Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 256 Our pursuer surrenders

The four boys were together, obviously active, and the list was much larger.

After all, I feel refreshed and full of energy.

When the time is up, head straight out.

Before that, the four people discussed and decided to sell a car.

The biggest advantage of gathering a few people is that they can take turns driving.

The two girls opened it alone, and everyone was worried about it, so they just sold it for money.

Xiaobai drives much more aggressively than before.

But this was going at a high speed, with a limit of 120. As for whether the pursuers caught up, I didn’t care for the moment.

While driving, the remaining three people also planned the next points.

Only go to big cities.

The purpose is simple, hide and observe at the same time!

At 1:27 at night, we arrived in a city of more than four million people.

There were so many vehicles on the highway and there was a forty-minute time difference that it was impossible to check.

Then, we found a parking lot.

Have a late night snack and rest when you need to.

When it was almost time, Teacher He took a taxi to get his bearings and then evacuated.

The program team was very uncomfortable.

To be precise, they thought the escapees would be uncomfortable.

Facts have proved that Ning Zhou and Miss Zhao had indeed struggled in the past day and a half. If it weren't for the resurrection coins, they would have been arrested.

If Ning Zhou is alone then, it will be a bit dangerous.

However, they learned from experience and took full advantage of their numbers.

As for the chasing side, although there are still number 30 people, they are completely useless when they are lagging behind.

Of course, it cannot be denied that the discomfort of sleeping in the car is a disadvantage.

Xiaobai drove for a few hours and was replaced by Huang Zitao, then Ning Zhou, and Teacher He.

It’s not like when I first entered the competition, I still felt so excited that I couldn’t sleep.

Take some time, close your eyes first and then talk.

As the vehicle slowly rolls, everyone can get some rest.

Choosing a big city is also key.

What's the use of positioning? There is a gap of more than 200 kilometers between the two sides.

It was at night again, and all the high-speed transportation vehicles were in a resting state, making it impossible to catch up.

There is no clue, and you are always one step behind.

The pursuer was trapped in an endless loop.

Either the fleeing party was discovered while escaping during the day, or the distance was shortened when a new target was born.

If there is no gain in either of them, an endless loop awaits them.

"Can't we catch anyone?"

Hou Minghao's words became a prophecy.

On the third day, the pursuit of Teacher He failed, and Yang Mi was the next target.

On the fourth day, the hunt for Yang Mi failed, and Huang Zitao was the next target.

The fifth day.

Although he adopted the most correct tactic, Ning Zhou still chose to change two cars in the past three days for the sake of insurance.

Moreover, the long-term attack also made the six people exhausted.

During this period, observations were also made.

Once after the positioning was completed, the escapees did not leave. They chose the strategy of three people resting and one person monitoring.

Two hours later, a group of pursuers arrived on the scene.

However, it was obvious that it was just a formality and no serious search was done.

Can't blame them.

The fugitives are tired, and the pursuers are even more tired.

The road is nothing short of running, the key is suffering.

So far, the reporting every three hours is not a clue, but like a reminder.

Guo Qilin was eliminated, Tangtang was eliminated, and Ling Gengxin was eliminated.

The random names are fair game.

Old players, new players, celebrities, amateurs.

Whoever is drawn must leave, there is no other way out.

The key point is that they all know in their hearts that the rules set by the program team have an advantage for the pursuer.

But somehow, I was completely led by the nose.

The point is, this isn't the first time this has happened.

In the cage match held in Shanghai and Ming Dynasty, they also had the advantage.

The results of it?

Except for Zeng Li, who was discovered by a college student, the group made no achievements. Instead, Ning Zhou killed ten team members and a passerby.

Including teacher Wu Jing, he was accidentally eliminated because of his meaningless actions!

Huang Shengli doesn't need to analyze why no one can be arrested now. Everyone knows it very well.

It's no use.

Just like a math problem, if you can’t do it, you can’t.

At least they don't know how to solve the puzzle.

At 11:10 on the sixth day, the notice from the program team arrived as usual.

The person being pursued is Bai Jingting.

The members gathered in the hotel, but the number was reduced by ten, leaving only twenty-four.

The overall condition of these twenty-four people is similar.

His hair was messy, his face was dark, his eyes were thick, and he was quite lethargic.

Not surprisingly, Bai Jingting's positioning point is a city with more than 6 million people.

Huang Shengli also tried to take a step ahead, that is, to stay in the next possible city.

However, Ning Zhou didn't give him a chance at all.

For example, his current location is point A. Within three hours of his journey, there is not only point B, but also point C, D, and even H.

You thought this was the end?

of course not!

In addition to having multiple options, on the third and fifth days, they also chose to fight back.

After locating point A, you went to point B. When you were thinking about where to go next, Ning Zhou returned to point A again.

For him, let alone accuracy, he couldn't even give out possible points.

In this case, the chasing team members will be tired.

Almost everyone knows that there will be no harvest in the next three hours or even longer, but they still have to rush over and do useless work.

At this moment, Huang Shengli was holding a freshly opened can of Coke in his hand, but he did not drink it.

The faces of the members flashed in front of the big screen one by one.

More than a month ago, he was full of confidence.

I feel that my teacher, Lao Litou, is so old that he will be handed over to him.

But after actually joining, I realized that this was far from the case.

Ning Zhou is really not simple.

It can be said that the pursuer lost to him alone.

Although he is good at finding clues to solve crimes, he does not participate in the actual pursuit.

But at least the profession has a lot to do with it, and there are countless people who hear about it.

Where is Ning Zhou?

He is just a salesman, a food salesman.

In the two seasons of the show, the strength, courage, and charm shown can crush any contestant, including him and his teacher.

"I know, everyone is tired!"

Looking at the exhausted members, Huang Shengli finally spoke.

“In the past little half month, our pursuit side has faced many hardships.

Look around, many of your teammates have already left early.

There are still two days left, but I think the result will not change.

We will lose four teammates again."

Huang Shengli's words made the remaining twenty or so pursuit team members raise their heads.

Some people had already guessed what he would say next, but they did not stop him.

“In a team of thirty-five people, even if they were positioned, not one person could be caught.

Next, there are only nineteen people left.”

Huang Shengli stopped and looked at his members with mixed feelings in his heart.

A long time passed like this.

No one responded.

He also understood what everyone was thinking!

"The program team is chasing Fang and admitting defeat" (End of this chapter)

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