Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 66 Seizing the initiative

The members were lost in thought.

Ning Zhou proposed three options, but he couldn't decide which one was better, let alone the others.

As a star, everyone actually feels a little bit of pressure.

When I come to participate in this show, I definitely want to perform better. After all, there are so many people and the fans are also competing with each other.

Before many people come, the company or themselves will set small plans and goals.

For example, instead of being eliminated early, it is better to come up with some exciting operations.

In competitions between people, there will definitely be collisions.

But on the fourth day of personal experience, I found that it was much different from what I expected.

There was only one real close encounter with the pursuer, but the rest of the time, I still lived in trepidation.

Some people's goal has changed from performing well to not being caught first, or not to inconvenience their teammates.

This is no joke.

In an event, fans can beat them to pieces. If they find out that you knocked someone's brother or sister out of the competition, it will be a huge disaster.

So for a while, no one responded, and everyone was thinking about the feasibility of the three paths.

Ning Zhou was not in a hurry and continued to drink tea and eat. Since the pursuers were still downstairs, he could only hide in the room temporarily.

"in comparison,"

After a few minutes, Huang Lei spoke first.

“I personally prefer the third option, which is your client.”

He used the word "personal" very strictly, just expressing his own opinions and trying not to affect other people's judgments.

“The first two are too risky and are equivalent to placing your hopes on strangers.

Maybe as soon as you step off the front foot, you will sell us on the back foot.

And your client, a former client, was not in the jurisdiction, or he met by chance at a meeting, so it would be too difficult for the pursuer to track him down.

You can go to the boss alone first, without saying anything, and you can know whether he knows you are in the game by what his first words are when he sees you.

By the way, how old is your customer? "

"It seems that he is in his late forties and under fifty. I didn't ask for details. I just know that he has a daughter who is in college."

"That's about right!" Huang Lei nodded and continued: "Adventures are inevitable. In my opinion, we should have two choices.

First, stay still. After all, the pursuers do not know our current position.

Moreover, it is not always possible to find where the vehicle is placed.

Under this premise, if we move the vehicle now, it will increase the risk of exposure.

Second, take the initiative.

It's the same hotel in the same building, so I can't sleep well at night.

Even community parking lots are not 100% safe.

And, taking risks pays off.

If we can successfully transfer the vehicle, we will not only be able to rest better in the next 41 hours, but we will also have more space and time for the next stage of transfer. "

The analysis makes sense, but it doesn’t say anything.

Even Ning Zhou couldn't make a decision for a while. Both options have their own advantages.

"Hey, how about we put ourselves in their shoes."

Xiaobai also joined in the brainstorming.

"If, if we were the pursuers, what would we do if we encountered the current situation?"

The living room fell silent again, everyone was thinking.

Yes, if I were the pursuer, what would I do?

"Tell me about mine first."

Ning Zhou was the first to speak.

“Fengcheng has a permanent population of more than 170,000, which is not that large.

But hiding ten of us is more than enough.

From my perspective, I must do some publicity to let people here know that Huang Lei, Hou Minghao, and Bai Jingting have come to the city.

You must know better than me what kind of reaction a big star in a small county will have.

When I was in business before, I would often organize some activities.

There are several common methods, such as sending messages, sending text messages, asking Internet experts to shoot videos, publicizing at bus stops, and vehicle tours in the city.

This has two advantages.

Maybe it can make people in the county pay more attention to strangers. Some people support us, and some are definitely on the side of the pursuers.

Furthermore, it will put pressure on us. When people are under great pressure, they are easily impulsive and do wrong things.

In addition to publicity,

The most advantageous thing they have is the license plate and vehicle information.

Without our knowledge, it stands to reason that the car should not be hidden somewhere intentionally.

Of course, we have no place to hide now.

Places with walls and covers such as hotels, shopping malls, and communities will be the first choice.

However, the workload is a bit heavy.

Not to mention other places, taking Fengcheng as an example, it is not that simple to find a car.

It still depends on the combination of the masses and technology. "

"I understand what you mean," Zhao Lushi said with a smile, "We used someone else's ID card. Is it possible to check from this point of view?"

"It's too difficult."

"You can contact us just by losing your ID card. Unless it's a spoiler and the other party is drunk, they may not be awake at this time."

"Ning Zhou, you still only talked about the car problem, so as the pursuers, where do you think we will hide?

Forty-eight hours after all. "

Ning Zhou spoke while organizing his words.

"if it was me.

For two days, we need food and accommodation, and we are a team of ten people, including celebrities who are easy to recognize.

Difficult, really difficult. "

"Hey, I'm asking you to analyze, not to praise yourself." Zhao Lushi covered her mouth.

When the young lady said this, the others also laughed. Of course, it was a kind smile.

"Don't tell me, if you ask me to find a place to settle down for the ten of us, there is only one way." Huang Lei followed up: "That is to show off my old face.

Find a villa, a farmhouse or something, somewhere with fewer people.

But safety cannot be guaranteed. Well, when you put it this way, it feels like the whole world is your enemy. "

Ning Zhou really can't say 123 here.

Mainly, I obtained the magical skills of stealing through the system and obtained the optimal solution.

The pursuer doesn't know this and thinks differently, and no matter what other choice you make, there will be risks.

No way to talk.

"Forget it,"

After chatting for about ten minutes, there was no constructive point of view. Huang Lei took the initiative to stop and there was no need to dwell on it.

“Let’s just show our hands and vote.

Raising your left hand means waiting for changes and not taking any risky actions.

Raising your right hand represents moving the vehicle and taking the initiative. "

"What should we do with the two people downstairs?"

"Call them. This is a collective matter."

Soon, the call was connected, and Zhao Lushi conveyed her thoughts concisely.

"Three numbers from the bottom, three, two, one"

Eight people in the room raised their hands.

"Okay, you two don't need to speak anymore."

6:2, only Huang Lei and Wang Jiaxuan chose the left hand. Most people still felt that they should seize the initiative.

"no no,"

Yang Mi was anxious on the other end of the phone.

"William Chan and the others set off, and both cars drove out."

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