
Deadly quiet.

Everyone was silent.

As for the previous home invasion and kidnapping, I can accept it because I know it is fake and no one will be harmed.

This meeting is going to kill people.

As long as they are not psychopathic, who can agree happily and immediately in a short time?

Even if he knew it was not a real killing, he was just removed from the show.


Teacher He was really nervous now.

He was trying hard to use his brain, thinking about whether there was any plan to save himself.

"If you ask questions casually, I promise to know and say nothing.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter if you don’t go back tonight, you have enough time to escape.

It doesn't matter, I can take away the equipment and everything, and I still have a thousand dollars in my pocket.

If I take action, it will actually be detrimental to you. "

Ning Zhou smiled.

“Will it increase the level?

However, even if we don’t get promoted, won’t you arrest us? "

This sentence left Teacher He speechless.

Yes, in a sense, no matter if you are D-level or any other level, you will still be caught. Is there any difference?

"It's nothing more than what kind of help you can get, such as adding people, adding equipment, etc."

Teacher He raised his head and looked at the featureless young man in front of him, feeling chilled in his heart.

Li Tong was right. It seemed that among the escapees, Huang Lei was not the most terrifying, but him.

It is certain that the fugitive did not know what was going on here with the pursuer.

When all personnel were promoted to C-level, the instructions were given not to shoot unless absolutely necessary.

By analogy, if the escapees continue to upgrade, there will naturally be other enhancements for the pursuers. After all, the prisoners they face will be more dangerous.

Unexpectedly, Ning Zhou deduced it directly.

“But the pressure you face is different.

To be honest, when you were all D-class fugitives, we were not allowed to use firearms. "

Ning Zhou looked so calm that Teacher He had no doubt that he would shoot. Now he could only think of ways to protect himself.

"If you improve, if you see someone in the future, shoot directly, and you won't even have a chance to escape."

I have to say that what Teacher He said makes sense.

"This is easy to solve, just put some pressure on you."

Lin Rong shook unconsciously. Although Ning Zhou was smiling,...

"Let's talk some more,"

He picked up the phone.

"This Li Tong should be the person behind you, what is his identity?"

Teacher He was silent.

"Actually, you don't need to tell me, I can probably guess it.

It should be some professionals, and they are under certain restrictions. They only issue orders and do not participate in the actual pursuit.

As for the reasons, I guess two.

First, fairness. It would be good to take care of us fugitives and have professional guidance. The program team thinks it is too unfair to join the pursuit again.

Second, if your body or age is not suitable for pursuit, make a bold guess whether it is a retired police detective or a retired private detective.

Teacher He, your expression already shows that I guessed it right! "

"It's really impressive." Teacher He gave a thumbs up.

"You think that's all?"

Ning Zhou continued to show his somewhat scary smile.

"I know a lot. Your members include Chen Weiting, Da Zhangwei

Your car uses a red flag,

Your watch has the effect of monitoring heartbeat. Hey, Teacher He, why has your expression changed?

Sorry, please look”

Saying that, he took Xiaobai's hand.

Huang Lei and others were shocked.

Obviously, this was Teacher He's back-up plan. If he had taken off the watch and not put it back on, and the heartbeat could not be detected, the pursuer might have been on his way over.

In fact, it is not difficult to find out that the watch has this function, because it is displayed on the screen.

The difficulty is that as soon as the pursuer is caught, everyone's attention will naturally be on him. Ning Zhou can carefully notice that

"You win."

Teacher He said in four words that everything was in despair. The last trump card was discovered and there was no possibility of a comeback.

"And what you call intelligence,"

Ning Zhou handed the phone to Xiaobai.

“They are basically all there in the group chat, so you are of no use to me here.

Oh, no, it’s a bit shocking! "

While everyone was still thinking about what shock meant, Zhao Lushi's phone rang.

It wasn't unexpected, but it shocked everyone.

She quickly showed the caller information: "It's the boss of my agency."

"That's okay, just take it."

Xiaobai took his mobile phone and started recording.

Although most of the pursuers usually communicate directly by phone, the group will also make various reports and receive instructions from Li Tong.

There was a lot to talk about. If there is an opportunity to get the pursuer's mobile phone, it will definitely be of value.

For example, it can be seen that the pursuers have indeed returned to the hotel, and today's pursuit has come to an end for the time being.

I learned that there is a headquarters and surveillance videos are still being analyzed.

Some members are still discussing whether the escapees are in the magic city or have left.

If you leave, there is a high probability that you will get transportation.

Moreover, I know that the escapees will receive tasks from the program team from time to time. After completing them, they will receive corresponding rewards.

"Hey, you also have a mission?"

There was a lot of content in the group chat, but Bai Jingting was surprised to see that the pursuers had a mission.

In fact, the conversation was very clear. Teacher He had nothing to hide, so he probably talked about it.

"Ning Zhou, you are like a god!"

Huang Lei was even clapping his hands.

At that time, Ning Zhou relied on the upgrade information from his watch and judged that his position had been exposed, so he immediately asked everyone to leave.

I also felt that it was a bit exaggerated and that it was impossible to go to the Magic City.

Now that I think about it, I'm still a little scared. If I hadn't evacuated in time, I would have been watching the live broadcast at home.


Ning Zhou felt that it was almost the same, so he stood up.

"Teacher Huang, you guys pack your things first and go and drive. After you go out, Xiaobai, give your watch to the doorman and ask him to remember to wear it all night."

Several people guessed what was going to happen next and stopped talking.

"it's okay no problem."

On the contrary, Teacher He took the initiative to hug several people.

"Come on, don't get caught."

"When will you come down?" Huang Lei asked at the end of the day.

"Two hours!"

His answer caused everyone to misunderstand.

"There is no need to torture Teacher He."

Ning Zhou laughed: "Who said we were going to be tortured? Something will definitely be discovered in the middle of the night or tomorrow.

Looking back at the surveillance, the time you gave the watch was two hours. This is the wrong information we gave, and there is no autopsy."

"You're really scary!"

Teacher He was speechless. He was still alive. Is it polite to ask for an autopsy in person?

"Okay, I understand." Huang Lei pointed forward.

"What should she do?"

At this moment, Zhao Lushi's phone call has been completed.

"Let's talk first, she has helped us a lot, we can't do that."

Before Ning Zhou could answer, Zhao Lushi sighed for the first time tonight.

"Don't worry about me, because from now on, I am also a fugitive."

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