polygraph tests based on tone of voice and movements cannot be used directly as evidence, but they can make your conjecture true.

From yesterday to now, among the nine escapees, only Lin Rong's mobile phone has made one call.

In the end, we were fooled by their civet cat-for-prince-for-prince scheme, and our trip was in vain.

In addition, some people found Ning Zhou's backpack in a restroom in Xinjiekou, which contained the clothes he wore when he set out and some cash.

I guessed that he was nervous and forgot to take out the money, so he decided to commit robbery on the spur of the moment.

When they arrived at the town, they took a merchant's truck and left. They also built a plank road to make the couple think they were staying, but in fact they left by car. This shows that Ning Zhou is not only smart, but also has a very strong anti-reconnaissance awareness.

Knowing where the pursuer would start the investigation gave us wrong information, causing us to waste time. "

After saying so much, Li Tong took a sip of tea and wanted to light a cigarette out of habit, but when he saw the camera, he endured it.

If you don’t smoke, your head won’t move quickly and your efficiency will be affected.

There was no hard and fast rule by the program team, but when he thought that many children might also be watching the live broadcast, Li Tong decided not to smoke.

“Everyone knows that giving a fugitive five hours is just to escape.

You guys think Ning Zhou is someone who likes to be in the limelight. I think it's possible, but not likely.

There is no need to worry about having no firewood to keep the green hills, but you know that the way he roars, it is very likely that he will be eliminated.

Don’t be in a hurry to be in the limelight, there will always be opportunities.

I mentioned just now that only Lin Rong's cell phone had been used once. They must contact each other before they could meet in the huge magical city.

You know, it is simply impossible for ordinary people to apply for an anonymous mobile phone card now. "

Chen Weiting nodded heavily. He had no idea there was such a channel, and the same was true for others.

"In other words, there is a high probability that the program team gave the fugitives or Ning Zhou a task. After completing it, they can get more than two mobile phones."

Why not one? Who can it be used for? Who should I contact?

"Combining the before and after, we came to the conclusion that the fugitive had a mobile phone."

The members' expressions are very simple. Now that they all have mobile phones, wouldn't it be more difficult to arrest them?

"Actually, what I'm most worried about is that the nine people are scattered, have no contact with each other, don't know where they are going, and are running away aimlessly.

Having a mobile phone means that they are still together, which is a good thing for us. As long as we find a few clues, we can take care of everything. "

We are all adults, and no matter what kind of chicken soup it is, we will never hold it in huge quantities.

"Teacher Li, do we have any actual clues now?" Wei Chen raised the key point.

Compared with the twelve pursuers who got up early in the morning and ran around, and Li Tong who was planning his next plan, the eight escapees who arrived in the Magic City yesterday and changed places could be said to have had a very good rest.

After analysis, they believe that if the opponent can guess that they are in the magic city, they will be very good, but it is too difficult to catch up here.

However, people were still chosen to be on duty.

The houses opposite the door have basically the same layout, and they can all see the situation below the community. Two hours per person not only ensures sleep time, but also ensures safety.

"How about I go down and buy breakfast?"

Xiaozhuang didn't sleep well all night. He was lying in the living room with everyone else. Zhou Xun was on the left and Bai Jingting was on the right, hiding under the quilt and twitching there.

Although he didn't sleep for a few hours, he was in good spirits. After seeing that everyone was awake, he offered to buy breakfast.

I definitely need to eat food.

Huang Lei received a text message from Ning Zhou, saying that he was on his way to Magic City and would arrive at noon.

After learning that they had changed places, Ning Zhou made a point.

The taxi driver who robbed him yesterday received a notification from his watch saying that he had been upgraded from a D-class fugitive to a C-class fugitive.

The literal meaning is easy to understand, but Ning Zhou doesn't know what changes there will be.

Just guessing, if the level is raised too high, something will definitely happen, such as increasing the number of pursuers, opening bounties, etc.

Basically linked to real-life pursuits.

Huang Lei looked at his watch specifically, but there was no relevant information. The two "intruders" also only displayed the time.

They have all taken people hostage, so of course they have broken the law.

If you don't receive a notification, it's probably because the incident hasn't been discovered yet.

Since he was not sure, Huang Lei decided not to tell his companions for the time being. He chatted with Xiaozhuang for a long time last night and found out that she had a colleague who also lived in this community.

According to the current time, there is a high probability that she has gone to work, but for the sake of safety, she still does not plan to let her go downstairs, just in case she encounters her.

Hou Minghao put on a beard. His beard looked the most natural among others, and he completely changed his personality. Even if an acquaintance walked by, he might not be able to notice it.

Somewhat cautious, but no surprises.

When he came back, he lamented that whenever he bought a bun, he was as nervous as a spy.

After breakfast, everyone had nothing to do and was chatting to pass the time.


There was a knock on the door.

"Xiaozhuang, Xiaozhuang, open the door!!!"

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