As Ning Zhou expected, the pursuers split up.

Thirteen people are really not many. If it remains the same as before, three or four people riding in one car will seriously affect efficiency.

It's true that Hongqi was a designated car, but when he suddenly arrived in another county, the program team couldn't match it immediately.

So the headquarters directly helped rent a few cars online.

There are a total of six people in Chen Weiting's place. Except for Li Yitong, who is less skilled and follows him, the others all have one car and are divided into five groups.

Ning Zhou basically guessed what he was going to do, but there was one exception.

Li Tong thought for two full hours about where the fugitives could live. Forty-eight hours was not 4.8 hours. It would be over if you could endure it.

There are not many places in the city where you can stay for that long without being easily discovered!

How do you say that sentence? After eliminating all possibilities and all impossible factors, no matter how unbelievable the remainder is, it must be the truth.

The old man cannot rule out all possibilities, only the vast majority.

After thinking about it, the safest place and the most undisturbed place is a hotel.

In his opinion, using members to check cars is like finding a needle in a haystack, which is too difficult. Unless someone is unlucky, it would be a waste of effort.

After learning that everyone was awake and ready to work, Li Tong arranged another task, which was to track down hotels in three places.

Because we have grasped a key point, there is a high probability that the escapees will move in between one and two o'clock this morning.

In this way, time is locked.

However, even so, it is still a huge amount of work for the thirteen people.

Open the APP and see that Fengcheng County, the county with the smallest population, has 32 registered hotels, not counting those extremely small guest houses.

What to do, we can only move.

Wei Cheng is alone here, and his mood is not particularly beautiful.

Mainly there is contrast.

After receiving the invitation for the show and understanding the general style, I was honestly very ambitious.

As one of the regular guests of "The Great Detective", my performance cannot be said to be top-notch, but at least it can be rated as excellent.

Not only did he successfully catch the murderer as a detective, but he also transformed into a murderer and evaded the detectives' investigation.

This program is equivalent to focusing on his strengths, and it is bound to be a blockbuster.

But after the tracking was actually started, Wei Cheng's confidence disappeared by the hour, and was replaced more by a sense of powerlessness.

I don't have a clue at all.

The battlefield has suddenly changed from a studio of a few hundred square meters to 10.45 million square kilometers. Now he seems to have suddenly arrived in the NBA from a basketball team in a small county.

Confused, don't know what to do.

The so-called experience is of no use, because there is only one goal here, and that is to catch the escapees.

Clues, yes.

But it is not placed in a drawer, in a mattress, or on the body of a deceased person. You need to analyze, judge, and consider it yourself.

Difficult, too difficult.

Especially after the backbone of Teacher He left, Wei Cheng once thought that this tracking would end in failure.

Fortunately, support came and everyone regained their confidence.

Of course, Wei Cheng kept all this in his heart and did not dare to say it out loud.

After getting the vehicle, he set off alone. The headquarters had already planned Fengcheng and adopted a street sweeping mode.

One person at a time, if you find anything, call for reinforcements immediately.

In the area that Wei Cheng is responsible for, there are a total of twelve large and small hotels.

The first one went smoothly. After entering, the other party recognized who he was and checked the records very cooperatively. There were no new guests staying last night.

The second one was a bit troublesome. It was a small hotel, and the uncle sitting in front didn't recognize him.

After all, I took out my mobile phone to verify my identity, and then I saw the registration information, but still no.

When I got back to the car, my cell phone was very quiet. No need to ask deliberately, there must be no news from other members.

"WEI Cheng."

After driving for less than two minutes, the old man called.

"I sent you a new address, which is Sankeguo's store in Fengcheng.

Ning Zhou used to be a salesperson for Sankeguo. I went to find out more about it. Although he had never been in charge of the Taizhou area, he had been here to rule out this possibility. "


Wei Cheng looked at the navigation system and saw that it was less than a kilometer away from him, so he checked the direction and turned around.

In less than five minutes, we arrived at the place.

There is no need to ask deliberately, the three-guo sign is quite conspicuous.

Today was not the weekend and there were no customers in the store. After Wei Cheng entered, he took off his hat and asked where the boss was.

The clerk was a young lady. She yelled when she saw it, and then she logged into Douyin. Unexpectedly, she saw the real person.

After learning that he was looking for his boss, he immediately called.

"Mr. Wei Cheng, our boss is at the teahouse in front of you. Can I take you there?"


When we arrived at the place, Wei Cheng actually wanted to leave.

When he comes, absolutely no one knows about it. The old man just excludes it. There are many dealers who sell Sanguo in the country. After all, it is a big brand.

Oh, as soon as you arrive here, the clerk will call you immediately and take you there.

It's only a few dozen meters away. If there is something wrong in your mind, you won't even know the excuses. There are so many hotels that you haven't checked yet. It's not a waste of time.

"Mr. Wei, please, our boss is already waiting."

When he hesitated at the door, the old man inside came to greet him with a smile. Hey, I had to go and have a look even if I didn't sit down.

"Do you have any performances here?"

After entering the door, Wei Cheng also discovered the small stage and asked curiously.

"Oh, this is a small local opera in our dialect. It comes to the teahouse to perform every Friday, Saturday and Sunday."

"not bad."

After boasting, Wei Cheng went upstairs and was stunned for a few seconds when he saw Lao Zhao.

"Boss, has anyone ever said you look like a human being?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he quickly changed his words.

“I didn’t mean that;


Boss Zhao laughed and waved, indicating that he didn't care.

"I know, Sun Yue is right, look."

As he spoke, he pointed to a group photo on the tea cabinet behind him.

Good guys, aren’t these two brothers?

Wei Cheng unconsciously raised the corner of his mouth: "Boss, you have good connections. You have met many celebrities. It seems that your business is very big."

"Oh no," Boss Zhao shook his head: "To tell you the truth, before I opened the store, I was a gang leader and stayed there for seven or eight years.

Later I felt too tired and came back.

Mr. Wei, can you wait a moment?"

"It's easy to talk!"

Wei Cheng sat down and looked at the teacup in front of him.

"I just poured it. I heard from the people in my shop that you are here. Make tea quickly. I just don't have time to sweep the bed to welcome you."

"Thank you." Wei Cheng didn't think much about it.

After drinking a cup of tea, Boss Zhao leaned forward slightly.

"You're looking for me."

"Before that," Wei Cheng put down his tea cup: "Do you know the purpose of my coming?"

"I do not know!"

Boss Zhao shook his head, and the flesh on his neck trembled.

"Actually, I'm quite curious. In a place as small as Fengcheng, what are you, a big star, doing here?"

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