Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 215 The mission of pursuing Fang

"Hou Minghao, wake up!"

At eight o'clock in the morning, Liu Jincheng woke up Hou Minghao, who was in the same room.

The task of the two of them and some team members today is to guard the gymnasium to avoid being killed again.

The workers worked overtime last night and had all the stage lights and everything set up, basically in the form of a concert.

Two team members also stayed up all night, mainly staring at the camera.

After washing up, in the corridor of the hotel, several other team members also happened to go out.

"Come on, let's have breakfast first."

A group of six people took the elevator to the third floor.

"Hey, Teacher Huang hasn't arrived yet?"

Tangtang was a little surprised when she looked at the small hall with only service staff. Teacher Huang was usually the first to come down, and by the time others arrived, he had basically finished eating.

"Maybe let's go upstairs first.

I'll give him a call and we'll set off after eating. "

Hou Minghao called twice and got through, but no one answered.

"Probably taking a shower"

The six of them didn't pay attention and sat down to have breakfast one after another.

The departure time was 8:30, but by 8:25 there was still no sign of Huang Lei, and the headquarters said that the picture could not be received for the time being, so Hou Minghao planned to go upstairs and shout.

Could it be that he hasn't woken up yet?

Tangtang also followed, and the two of them arrived at the 22nd floor together.

Ding dong ding dong ding dong

"Teacher Huang, Teacher Huang"

After shouting for a while, there was still no movement inside, which gave Hou Minghao an ominous premonition.

"You couldn't be sick and fainted, right? Hello, is there anyone?"

He shouted several times to the aisle, but when there was no response, he used the internal phone outside to call a waiter over.

Soon, the door was opened.

"Teacher Huang!"

The scene in front of them shocked the three of them, and the staff even covered their mouths and widened their eyes.


Huang Lei lay flat on the carpet, his eyes closed tightly, and his chest was bright red.

"problem occurs!"

Hou Minghao called quickly.

"Teacher Huang seems to be dead"

A layer of stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Huang Shengli, who was still drinking Coke leisurely, rushed to the screen, and the other team members who were still sleeping were also woken up one by one.

"What, did I hear that right?"

"Teacher Huang is dead? Stop joking."

"Today is not April Fool's Day."

"Oh my God."

Hurrah, the entire twenty-second floor instantly became extremely lively.

"Teacher Huang, Teacher Huang"

Although he already knew the result, Hou Minghao still squatted on the ground and shook Huang Lei's arm.

"Stop shaking, I'm already dead!"

Huang Lei couldn't bear it and pointed to his chest.

"How did you die???" In desperation, Tangtang asked a stupid question.

"Guess!" Huang Lei laughed angrily.

"Hurry to the monitoring room. Who was on duty at the front desk yesterday? Check to see if there is anything missing."

After Huang Shengli issued the order, he fell into deep thought.

What happened? Huang Lei was actually killed in the hotel.


His scalp was numb and his back was itching.

If you meet him by chance on the road, you'll understand.

But this is a hotel, the base camp of the pursuers, with a total of twenty people settled in.

Judging from the situation, he had been hanging for at least a while, and the paint on his chest had solidified.

However, I just discovered now

"The phone is here, the watch is here, the gun is here, nothing is missing"

The situation inside the house should be investigated first.

"Where's the surveillance? Hurry up!"

Huang Shengli was a little irritable.

“Already watching”

The hands of several team members in the monitoring room were still shaking slightly, and they were watching the video of the corridor at eight times the speed.

"Slow down"

After about seven or eight minutes, I finally noticed something unusual.

A staff member carrying a ladder came to the door and pressed the doorbell. After waiting for about ten seconds, the door opened and he rushed in.

After another ten seconds, the other party closed the door and left.

"There is indeed a ladder here."

Huang Lei felt that his death was not particularly unjust.

It has been more than ten minutes since the members arrived, but no one has noticed that there is an extra ladder in the room.

"The other person is wearing a hat, so he can't see his face clearly."

"Judging from the size, it should be Ning Zhou."

"How did he know that Teacher Huang lives here?"

"It must have been informed by Bai Jingting."

"It's too bold."

For a moment, the chasing team members were all in danger.

What was thought to be the safest place was actually sneaked into by Ning Zhou and killed one person.

It wasn't until eight hours later that I discovered it.

If he knocked on other members' doors, the consequences would be disastrous.

With the video and the phone call to ask the lady on duty last night, the entire process was basically constructed.

Ning Zhou pretended to be a repairman, asked for the elevator card at the bar, and then went upstairs. Through the internal phone, he judged that Huang Lei was resting and could take action. Finally, he tricked him into opening the door and killed him directly.

The whole process was neat and tidy, without any sloppiness.

"It's not that Ning Zhou doesn't hold his phone, it's that he doesn't dare to take it."

Huang Shengli answered the members’ questions.

"The reason why he came here single-handedly was because Bai Jingting informed him of the hotel information.

I am also responsible. I didn't expect him to be so bold.

The reason why Ning Zhou wanted to use the internal line to make a call first was mainly because he was not sure what was going on in the room.

Now it seems that Huang Lei must have been asleep at that time, and when he was woken up, it is certain that there were at most two people inside."

Huang Lei didn't speak, but kept nodding.

“The whole process took less than thirty seconds because he didn’t know whether the camera equipment was on.

It was past twelve o'clock, which was actually not too late. Not all other team members were asleep.

If a problem is discovered by the headquarters, people will be sent over soon to provide support.

Cell phones and guns are nothing in comparison.

Don't forget, in season 1, he only had one bullet left.

When there are more pistols, it is a deterrent. A few more bullets have little effect. "

Everyone was stunned, but they still marveled at Ning Zhou's courage. They had experienced what it means to be surprised.

If you don’t dare to hold a gun or a mobile phone, you will naturally not continue to kill.

It's not like Ning Zhou is risking his life.

"Then shall we take precautions next?"

When this question came up, it was somewhat embarrassing.

The hotel was the pursuer's temporary base camp. Everyone was staying here, but as a result, someone sneaked into the door and killed one of them.

The most annoying thing is that it took a full eight hours for me to find out.

From a certain perspective, what they consider a safe zone is not safe.

It stands to reason that Ning Zhou succeeded once and knew that there would be no chance next time, what if?

What if he loses his mind?

"There is no need to make excuses,"

Huang Shengli knew what everyone was worried about.

"He will definitely not dare to come again. You just need to check more when you open the door and go out together to solve the problem."

He wouldn't agree to changing hotels.

An important member was assassinated by Ning Zhou, which has already brought shame to our side. Because of this incident, we have to change places to live. Who is the pursuer?

"The surveillance outside did not find out how Ning Zhou arrived or how he left."

This is not a surprise. If you want to assassinate someone, you will definitely have a thorough plan.

Just when everyone was looking at each other, wondering what to do for a moment, the phone suddenly rang.

"Who's going to answer the phone now?"

"What is that!"

Teacher Huang stood up and held the mobile phone.

"You guys chat first, I'll take a call. It's from Zeng Li.

By the way, everyone, come on, I’ll take the first step.”

He didn't expect that this phone call was just the beginning. For more than an hour, text messages, WeChat messages, and phone calls continued.

In the live broadcast room, Huang Lei's profile picture turned gray. His friends who were familiar with him were all shocked and couldn't wait to know what happened.

Among them, Zeng Li was undoubtedly the happiest.

He had just been eliminated yesterday, and Huang Lei also said a lot of comforting words.

After only half a day, hey, I sent this message back as it was.

All I can say is well done, my friends!

"Can anyone tell me what happened? Why did Teacher Huang Lei get eliminated?"

"I'm from Shanghai, but I haven't heard about it. I only know that Teacher Zeng Li was recognized by some college students yesterday and was arrested."

"Based on my experience watching the show, this must have been done by the escapees!"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Don't worry, everyone, our "Finding Money" bounty team is coming to Shanghai soon. Let's wait for the good news."

Huang Lei's elimination is no small matter. The TV station here in Shanghai received many contact calls from reporters from satellite TV or large websites.

The program team will definitely not tell them, they can only see if they can get the information from other channels.

Among them, NetEase is the fastest.

They spent a lot of effort to interview the hotel attendant who helped open the door in the morning and conducted a telephone interview.

"Huang Lei was "shot dead" in the hotel"

He was the first to publish the report and received a lot of traffic.

The audience was itching and couldn't bear it. Although they watched the live broadcast every day and solved their doubts about the news they had seen before, two days later, there was a new incident, which created new expectations. The toxicity was so high.

Huang Rui also received a call from the head of the main station. After all, Huang Lei was eliminated. His acting fee was not low. It was understandable that he asked.

Of course, there is no intention of resurrection, the rules are the rules.

It was surprising to learn that Ning Zhou was the only one who killed Huang Lei in thirty seconds and retreated successfully. The pursuers only discovered it the next morning.

"The young man is really nice. The money is not wasted. So, I'll go talk to the others and give him some additional acting fees. Let's say two million. You can find a free time later and talk to him."

Huang Rui understood what the boss meant and encouraged Ning Zhou so that he would not be caught too early.

Seeing him taking money, Huang Rui wasn't jealous at all.

The live broadcast is 24 hours a day. If there are no special circumstances such as pursuit and transfer at night, it is normal for characters to appear within 15 or 16 hours.

But even with such a long time, some players still don’t have many shots at the end of the day.

There's nothing you can do about it. People are either fleeing, analyzing, arresting or being arrested. There is always something at hand.

Some of them talk nonsense and are of no use. When something happens, they will just stand on the sidelines, unable to say anything, and can only be used as a backdrop.

Ning Zhou had carved a bright path entirely by relying on his personal strength.

In the first season, he was the absolute MVP, and was selected again for the second season, and did not disappoint, frequently creating famous scenes.

You know, there were tens of thousands of amateurs who signed up initially.

If it had been any other director, Ning Zhou would have most likely failed.

Huang Rui couldn't even imagine what kind of changes the show would have had if Ning Zhou was not among the escapees.

It's not that there is no chance of a better outcome, but perhaps we can only see the scene of unilateral massacre by the pursuers.

As the Bole who discovered Ning Zhou, he was not only praised by the leaders several times, but also received bonuses.

During the break, Qianli Ma also gave himself two bottles of Maotai, which was a sign of dignity.

Many media reporters are asking when they can have another rest day, and among the many players, Ning Zhou and Zhao Lushi have been mentioned the most.

The occasional holiday does more good than harm to the show as a whole.

Although a sudden interruption will affect the audience's viewing experience.

But this problem can be solved. Now there is a seven-day delay, and the content that viewers watch is edited.

The unaired content is enough to fill the gaps during the holidays.

Furthermore, the audience also wants to know what the players' current mental processes are like after chasing or escaping for a period of time.

By the way, some business contracts can also be settled first to help artists make money.

At this time, except for a few, most of the pursuers were together, so the pursuers were given a task after a long absence.

[Attention all pursuers

Teams of two people, a total of six teams of players, patrol the streets for five hours, with a straight line distance of at least one kilometer from each other. Other members are not allowed within the range.

The escapees will be given a day off and told how to survive during the Shanghai-Ming dynasty.

This task will be synchronized to the escapee. Please decide within one hour whether to accept it or not.】


Huang Shengli had to suspect that the program team did it on purpose.

Just now one person was eliminated, and immediately a mission came for the pursuer.

Work in teams of two, patrol the streets, and synchronize tasks to the escapees. Don’t be too clear about what you want to express.

Bloody fight in the streets!

Moreover, it also captured the pain points of the pursuer.

You are the stronger side, don't you dare to take it? If you work in pairs, don't you dare to go out? Huang Lei was killed, don't you dare to take revenge?

The task is only set for a time, there is no such thing as failure.

Even if one of the members is ambushed and eliminated by the escapees, as long as there is enough time, the mission will still be completed.

A one-day leave note is nothing, the way of living in Shanghai is really important.

It had been three nights, and the number of people on the other side had reached five. Huang Shengli didn't believe it if they all fell asleep in the car. Ning Zhou was still looking for a place to stay the day before yesterday.

However, I didn't receive any clues from the night, so there must be something fishy.

Only by mastering this point can subsequent actions be targeted. Otherwise, we can still just wait.

There is no need to explain too much. Members who have listened to the task can probably understand the intention of the program team to release this task at this time.

Huang Shengli explained all the problems that may be encountered.

"I won't decide directly, and you don't need to discuss it with each other. After ten minutes, you can think about it yourself and make a choice. The minority obeys the majority."

It has been more than half a month, and Huang Shengli has adapted to the rhythm of variety shows.

According to his personal opinion, he must accept the task.

Although it is dangerous for you to go out, it is also an opportunity. If the other party wants to take action, you can counterattack.

But Huang Shengli knew in his heart that after finally entering the competition, some people didn't want to take risks. If they were not careful, they might be eliminated.

This was a multiple-choice question that would never appear in reality, so he left the decision to the scene and the ten members who would join at ten o'clock.

Ten minutes passed quickly.

"Before voting, I would like to add a few final words.

We are the pursuing party. We have two people and two guns. There will definitely be a lot of people watching. If they want to take action, they have to think carefully.

Now Ning Zhou's reward has reached 80,000 yuan.

Don't think about the so-called shots of shooting in the car. Even if you are not a professional, you can't do it at all.

Our guns have an effective range only within a few meters. As long as the opponent makes a mistake and you succeed, you are a hero.

Moreover, it is still open to question whether they dare to come or not.

There are currently twenty-nine teams in total. If agreed, twelve will be randomly selected. Of course, those who are proactive can also sign up.

Others will not be idle, but will wait nearby and add more people at any time. Our chances of winning are definitely higher.

After completing the task, it will be easier to carry out more actions and have more directions later.

Okay, everyone, let’s start voting” (End of Chapter)

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