Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 73 Working around blindly

"This rain must be too heavy."

From Fengcheng to Wuyuan, it takes about half an hour on the expressway.

The pursuers who were still searching around the county received a notification from the headquarters and found the suspect vehicle at Wuyuan Shanshui Hotel.

Wei Cheng and the other six people set off immediately and went over first, while the remaining members needed time.

I was in a hurry, but it was raining heavily. For safety reasons, I didn't dare to step on the accelerator.

The originally half-hour journey took more than an hour, mainly because the rain got heavier as we got closer to Wuyuan.

After arriving near the destination, everyone did not act rashly.

The fugitive's car was still parked at the Shanshui Hotel.

But they don't stay here.

According to the information fed back from the headquarters and the surveillance in the parking lot, the escapees were very cunning and separated people and vehicles.

The ones driving over were two local taxi drivers, and Chen Weiting was on his way to make inquiries.

Similarly, this hotel had check-in information last night. The old man checked the surveillance in the lobby all night and did not see the suspect entering.

So the analysis is just to park the car here and use it as a doorbell.

What is a doorbell? Simply put, it is an early warning device.

The fugitive must have known that the vehicle information was easily exposed, so he separated from the vehicle.

You can tell if you are being targeted by looking back to see if there are any pursuers nearby.

So the remaining four people did not enter the hotel directly, but chose to observe from the outside.

The old man asked the program team if he could change the sponsored Hongqi car, but he was rejected.

Firstly, it is the sponsor, one of the sponsors, and secondly, it is to provide difficulty for the pursuers.

Although Li Tong thought about it for a long time, saying that the real arrest would be in a police car, the suspect had already run away, but it was useless.

Since according to the existing clues, the escapees are not in this hotel, they will not go in for the time being.

The rain pattered on the glass, and the four of them sat in the car, staring outside, for fear of missing any information.

It was already past two o'clock in the afternoon, and three of the four people had not even eaten lunch. Only Wei Cheng passed by the bun shop and bought a few to fill his stomach while searching.

However, no one mentioned being hungry.

As time goes by, their pressure is actually quite high.

From before the show started, both acquaintances and viewers believed that the pursuer had a huge advantage and could win in a short time.

Judging from the current situation, not to mention being completely led by the nose, it is almost the same.

There was one thing Wei Cheng didn't dare to say. Even if the vehicle was found now, it was hard to say whether the fugitive could be successfully captured.

After watching the rain scene for a long time, the rain became slightly lighter.

News came from Chen Weiting.

"After asking, they are just two ordinary taxi drivers.

I was waiting for work on the roadside, and then someone came to talk to me and asked them to move the car to the hotel. Each of them was given 100 yuan.

Because I smelled alcohol and was given a lot of money, I didn't ask much, and I didn't care too much about what he looked like.

In addition, the headquarters is querying the previous route of the vehicle.

There are no records on the highway, so it is basically certain that the escapees are hiding in Wuyuan.

Then he gave us a task."

Just when a few people were wondering what the mission was, a security guard came out of the hotel. After searching for a while, he came to their car.

"Which of you is at work?"

This is Li Tong's plan, wait and see.

The pursuer's vehicle may have been exposed, and you have to stay on guard, so simply abandon the vehicle, the members check into the hotel, and in addition to the hotel's own people, add a pursuer in the security room.

In this way, you can take action and respond to situations at any time.

Looking at the somewhat ugly security uniform, no one laughed. This is a very serious surveillance method.

"I'll go first."

Wei Cheng, who had already eaten, took the initiative to change his clothes.

"It has only been twelve hours, and there is still a day and a half left. I personally think that they will not come here in a short time.

After all, whenever a person moves, there is a risk of exposure. "

The others didn't say anything, they were indeed hungry.

After changing his clothes, Wei Cheng went to the security room at the entrance of the hotel.

Six or seven square meters, with a small bed.

In the front half circle of glass, as long as people sit lower, they can't see each other inside and outside.

The most important thing is monitoring.

There are two screens in total, one is for real-time monitoring of the overall surroundings, and the other is for rotating close-ups, and they are quite clear.

The uncle next to him was a little curious. He didn't know the so-called celebrity.

I just received a call from the supervisor and asked him to cooperate. Just follow whatever the person inside said, no need to say anything.

There is not much to see in the security room, which is only a few square meters. You can just take a walk around and see everything.

Wei Cheng also sat down and started his life as a security guard while chatting with his uncle.

At the same time, seven other members of the pursuit team were also on their way to Wuyuan.

Everyone has no opinion on this.

The few people in Taizhou are happier and have clear goals.

Otherwise, we will be in an endless cycle of disappointment and continued disappointment.

The place is too big, there are only seven people, and the search efficiency is too inefficient.

Let alone two days, give them a week or even half a month, and they may not be able to complete it all.

Now having accurate vehicle information is equivalent to having a head start.

Hurrying slowly, we arrived at Wuyuan.

However, there was no rush to meet up with the team members. Instead, they found a hotel about three hundred meters away to stay.

Then, still following the direct rhythm, he started looking for people.

There are ten players on The Runaways, and the goal is so big that it's impossible to wander the streets for forty-eight hours.

It’s not particularly difficult to stay in a hotel.

Spending a little money, asking others to help, etc., as long as the target is chosen correctly, can add a lot of difficulties to the pursuer.

The players are busy, and the headquarters is not idle either.

They are trying every possible way to trace the path of the vehicle.

But it takes time, lots and lots of time.

The escapees probably arrived in Wuyuan around 1 a.m. this morning. After confirming their safety, they accepted the mission.

The surveillance video showed that the two cars parked in the hotel parking lot at 11:10 noon.

It all makes sense.

The escapees were tired after traveling all night, so they chose to rest first.

After waking up, I felt that this was not safe, so after some discussion, we decided to move the vehicle.


Since the vehicle is used as a doorbell, it is risky for you to come over by yourself.

Soon, a 180-degree video of the hotel entrance was shot back.

“I don’t think escapees are necessarily staying in other hotels.

Maybe you were lucky or took a risky approach and stayed in this area where you can observe the location of the parking lot.

Next, you guys will visit these buildings to see if there are any people who suddenly didn’t go to work and asked for leave, or there are other abnormal situations.”

It was quiet in the studio.

“If I didn’t know where the fugitives were, I would give a thumbs up when I saw this.


"I understand what you mean. The pursuer is really busy at the moment."

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