Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 44 I doubt them both

Chapter 44 I doubt them both.

Ning Zhou and Ning Zhou left very calmly. They even walked through the side door, one behind the other, five minutes apart.

He had one thing in mind, as long as he could cause trouble for his pursuers.

After leaving the community, the two quickly met.

It was still the same as before, after changing to three taxis, we finally arrived at where Huang Lei and the others were.

At this time, it was already ten past one at night.

Seeing the two people arriving, everyone's hearts dropped and they handed over a handful of barbecue.

We all know that we should leave tonight and have something to eat, but not too much.

"Teacher Ho"

Seeing that the others were hesitant to speak, Yang Mi took the initiative to stand up.

"He's offline."


Although it wasn't surprising, I still felt a little weird when I heard Ning Zhou admit it personally.

From a fugitive's perspective, there was nothing wrong with what he did.

If you let it go freely, your own information will be completely exposed. There is no way to hide it or let it go. Needless to say, the remaining options are needless to say.

The reason was that Huang Lei would say something, and it turned out that he thought the most.

"It's okay. Teacher He just looks young, but he is actually quite old. It's good to go offline and rest early. Zhao Lushi, what's going on with you?"

The young lady was chewing meat. When she heard the call to herself, she quickly wiped the corners of her mouth with the back of her hand and repeated what she had said before.

During this period, Ning Zhou had quickly finished the food in his hands and sat in the driver's seat, asking Xiao Bai to follow him.

"Where are we going?"

"I don't know, let's walk first. As long as we don't know where we are going, it will be harder for the pursuers to find us."

It seems to make sense... let's go ahead.

When the two fugitive cars were speeding on the highway, many viewers had already seen what happened last night.

For them, they were about to doze off, only to wake up straight away.

"Shocked, Teacher He became the first offline player of Battle Royale"

"Ning Zhou was ruthless and shot Teacher He to death"

"A fugitive with a gun can straighten up his back"

"Big Changes, Teacher He Says Farewell to the Great Escape"

Some websites made headlines overnight, and viewers kept scrolling in the live broadcast room. Some celebrities couldn't hold back when they saw this scene, and directly called the Chasers.

Unfortunately, it was their agent who answered the call.

The mobile phones used in the competition are all provided by the program team to prevent this.

The tool man works a 24-hour shift system, and spoiler information on the Internet is directly filtered and will not be informed to the pursuer.

Because at this time, the eleven team members and Li Tong were all sleeping. Strictly speaking, it was impossible for them to know the current situation.

It was also because of Ning Zhou's cunning that he deliberately stayed at Zhao Lushi's house for a longer period of time. In addition to preventing the following pursuit teams from finding the exact time, it also had another purpose.

The person who sleeps in the same room as Teacher He is Lu Han. They are in the same team, so it is more convenient to share the same room.

Lu Han, who returned to the hotel, met other team members in the parking lot and told Teacher He that he had gone to find Zhao Lushi.

No one noticed anything unusual.

After a tiring day, I quickly went back to the house to rest.

Lu Han arrived in the room, ate something, took a shower, and asked alone on WeChat.

However, he didn't expect that the person on the other end of the phone who responded was no longer Teacher He, but Ning Zhou.

"It's too late. I'll deal with Lu Shi all night. I'll go there early tomorrow. If anyone asks, you can tell me by the way."

Lu Han did not doubt that he was there, so he turned off the light and went to sleep.

This cannot be blamed on anyone, who could have imagined that such a big thing would happen.

So the outside world was in turmoil, but the twelve people were snoring asleep.

Just like that, the sky gradually became brighter.

Didi, beep, beep, as the piercing alarm bell rang, Lu Han got up with his head in the chicken coop.

Li Tong stipulated that he should get up at seven o'clock every morning, and he set the alarm clock at six twenty.

The first time I woke up, I looked at the bed beside me. It was neat and tidy. Teacher He must have not come back.

Without thinking too much, I got up and quickly washed up, picked up my equipment, got dressed, and went downstairs to have breakfast.

However, when they were about to go out, they received a notice from the program team that they were not allowed to go downstairs and breakfast would be delivered to their respective rooms.

This is the program team's measure.

Teacher He's accident must not be hidden, but it must be revealed in a normal way.

But for such a big event, if a few people go downstairs to have breakfast together, it will definitely be spoiled by the audience.

"Why are you the only one, where is Teacher He?"

Lu Han knocked on the door of Wei Cheng's room. He had a business suite here and used it for meetings. More than half of the members had already arrived.

Regarding the request not to go downstairs to eat, no one had any doubts. They probably thought that many fans were following him.

"Aren't you back yet?" Lu Han scratched his head: "I asked him on WeChat last night. He said he was too tired and too lazy to run around, so he stayed at Zhao Lushi's place for one night. He will probably be on the way now."

"Let me call him and ask."

Reba took out her cell phone while the others continued chatting and waiting for breakfast.

"No one answered?"

"Is the battery going out?"

"It's connected, but no one answered." Reba repeated it again.

Wei Cheng was eating an apple and said, "Is it possible that you are too tired and didn't wake up? It's only been half an hour. Does anyone have Zhao Lushi's phone number? Ask her to call her. Otherwise, Teacher Li will call her. criticize."

"It still doesn't work. Where did the young man come from? Besides, I doubt they did it yesterday."

The big teacher made a drinking gesture.

Anyone who is familiar with Teacher He knows that when he is not working, he likes to have a drink or two.

I was too tired yesterday, so it’s not impossible to drink a little to relieve my fatigue.

At this moment, breakfast was served, and the remaining members all arrived, and everyone started to eat breakfast.

At seven o'clock, the TV was connected to the headquarters, and the old man appeared on the screen.

"Where's Teacher He?"

Just by glancing at it, he realized that someone was missing.

"I went to Zhao Lushi's house last night. After all, I went to check on her in the evening and didn't eat the food I ordered. Teacher He felt embarrassed and went over to chat for a while.

Later I lived there, now.”

Li Tong nodded and didn't say anything. He just asked the tool man to look at the location.

"We kept searching last night, but with little success.

Judging from the items purchased by the duo who were found in the supermarket, the escapees most likely obtained transportation and left the Magic City.

At this time we are.”

After saying a few words, the tool man realized something was wrong.

"Teacher He's cell phone is located in XX community, but his watch is in another community a few kilometers away. It has not been moved since 6 a.m."

"Lu Han,"

It didn't even take Li Tong to think that anyone could notice something was wrong.

"Where does Zhao Lushi live?"

"XX community."

"Do you know YY Community?"

Lu Han shook his head.

"Something may have happened. You should go to XX community immediately. I will provide real-time command online."

Whoops, eleven people rushed out of the room!

(I didn’t advance to the second round of recommendation. I didn’t read enough, so I feel uncomfortable.)

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