Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 306 Two Days and One Night

"Brother, the fire is too strong. The food will be burnt later."

"It's okay. I have been burning fire for more than ten years and I am already a master. Trust me."

“Jongmin, are you sure it’s okay?”

"Absolutely no problem. Besides, don't we still have potatoes?"

"What I mean is, the program team isn't here anyway. Otherwise, run away overnight and go to the village to find the headman!"

Outside the wooden house at the foot of the mountain, everything was quiet. Because it was cloudy, it was pitch black and nothing could be seen.

The room was very lively, and the six members of "Two Days and One Night" were preparing their dinner.


It's 10:30 in the evening, and they are still making dinner.

Today was a complete rollercoaster for the six members.

The opening location was Qiuli County, and everyone was in a very good mood, because the director mentioned that the theme of this issue was a food journey.

When setting off, each person was given 100,000 won as pocket money.

Two hundred thousand doesn't seem like much, right? In normal shooting, the cost of the entire team would hardly exceed one hundred thousand.

They were used to searching, but when such a large sum of money suddenly came to them, the members instinctively sensed something was wrong.

In particular, when shooting separately, it is usually arranged in pairs or 3V3.

This time it changed again and I needed to travel alone.

"Pay attention. If anything goes wrong, contact me immediately."

"There must be something fishy. I won't spend a penny."

"Those who spend all their money must live in the wild."

Moths fly into flames, sometimes used to describe seasoned variety artists, and it fits perfectly.

Knowing that there may be a problem, but for the sake of the effect of the program, he resolutely acted stupidly and stepped into the trap of the program crew.

After the six people separated, they started looking at the camera and doing various analyses.

But after arriving at the traditional market, I immediately lost myself.

You get a meatloaf, I get a pork knuckle, and he gets some glutinous rice sausage.

As I ate, I let go.

Although I can't form a team with my teammates, I can meet each other in the market and feel at ease after seeing the food in each other's hands.

He said that if there was punishment later, he would not be the only one, and he let go.

The food prices in the market are not particularly expensive, ranging from thousands to tens of thousands. It is a bit stressful for a person to eat a hundred thousand dollars.

Therefore, the photographer and the director around him also enjoy the blessing.

When asked, what should I do if there are any sequelae if I run out of money?

"Whatever, let's talk about it later."

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the members gathered again.

When the director asked if they enjoyed their lunch and were satisfied with their meal, everyone nodded.

There were no surprises, the unexpected happened.

"Now, please hand over all the remaining money."

A staff member came forward, holding a washbasin.

The first member looked at the faces of the members and the program team, fumbled around for a long time, took out a ten thousand yuan note and put it in the basin.

"Oh my god, you only have ten thousand left?"

"It's so delicious."

"No, do you really not consider the consequences?"

Amid the condemnation from everyone, he could only keep saying sorry.

As a result, the second member was even worse and took out 7,000 yuan. He was the one who shouted the loudest just now.

Then third, fourth, and fifth.

Yan Zhengxun is also the eldest brother in the team and is more reliable. He has more than 38,000 left.

Five people added up, there are still more than 60,000.


High-energy scenes are coming.

The last Kim Jong Min is also a member of the four seasons of "Two Days and One Night".

He mumbled for a long time and turned both of his trouser pockets out.

"Oh, you actually spent it all?"

The members immediately stepped forward to criticize him in various ways.

Who would have thought that this wasn't the end yet. The director's words immediately confused everyone.

"Everyone will be sent to a wooden house in the wild soon. Agents and makeup artists will not go there, and only a dozen of our staff will follow.


All daily necessities and ingredients are purchased with your remaining money. "

Everyone was stunned.

"That's not bad. It's more than 60,000 yuan. It's just two meals tonight and two meals tomorrow morning. It's enough. As for brushing your teeth and washing your face, you're a grown man. You can overcome it."

"The remaining amount you have is twenty-three thousand seven hundred yuan.

Because Kim Jong Min chose Han Dinshi, which cost a total of 140,000, he owes us 40,000, which will be deducted from your funds. "

In an instant, Kim Jong Min became the target of public criticism and was beaten up by a group of people.

After venting, you still have to face reality.

I can only use the remaining 23,700 yuan to purchase the necessary items.

Rice, potatoes, instant noodles.

After hesitating for a long time, I bought a hundred grams of meat. I really had no money.

But when the punishment was about to come, another bad news came.

The car ran out of gas and they had to pay for gas themselves, but the 1,000 yuan they had just left to buy some crucian carp cakes was all spent.

The program team has provided money here, but there must be a price to pay.

After arriving at the place, you need to take out the items originally in the house and exchange them.

In this way, at around five o'clock in the afternoon, that is, before dark, we walked through the village and arrived at the wooden house where everyone was going to spend the night.

The environment is quite good.

Surrounded by mountains, it is in a small basin.

There was a creek not far from the cabin. After seeing the cabin, the stupid members immediately regretted it.

The items inside can only be described as crude.

It can be seen that only the bedding and pillows are provided by the program team.


There is only a mattress back, a quilt, and a pillow.

Of course, these three are specially made and are enough for six people to lie down together.

It's night, the temperature in the mountains drops sharply, and I can't afford any of the three things.

So, negotiations started with the program team.

The final result is that through luck or not, three members are selected and enter the water.

This is also a major feature of "Two Days and One Night".

Enter water.

In the winter, we could directly cut through the ice to enter.

After a lot of twists and turns, I used my body to repay the debt and officially entered survival mode.

For them, building a stove is not easy.

Moreover, you have to take into account the effect of the program. The audience doesn't like to see you immersed in your work.

During this period, I started discussing meat issues with the program team again.

One meal, only one hundred grams of meat, six grown men, how uncomfortable it is.


Into the water again.

Although winter has not yet completely entered, the temperature is only a few degrees, which is quite cool enough to go down to the creek.

Through the efforts of the six people, they earned 500 grams of pork for the team, and the dishes for the evening were finally settled.

Of course, Kim Jong Min has become the target of everyone's thoughts. If he hadn't spent all the money, he wouldn't have gone into trouble.

Cook, eat, and play games by yourself.

Time passed slowly and it was past one o'clock at night.

During normal filming, transitions are required. During this period, the program team prepares props and gives the members time to rest.

This time the theme is different, so these links are naturally missing.

After a tiring day, the members were reminded by the program team that the portion size should be fine.

So, it was almost time to fall asleep.

Not long after the snoring started, the door was suddenly knocked open and a group of people rushed in (End of Chapter)

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