The other two teams of pursuers were commanded by Fan Chenchen and Lu Han.

Compared to Fengcheng, which had hundreds of thousands of people, Taizhou's population had increased tenfold, but there was only one more pursuer.

However, their goals are clearer.

After all, it is an urban area and management is more standardized.

Li Tong directly contacted the local industrial and commercial department, who came forward to coordinate. The owners of all hotels and guest houses in the city cooperated and sent over the check-in details from last night to early this morning.

After screening, there were more than thirty customers, and from twelve o'clock to two o'clock, sixty-three customers checked in, and nine of them checked out this morning.

So the total workload is actually less than that in Fengcheng.

Everyone went non-stop, visiting one house after another. Those who were suspicious even went upstairs and knocked on the door.

However, the results are similar.

The method is a bit confusing, but according to Li Tong, it has improved a lot now.

When he was handling cases in the early years, dozens of investigators would have to walk twenty or thirty kilometers a day in the city and work for a week, only to discover later that the suspect was not here at all.

It can only be said that every time Chaser enters a hotel, hope will be ignited in his heart, and every time he comes out of a hotel, there will be a trace of regret.

Some of the methods of finding people analyzed by Ning Zhou were implemented here at the headquarters.

Such as Douyin, such as vehicle parade.

But the text messages were not sent in groups for the simple reason that they were afraid of causing panic.

Not everyone knows these celebrities. If you look at the text messages, yo, murderers and robbers are coming. What the hell?

Therefore, the text message with the widest coverage was directly rejected.

So far, no feedback has been received, and the information needs time to ferment.

The seven-person team at the headquarters is analyzing various clues, and the thirteen pursuers are running around. In short, they are very busy.

"Why did you choose to stay alone?"

In Fengcheng Hotel, Wang Jiaxuan sent away the members, locked the door, and sat alone by the window.

The program team saw that he had nothing to do here, so they started the interview by the way.


Wang Jiaxuan thought for a while.

“It was a bit impulsive.

It's not easy and I'm honored to be able to participate in this show.

However, I know that what the audience wants to see must be the wonderful performances of the stars.

In comparison, I have no special skills.

Unlike Lin Rong, who knows how to put on makeup, let alone compared to Ning Zhou.

He is really awesome.

Moreover, I am usually quite introverted, and I don’t think about becoming an Internet celebrity through a program.

After going back, I still do my own work.

But now that I'm here, I have to make some contribution to the team. "

"We were in the guest house before?"

Wang Jiaxuan smiled: "Standing guard? I thought no one was paying attention.

That's right.

Since I have no analytical skills and no other abilities, I still want to contribute to the team, so I can only start with small things. "

"Aren't you worried about being eliminated?"

The question silenced him for a moment.

“It would be a lie to say I’m not worried.

But there is always someone who needs to pay, and if I am really unfortunate enough to be caught, I can give the team a heads up. "

The audience cannot see this scene for the time being, but a staff member summed it up with a sentence.

"In war years, Wang Jiaxuan would definitely not be a traitor."

At this point, although the entire pursuit seemed busy, nothing would happen for a while.

An internal poll was conducted by a troublemaking assistant director.

Fengcheng's pursuers, can they react and go back to check the hotel where they are staying?

Unexpectedly, among hundreds of staff members, nearly 70% thought they might ignore it.

For Wang Jiaxuan, the days of persistence are both a bit boring and very uneasy.

With the return of the red flag car, there is a question mark as to whether he can escape smoothly.

In this way, time passed slowly.

As the weather changed, Wang Jiaxuan got up, took a few more steps in the room, put on his hat, and decided to go downstairs.

You don't need to look at the weather forecast to know that it's going to rain, and it should be heavy rain.

It's on the tenth floor. If it rains heavily, you can't see clearly what's going on below.

If other members were there, Wang Jiaxuan would naturally ask, after all, going downstairs meant danger.

He would be alone here, and after a brief consideration, he decided to go downstairs.

He even made a bold move and took the elevator.

Because I have already observed that the camera in the elevator is by the door, so you can't actually take a picture when you enter.

Standing close to the door alone, it is difficult to distinguish.

When we arrived at the lobby, maybe because it was going to rain, there were several people sitting in the seating area, and they probably didn't know each other.

Wang Jiaxuan didn't go out because there was an empty sofa in the corner, and the door could be seen through the glass window.

What's a little embarrassing is that everyone is playing with their mobile phones, but he doesn't have a mobile phone.

Fortunately, there were newspapers and magazines in the hotel lobby. Wang Jiaxuan went to get one and continued monitoring.

At this time, it had been more than three hours since I left my teammates.

And the most exciting experience that belongs to him begins.

After sitting down, Wang Jiaxuan's mind was focused on the gate. Even if he guessed that he might not be able to come back until night, he still concentrated on it.

Just when he was thinking about whether to go to the toilet, a black Hongqi car drove in from the gate.


After repeated confirmation, Wang Jiaxuan's first reaction was to run away.

However, the vehicle did not give him a chance and came directly to the door of the lobby and stopped.

"How to do how to do?"

"Have I been discovered?"

"Why is there only one car?"

"If it doesn't work, just eliminate them."

After opening the car door, getting out, and entering the lobby, in just a few seconds, Wang Jiaxuan felt that he could understand Ning Zhou's mood when he was by the Huangpu River.

He was motionless, with the magazine covering his face. He regretted it so much. He felt that the hat was blocking his vision a moment ago, so he took it off. If he put it on now, he would be afraid of attracting the attention of his pursuers.

"Hello, 603, 605, and 606, all are checking out. I'll go up and get my things first."

There was only a distance of seven or eight meters from the sofa to the bar, and the great teacher's voice came through quite clearly.

"Huh? Check out."

Hearing this, Wang Jiaxuan took courage, turned his head slightly, and saw the great teacher hurried to the elevator after finishing speaking.

Look back again.

"There's no one in the car?"

Although Hongqi cars have stickers, you can still see some of the conditions inside.

Check again, no one is there.

Teacher Da has checked out, and there are no other cars outside except this car.

Of course, we can't rule out waiting on the road, where we can't see him.

"Did Ning Zhou's plan succeed?"

If there is no other explanation, I must have discovered something if I came to check out in such a hurry.

Probably because of nervousness, Wang Jiaxuan was not so anxious at first, but now his bladder is about to burst.

The toilet is not far away, just walk past the bar and walk to the end.

But he didn't dare to move and gritted his teeth.

Just like that, I waited for about seven or eight minutes.

The great teacher walked out of the elevator again with five or six backpacks hanging on his body. He went to the bar and said a few words, then immediately got in the car and left.


Wang Jiaxuan resisted the strong desire to pee coming from his abdomen and went to the bar.

"Sorry, my phone is out of battery, can you lend it to me to make a call?"

(Thank you to the boss who can’t have characters for the 5,000-point reward, and thanks to Linzhou book friend Zhao Xiaoda for the 1,500-point reward. The bosses will make a fortune!)

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