Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 31 Boyfriend outside the circle?

"Teacher Li, no one was found."

"We searched very carefully and asked many passers-by or store clerks at the scene, but there were no clues."

"Could he be cheated?"

Nine pursuers searched for more than two hours, and in the end, not even a shadow was found, let alone anyone. Naturally, they doubted the authenticity of the clues.

Li Tonggang smoked a cigarette freely, which made him feel good.

The intensity of the work was too high for him at this time.

Over the past few decades, there have been some physical problems, and as people get older, they sleep less at night and must take a nap at noon to maintain their physical strength.

So I endured the fatigue and sleepiness and kept communicating with the chasing team members in a timely manner.

"You have been discovered."

Teacher He and the others at the scene naturally did not have time to check the surveillance, but the tool people at the headquarters had time.

With the efforts of several people, the reason for the failure of the pursuit was found and discovered.

"If your guess is correct, the escapees should have received relevant tasks. At about 2:10, your whereabouts were spotted by Hou Minghao.

He should be a sentry, responsible for looking out and reminding members who are doing tasks to leave in time. "

"Can you see the direction of escape?"

"The investigation is ongoing but will take time."

The hidden line Li Tong didn't say was that it was the same as when he was in Jinling. It was too difficult and took too long. By the time he found it, he would have left long ago.

However, in order not to offend the team members, Li Tong didn't say anything and just told them that he was working hard.

The nine people were very disappointed. Even though they were sitting in an air-conditioned coffee shop, they were still sweating non-stop. They only had their second cup of water or coffee.

"Why is it so difficult?"

The big teacher is a little confused.

"We have the advantage in terms of numbers and our equipment is more advanced."

"Don't be discouraged."

Teacher He comforted.

"When we were filming "The Great Detective," we only had a small area and many clues. We spent a whole day working on it, and in the end we often made mistakes.

Now the whole of China is a battlefield. It is really difficult to catch people in a short time unless you are lucky.

Imagine that nine fugitives are escaping in different directions. If we want to catch them, it will take more than two days on the road.

It's a good thing that they all get together now. "

As expected of Teacher He, a simple analysis made several people's frustrations fade a little.

Today's situation is indeed much better than yesterday. At least we know that the escapees are all in the magic city, instead of wandering around like headless flies.

"So, where did the clue come from?"

Hou Minghao's figure was found in the surveillance, indicating that they did not find the wrong place, but because of lack of experience, they were discovered early and missed it.

If there is a chance to do it again, I will definitely be more careful.

Li Tong did not answer, and He Jiong turned away unnaturally.

Three hours ago, Teacher He received a text message. The audience guessed correctly that it was indeed from a certain celebrity who was contacted.

As for why it was not announced, perhaps it was to protect it from online violence.

After all, there are more people in the audience supporting the escapees.

Of course, there may be other factors

It was hot now and there were no clear clues. Li Tong didn't let them continue searching. He took a rest and recovered his strength.

"Yang Rong."

About twenty minutes passed before Li Tong's voice came.


"I have a video for you to watch"

Li Tong sighed.

"I remember this couple."

After the pad shook for a while, Yang Rong quickly saw that it was a lens on her body.

"I originally planned to go up and ask, but..."

Before the words were finished, the two people in the camera kissed, very selfless, and then the direction changed. It was obvious that Yang Rong felt embarrassed and turned around to leave.

"Any questions?"

After reading it twice, Chen Weiting didn't understand why.

"Hey, look at another section."

The perspective has changed, it should be the surveillance of a nearby store.

At first, everyone didn't understand what was going on, but with a zoom, it paused.


"Is this Ning Zhou?"


Although the distance was slightly far, to the pursuers, they knew exactly what Ning Zhou looked like.

"I actually missed it." Yang Rong clenched his fists, annoyed.

"He" Chen Weiting slapped his thigh: "I remembered it. I saw him taking pictures of that girl. I always thought he was just a tourist, so I didn't pay attention."

Li Tong wanted to sigh again, but thought that these people were all novices, so he swallowed it back.

“It’s actually very simple to analyze.

The weather outside is at least 30 degrees Celsius right now, which is extremely hot.

Young people, even if they go out to play, most likely will not choose lunch.

Furthermore, this section of the river view is definitely not the most beautiful. The background is just ordinary buildings with no special features.

Looking at their outfits, the girl is okay, she has a hat and a backpack, but the boy has nothing on him.

If you are a tourist, a backpack should be a regular item.”

He said several points in succession, making the chasing team members nod in agreement.

"Then who is this woman? Yang Mi, Zhang Jingyi, or Lin Rong. It's definitely not Brother Xun."

"None of them!" Teacher He stared blankly for a while: "It's Zhao Lushi."

ha! ?

The scene was filled with exclamations of exclamation.

"No, what's going on?"

"How did Ning Zhou know Zhao Lushi? They even kissed."

"It's really him. What did I miss?"

"Teacher Li, what happened?"

Is it possible that Ning Zhou is really Zhao Lushi's outside boyfriend?

Impossible. There are several people here who are very familiar with her. They have never heard anything about her. They can't tell anything about the two people kissing passionately on the screen.

Ten minutes later, Li Tong gave the answer.

"The escapees should be on a mission, and the type of mission is probably related to meeting a star.

They are very careful”

When talking about being careful, Li Tong praised in a sincere tone.

"First of all, there are people watching outside. In fact, the meeting place keeps changing. Furthermore, this Ning Zhou is really brave and careful."

After Li Tong's explanation, the pursuers probably understood what happened before.

"Isn't he afraid that we will come forward for questioning?" Chen Weiting couldn't understand.

"Taking advantage of people's psychology."

There was a click on the other end of the phone. Needless to say, the old man must have lit up a cigarette.

"When a normal person learns that danger is coming, their first reaction is to run away, and this is probably the case for you, too.

Even though I was standing by, you could still take photos so calmly. You must not be the person we are looking for, so we missed it.

Yang Rong felt a little regretful, but it was normal. The other person was doing something intimate, and if you stepped forward, it would be too embarrassing.

Well played, well played! "

"Then shall we contact Zhao Lushi and the celebrities who came to meet before?"

"Okay, let's act quickly before they leave."

Everyone started to move, and the big teacher suddenly touched Chen Weiting.

"Hey, you were molested by Ning Zhou twice again. Is it the first time?"

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