Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 258 Sanjin is coming

Huang Zitao was in the outermost position and had the fastest reaction. He took out his gun and rushed forward.


The scene before him made him somewhat incomprehensible.

Room 888 is obviously the presidential suite. There are two rows of people standing in the door, holding salutes in their hands. Fireworks are still floating in the air. This is where the banging sound just now came from.

Not only Huang Zitao, but also Teacher He and Xiaobai who took the lead were standing there.

"No, what's the situation?"

“Congratulations to me/you, victory.

The winners of Celebrity Escape Season 2! ! ! "

A familiar voice came. Wu Jing and Meng Fei walked out holding flowers and congratulating loudly.

"We won?"

Teacher He was a little suspicious of his ears.

"No, what happened?"

The escapees were a little at a loss as it was so sudden. Even if the director arrived at the scene, they still found it incredible.

This is a task I just took on, and it has not been completed.

The only idea in my mind is to use the remaining half hour to take turns taking a shower and then continue to escape.


Tell me you won?

"Yes, we won."

Wu Jing laughed and gave Teacher He a hug.

"The pursuing side gave up the game and admitted defeat."

Huang Zitao stood in the crowd with a gun.

"Victory, we win, we really win"

"Hahahaha, win, win."

"Niucha, Niucha!"

"Who else"

Finally, the six people understood and hugged each other, shouting and jumping.

Sister Mi and Miss Zhao’s eyes were even redder.

The forty days of escape came to a successful end with their victory.


Sister Mi was mid-sentence when she realized that it must be an arrangement by the program team to find a reason to trick everyone over and then celebrate.

Although time was tight, Presidential Suite No. 888 was well decorated, with balloons, banners, cakes, and champagne all ready.

Meng Fei was invited temporarily, and Wu Jing happened to be in Jinling.

After receiving the call, he learned that the fugitive side had won, so he ended the drinking party with his friends, immediately came over to kill him, and helped the staff decorate the scene.


Ning Zhou opened the champagne and the whole audience cheered.

Tons of champagne was poured into the glass, glowing with a beautiful golden color.

Wu Jing was also one of the escapees, joining the six people, and seven of them raised their wine glasses high.

"We won."

Huang Rui was also smiling.

"Congratulations to everyone, you have won the final victory in Escape 2.

I know that everyone is very tired now, but I still want to conduct a simple interview.

I mean don’t change your makeup and clothes for the time being, so that you can show your truest state. "

No one has any opinion on this.

For a while, my mood was like a roller coaster.

An hour ago, I was still on the road. When I arrived at the hotel, I found that I was just a little slower. I suddenly hit the bottom. Then, I was able to take a shower. In the end, I declared victory!

I don’t know what will happen later, but at least I don’t feel sleepy at all now.

"Just explain briefly,"

Huang Rui invited everyone to take a seat.

"You should be happy and surprised now, right?

The pursuer's failure to achieve anything for five consecutive days clearly revealed the opponent's strategy, but there was no solution.

Two people leave the team every day, whether it is Huang Shengli or the team members, the pressure is full.

Moreover, there was no confidence in the pursuit for the next two days.

For you, victory is sudden, but in fact, it is a long-term accumulation process. It is an inappropriate metaphor that everything comes naturally.

As for the task in the evening, the program team also wanted to give you a surprise. "


Teacher He was all smiles.

"I'm very satisfied with this surprise!"

At this time, Meng Fei took a stack of boxes and came to the front.

"Congratulations to all the winners, this is the gift Jin Jinjin provides you."

After opening the box, the members all had smiles on their faces.

The gifts are very sincere, a big ring, a bracelet, and a necklace.

"This ring weighs thirty grams!" came Xiaobai's voice.

Sister Mi rolled her eyes: "Ning Zhou, Sanjin is here!"

The person she was calling was Ning Zhou, but the person she was looking at was Miss Zhao. The latter pretended to be nonchalant, but her ears were all red.

"Teacher Wu Jing, please sit down too.

The first question is, are you sorry? "

The person who asked was naturally Wu Jing.


Wu Jing didn't hesitate at all.

“If the game had gone on for another month, I probably wouldn’t have cared.

Time is not forgiving.

To be honest, filming this show is much more tiring than filming a movie.

Not just physically, but mentally as well.

Although everyone knows that if they are caught, they will not be actually harmed, but it feels uncomfortable to think that a group of people are tracking them at any time.

Let me tell you a secret, I had a nightmare on the second or third night. "

After hearing this, everyone nodded along with the same idea.

“Sometimes, regret is also a kind of imperfect beauty.

Although I couldn't hold on to the end with my teammates, I was still proud of myself. "

"Teacher He, as an evergreen member of variety shows, please share your thoughts."

Teacher He put down his wine glass.

“In the first season, I was the pursuer and became Ning Zhou’s dead soul.

In the second season, they suddenly became teammates.

It can only be said that from different perspectives, you will encounter different problems.

In the first season, everyone had little experience, so they were crossing the river by feeling the stones, and most of the time they acted based on instinct.

Just look at time and you will see that both parties have grown, but one fact has not changed.

Ning Zhou is still the same Ning Zhou, the absolute thigh. "

Not only Teacher He, Xiao Bai, Huang Zitao, and Sister Mi, everyone mentioned Ning Zhou's name in their speeches, and they did not hesitate to praise him.

When it was the protagonist's turn, there was only a simple sentence.

“I had a great time”

The interview tonight was relatively simple. Firstly, everyone was tired, and secondly, there was a press conference arranged later.

There's no need to rush things.

After chatting for about an hour, the program team evacuated. They still had a lot of work to do.

Room 888 also became the last night for the six people in Escape 2.

It's natural to be happy, but no matter how excited you are, it can't overcome your physical fatigue. After everyone washed up, they turned off the lights and rested.

As the pursuer was the loser, the program team did not conduct interviews.

Isn't this just adding salt to the wound?

Looking back on the past half month, there were almost no wonderful performances, all tears, all backgrounds.

The success of the king and the defeat of the bandits, although it is a bit exaggerated, but it is also suitable for the situation.

At 8 o'clock the next morning, Escape from Ming Dynasty 2 was the top trending search topic.

Because the audience in the live broadcast room discovered that suddenly, the portraits of all the chasing team members turned gray.

"What do you mean, you got hit by a bomb again?"

"No, there aren't always Reuters photos in the past two days. It doesn't look like anything wrong."

"Season 2 is over? My happiness is over?"

"Have the fugitives won again? Who will tell me?"

The live broadcast room was full of question marks. Reporters with connections were mobilizing, while those without connections were using their imaginations.

Huang Rui made no mistakes.

There is no airtight wall in the world. With so many contestants and so many staff, it is impossible to completely block the news of the end of the show.

It's better to spoil it in the live broadcast room and let everyone get used to it first.

After all, Ming Escape 2’s 24-hour live broadcast has become an electronic mustard-like existence for many people.

Suddenly it is gone, and there will be some gap in my heart.

But there is no such thing as a banquet that lasts forever. The pursuers have lost their fighting spirit. There is no point in persisting. On the contrary, it will lower the quality of the entire program and the audience's perception.

Although Huang Rui was not satisfied with the ending scene, he could only let nature take its course.

The ending of last season is hard to replicate!

In this way, the last night of Escape 2 slowly passed.

Ning Zhou slept soundly, even if Huang Zitao snored loudly beside him, it could not affect him.

When I woke up, I just felt hungry, and every cell was shouting: I'm hungry!

When I walked out of the room, I found Xiaobai, Huang Zitao, and Miss Zhao holding chopsticks.

After asking, I found out that the three of them also woke up hungry and ordered food directly from the hotel, which was served a while later.

I actually brought a cake last night, but I was too tired at that time. It’s not that the show was gone, and I didn’t even shout about eating. I was already tired.

Xiaobai helped serve the rice, and Miss Zhao handed over the chopsticks.

No matter if you brush your teeth or not, let’s eat first.

This was a real meal. For five minutes, the four of them focused on the food in front of them without saying a word.

There is a saying that true friends, even if they haven’t seen each other for many years, will not feel awkward even if they sit together without saying a word.

Some of the people here may have just known each other before the competition, but were not familiar with each other.

But for forty days together, day and night, and under the circumstances of being chased, the accumulation of feelings was several times faster than usual.


When Bai Jingting finished two bowls of rice and drank a large bowl of soup, he finally let out a long sigh of satisfaction.

Huang Zitao watched Ning Zhou refill his rice for the fourth time.

"They eat more than us, and it's really the thighs."

Ning Zhou took the last bite of rice from the bowl into his mouth, a little slurred.

"We haven't had a good meal in the past few days. We still have some residual effects from the competition. We will maximize our time when we can eat and sleep."


Xiaobai lay down on the sofa, opened his hands and tilted his head back.

"It's so nice to be able to lie down so leisurely!"

Miss Zhao looked left, right, and then at the door of her room.

"Ning Zhou, come here."

After she said this, she pointed to the balcony.

Xiaobai, who was originally enjoying the sofa, immediately opened half of his eyes. Apparently, he heard something from Sister Mi after reuniting.

"What are you talking about? Can't we listen?"

Huang Zitao wanted to join in the fun, but Miss Zhao glared back.

"I just got a call from my company!"

The two of them went to the balcony and sat down. Miss Zhao got straight to the point.

"Don't agree with us?"

Ning Zhou's expression changed at that time.

Miss Zhao was very satisfied with his expression.

"No! Just listen to me first.

The scene of us holding hands will be broadcast tonight.

The program team called the company in advance to explain the matter.

As for me, I am not an idol. Of course, falling in love will have some influence.

However, in this show, we have gotten along like CP since the first season, and there are more CP fans.

In short, there are good and bad.

The company has no intention of stopping it. It's nothing for a girl in her twenties to fall in love.

They have only one request,

You have to sign a contract. "

"Me, sign a contract?"

Ning Zhou had a question mark on his forehead.

“I can’t act, and I’m not an artist, I just performed a little better in the show.

This kind of popularity probably won’t last for a month. "

After spending a long time with celebrities, you can also understand some of the rules in the industry.

He can be classified as an overnight celebrity, but he is fundamentally different from singers and actors.

There are countless examples of a song or a work becoming popular on the Internet.

Singers can participate in variety shows and commercial performances in the future, and actors can take on new works.

Where is Ning Zhou?

He knows a lot, including the last mission, where he successfully spent forty-eight hours. The system gave him the ability to speak three languages: English, Korean, and Japanese.

But these skills are simply not enough to support oneself in the entertainment industry.


Ning Zhou will be very busy in the next period of time.

There are many announcements.

But, it's only for a while.

There will never be a shortage of hot spots on the Internet. He will be forgotten soon. After all, he is not from this circle.

Singing sounds good, but that is only relative to ordinary people.

If you really want to stand with professional singers, they are not on the same level at all.

"Why did they choose to sign me?"

Ning Zhou felt incredible. Don't forget, his face was a very, very, very passerby's face.

"I have no idea!"

Miss Zhao shook her head.

“However, I don’t think you need to refuse, this is the only condition they put forward.

And anything else that needs to be dealt with will be helped. "

When an artist falls in love, unless it's a little transparent, there will be some rhythm.

Not only Zhao Lushi was affected, but Ning Zhou was also affected.

"Okay, I'll sign!"

Ning Zhou is already in a homeless state. With a brokerage company, at least he can take more jobs and make more money.

Maybe there is another way. There are many variety show stars in the industry.

"Aren't you afraid that I will sell you?"

Miss Zhao asked with a smile.

"Sell it for a few bucks."

The two of them just looked at each other. According to the development, the next step should be a fight.

As a result, out of the corner of her eye, Miss Zhao noticed the two people eavesdropping inside, and she was quite speechless.

Why are boys so gossipy?

After another glare, the two looked back dejectedly, but the teasing on their faces was clearly visible.

It's just that Huang Zitao is still a little outside the situation.

"When did they get together?

Why haven't I noticed it usually?

Can CP also be set up in an escape show?

Ouch, this melon, this melon, it’s so sweet.”

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, all six members got up and finished lunch.

The people sent by the program team also arrived.

Mainly to tell you some things.

Individuals are not allowed to be interviewed by media reporters alone before the live broadcast ends.

This is understandable.

The business affairs should be discussed by oneself and has nothing to do with the program team.

It is recommended that everyone take a rest.

Basically nothing special.

However, Ning Zhou was an exception. He was called to the balcony again.

He was informed that the remuneration had been increased by two million, and the remaining unpaid portion would be credited to the card within seven working days.

"Besides, don't leave tonight, there is a guest who wants to see you."

(Thanks to 86 Bookworm Boss for the 500 point reward) (End of this chapter)

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