Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 6 Chasing Ning Zhou

Compared with the various costumes of the escapees, the pursuers were much more professional.

Black beret, black top, black pants, black shoes, and black sunglasses.

The old man originally raised objections. Have you ever seen plainclothes people in such a conspicuous manner? Are you afraid that others will not know?

But the program team persuaded me to come back.

After all, the pursuer has various rights here. Not only can he use various means of transportation, the most advanced communication equipment, but also the cooperation of many traffic, police and other departments.

Wear something conspicuous, that's fine.

"Lu Han, Fan Chenchen, you two each lead a team and go directly to the high-speed rail station.

Chen Weiting, go to Xinjiekou. "


The old man had already put away his smile at this time and disrupted the self-assigned teams, mainly adjusting them based on the actual situation.

"Teacher He, be careful and take Yang Rong to the scene."

"It's been five hours, everyone must have left."

"The person is definitely gone, but there will definitely be clues left."

The program team did not allow Li Tong to follow him out to participate in the hunt, mainly because of his health. After all, he was almost 80, had some inconvenience in his legs and feet, and also suffered from some geriatric diseases.

Soon, Teacher He and others arrived at the birth point of the escapees, a suite.

What caught his eye were the nine water glasses on the table. Yang Rong stepped forward and touched them, and then he laughed.

After more than five hours, the boiling water became cold.


Teacher He came to a blackboard, picked up his phone and took a photo.

There are numbers 1-9 on it, as well as several locations.

"This is what's left of the scene."

Teacher He paused.

"But I think it's a smoke bomb. It looks like they are grouped in threes and go to different places, but it is impossible to make such a low-level mistake and leave all the information here."

Li Tong, who was online, also saw relevant information based on his camera.

“It seems that there are smart people among the escapees.

They were just betting on the odds. If they believed it, they would definitely have to spend time looking for it.

It’s just that the fugitives don’t know that we can check the high-speed rail information. This is wrong. Bai Jingting and the other five went to Wuxi East and Zhenjiang respectively, and the other two teams are on the way.

You continue to see if there are any other clues. "


The search work of the two people can be said to be very handy. After all, they have done it countless times in "The Great Detective".

It was confirmed that there was no one in the room, and from the cotton pads in the trash can and the clothes in the cabinet, it was judged that the escapees had disguised themselves and could change clothes.

Others, it seems like nothing.

This is normal. The fugitives have only stayed here for less than two hours, so what can they leave behind?

After completing the work, the two people immediately drove to Xinjiekou, and Chen Weiting called for additional personnel.

Forty minutes ago.

Chen Weiting, Asa, and Teacher Da took the elevator to the garage. After waving to their teammates, they just got in the car when the old man's voice came from the headphones.

"After receiving a clue, the fugitive Ning Zhou appeared at Xinjiekou. You should go there immediately."


With a kick of the accelerator, the vehicle sped away.

Asa looked very excited, but also a little puzzled: "Is it in Xinjiekou? Why haven't you left yet?"

"Yes, how long ago it was. Is it too late for us to go there now?"

The technology is still awesome, and the old man directly asked people to put the route into the car without them having to do anything.

"It was said half an hour ago, let's go take a look!"

Several teams of pursuers moved forward according to different goals. Halfway through, they all received information from the headquarters, which was nine photos.

In addition to the twelve pursuers, six "clerks" were assigned to the headquarters.

Because the escapee's birthplace was accurately given and the time was detailed, and Ning Zhou and the others did not deliberately hide inside when they left, a current photo of the prisoner was quickly given.

Having photos is equivalent to having a reference.

Of course, some of them are quite blurry and you can’t see their faces.

"We do not rule out the possibility that the fugitives may have changed clothes midway, and we will continue to track them."

The first to arrive at the scene was Chen Weiting's team. The headquarters was only a twenty-minute drive away.

Even though they were wearing hats and sunglasses, their special looks immediately attracted attention, and they were immediately recognized.

"come on!"

"We must catch them."

"I saw Ning Zhou just now."

Chen Weiting immediately walked over, communicated with him, and then frowned.

"Something's wrong."

He picked up the phone, pointed in a direction, and said as he walked.

"Now that he's been discovered, shouldn't he run away? Why did he say he saw Ning Zhou at the milk tea shop ten minutes ago?"

"Whatever, let's go take a look first."

The three of them quickened their pace, followed by a group of citizens watching the excitement. It was a rare opportunity to see a star, how could they miss it.

The target location is on a pedestrian street, which is crowded and lively.

Soon, the three of them found the milk tea shop.

"Ning Zhou was here just now?"

There was a little girl in front. When she saw the tall and handsome Chen Weiting, her eyes almost stopped laughing and she nodded repeatedly.

"He sat here for twenty minutes and ordered a glass of milk green. We didn't notice him at first.

A customer is watching the live broadcast on his mobile phone."

As he said that, he picked up his mobile phone and showed it. The picture was exactly "Celebrity Escape".

"He walked over and said, isn't this me? It shocked everyone."

"Is it him?" Asa quickly found the photo.

"Yes." Although the photo was a bit blurry, the young lady nodded affirmatively based on her clothes: "It took less than five minutes to walk and went to the right."

"Thank you, do you have a camera here?"

"No, but there is one in the clothing store on the left. I'll take you there."

Then a group of people marched toward the next door.

"Look, it's Chen Weiting, and Teacher Da, wow, Asa, I love you, Asa"

There were quite a lot of people in the pedestrian street originally, but the three of them were followed by a group of people, which attracted a lot of attention. After shouting like this, the cheering crowd rushed up.

There were people who wanted to take pictures and people who wanted to take photos together, it became a mess.

The three people were surrounded by the crowd, shouting to be careful and so on. The commotion lasted for five minutes. The program crew who couldn't stand it came forward and called the pedestrian street security to help maintain order.

"I guess he ran away early!"

The three people who finally entered the store wiped the sweat from their foreheads. After communicating, the store owner simply turned on the surveillance.

The three heads came together and clicked with the mouse.

"Wait a moment!"

Chen Weiting asked Teacher Da to pull back for a few seconds.


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