Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 87 I will sail away after seeing my mother again

Everyone knew that Xiaobai was amused, so everyone laughed in agreement, and then everyone got up from the ground, going to the toilet and washing their faces.

Without exception, everyone's face was covered with sweat.

too hot!

Otherwise, I can sleep a little longer.

Fortunately, the most worrying thing did not appear, and the homeowner did not come over, saving unnecessary trouble.

The sound of decoration coming from upstairs and downstairs became the best cover, and I felt much safer inexplicably.

Ning Zhou also took a shower, but when he came to the living room, he felt the heat again.

After a few hours of stress-free sleep, the members were in good spirits, but the floor was a bit hard and they were helping each other by rubbing their backs.

"We have almost enough food, I'll go down and buy some."

Lin Rong took the initiative.

"There's no rush." ​​Ning Zhou looked at the time and said, "There are still many workers and owners in the building right now. Let's wait until everyone goes out to eat at noon."

I have to go downstairs. It's fine if I skip one or two meals, but I've almost finished drinking water. It's such a hot day, so why not drink water?

"Teacher Huang, did you receive a text message from Wang Jiaxuan or something?"

"Let me see. No."


Zhao Lushi knew what he meant by strange.

Wang Jiaxuan set off at around four o'clock and should arrive in Qingyuan at around five o'clock.

It's understandable that we don't have a car early in the morning. Logically speaking, it's 11:30 and we should be back long ago.

"Maybe I'm too tired. I found a safe place to rest. I haven't woken up yet!"

"I hope so"

No one wants to think about the worst. Although Wang Jiaxuan is the least talkative among everyone, the young man has always been thinking about the team.

Because I don’t know what’s going on, I can’t take the initiative to contact you.

Just like that, after waiting for more than half an hour, I saw from the balcony that many people were walking outside the community. It was time to rest.

"Lin Rong, please don't go down. Xiaobai and I will go."


"Don't worry, let's put on makeup first."

With that said, Ning Zhou opened the door and took a look at the situation outside.

Then I took Xiaobai to the house of the head of the house at the far end where the door was open but no one was there.



"He's probably unrecognizable standing in front of his pursuers."

Ten minutes later, the two returned again, and the members all gave a thumbs up.

The hat is old, and the hair is all white and gray. The clothes, pants, and shoes are either made of paint or wall plaster, and the face is dirty, which is very consistent with the state of working on a construction site.

"Wait for us to come back."

After passing the inspection, the two entered the elevator and stopped when they reached the eighth floor.

Two people came in, probably the owner, a couple to see the progress or something.

He didn't even glance at the little Bai Ningzhou inside.

Bai Jingting turned his head, afraid of laughing out loud.

I came here early this morning and am not familiar with the situation around the community, so don't worry, just follow the people.

Soon, we went to the fast food restaurant across the street.

The business inside is good and there are many people eating.

"Pack it, twelve portions of rice, and one portion of each dish."


For the boss, this was a big deal. After asking for advice, he gave me two large plastic boxes to hold the vegetables.

It can only be said that the two people's costumes were so successful that no one, including the boss and the customers in the store, thought it was strange. It was just twelve people working, so what's the big deal.

"Let's go buy water, but it's a little hard to get."

"You have no experience," Ning Zhou smiled and said, "Follow me."

After walking a few steps, we arrived at the small shop on the side.

"Boss, two pieces of mineral water, one iced and one not, one black cow, and one green tea, 10 bags of beef jerky, twenty chocolates, you can give them away, and some instant noodles too."

"Of course, of course." The boss quickly stood up and counted the money: "Just give me the address. You are so willing."

"Hey, the owner generously paid for it."

"Oh, do you want a cigarette?"

"If you think too much, I can still reimburse you for cigarettes. If you give me a box, you have to make some connections."


Xiao Bai gained knowledge, but Ning Zhou was not in a hurry to go back and asked him to bring the food first. He walked forward for a while and successfully found a grocery store.

I bought a few mats, pillows, and two electric fans.

Anyway, it's the money given by the program team. It doesn't matter if it's not in vain. Even if it's used once and then lost, it doesn't matter.

When he returned "home", all the items from the small shop were delivered to him, and the members were all waiting for him.

"You can eat first."

"You are the captain, how can you serve dinner if you are not back?"

It was Teacher Huang who said this, and everyone else had smiles on their faces. Zhao Lushi even moved her buttocks to make room for him.

It can only be said that humans are highly adaptable animals.

You can eat delicacies from mountains and seas, and you can still enjoy ordinary fast food.

There were nine people, five of whom were girls. Ning Zhou ordered twelve portions of rice, but none of them were enough.

And the two small fans he brought back became treasures.

Don't dare to open the door, the air cannot form convection, and the room is almost like a steamer.

After a full meal and some iced mineral water or drinks, Yang Mi said that this was the most satisfying meal she had eaten this year.

The members who had eaten and drank were in a much better mood. After five days, they were all exhausted from running around.

However, they are all very vigilant.

I originally thought that something would happen if I slept in a small town for just one night, not to mention that the current environment was not that safe.

You never know when the owner will come to your door.

"Next, we'll be in some trouble."

After cleaning up, everyone sat around.

"Now, the pursuers are all around, and they even stayed here like us and didn't leave for the time being."

Ning Zhou killed another passerby, and it was difficult for his pursuers not to know.

"Che, it really has no connection with us.

I thought that there are so many car rental companies that are not connected to the public security department.

But luckily for us, we will probably be recognized as soon as we take out our ID cards. "

Hou Minghao squeezed the corner of his mouth and wanted to laugh, but he couldn't.

Counting the numbers, I got a car on the first day, met with celebrities, got two cars, and Lao Zhao rented two more.

But now, there is nothing, and this is only the sixth day.

According to this trend, Ning Zhou said that there is a high possibility that the rental car will be recognized.

"And hiding here can only be a temporary measure. It is very likely that our next move will have to be dispersed."

No one spoke.

Ning Zhou was very honest. With so many people traveling without transportation, it was only a matter of time before they were recognized.

Lin Rong knew makeup, but that was makeup, not hair replacement.

Furthermore, cars, trains, and airplanes all require ID cards, which must be checked for accuracy.

“I haven’t thought about the specific next step plan yet.

Let’s wait and let Wang Jiaxuan come back to join us before we can make long-term plans.”

Ding, the phone on the ground lit up.

Zhao Lushi picked it up, slid it, and there was a message.

"I'm sorry everyone, I may not be able to run away. Don't call me back. Come on."

After Ning Zhou saw it, an inexplicable picture flashed in his mind.

Wang Jiaxuan's face was full of tears, and he sang loudly: "Goodbye, mother, I will sail away today."

In the rearview mirror, the members gradually disappeared, and Wang Jiaxuan had mixed feelings.

He is just an extremely ordinary office worker. When he was notified that he could participate in "Celebrity Escape", he thought it was a scam call.

After confirmation, the program team said they would make some preparations.

In Wang Jiaxuan's mind, when it comes to escape, his first reaction is to hide and seek, which just magnifies the situation.

But after actually participating, I found that it was not the same thing at all.

Difficult, very difficult.

The first thing to bear the brunt is the feeling of oppression.

I'm not going to lie, no matter where I am, I feel like I'm being commented on, as if any passerby will reveal my whereabouts, and the pursuers may rush out from behind at any time.

The key is, this feeling will never stop. As Teacher Huang said, there is no absolutely safe place in the world.

I feel extremely stressed.

Next is contribution.

There were ten escapees in total.

Teacher Huang's role has changed. Ning Zhou replaced him and became the team's think tank. The former is like Teacher Zhou Xun, like the Dinghai Shenzhen. The same words spoken from their mouths will have a much better soothing effect.

As for other people, it would be a bit unconscionable to say that they are particularly strong and helpful.

But as a celebrity, if the audience likes to watch, that's enough.

Furthermore, the main reason is that everyone is not at ease, otherwise, their faces can often be brushed off.

There is only me, like a passerby, who can neither come up with any good ideas nor provide special help, and even my driving skills are mediocre.

To take part in the experience, in Wang Jiaxuan's opinion, it's not just to follow them and be done with it, but to do something anyway.

Therefore, along the way, he spoke less and observed more, and took the initiative to do whatever he could.

When Ning Zhou proposed to move the vehicle and there was one less driver, it was undeniable that Wang Jiaxuan hesitated for a few seconds.

With his own strength, if he is away from the team for too long, he is very likely to be caught.

Everyone has said that it is bait and there is a possibility of being eaten.

It has only been six days, and if I really leave, I will definitely not be willing to accept it.

However, Wang Jiaxuan still made the decision to take on the task. After all, Ning Zhou's plan was very thorough.

Uneasiness, fear, anticipation, all kinds of thoughts came to my mind.

Not tired at all.

When the members could not be seen in the rearview mirror, Wang Jiaxuan concentrated his attention and arrived in QY City quite smoothly.

According to the plan, he and Officer Zhang first parked the car in the parking lot of a shopping mall.

Because he is a temporary tool, the program team does not have too many requirements for Officer Zhang. As long as he does not disclose anything related to the competition, it is fine for you to chat.

The tool man bought some breakfast, and after the two ate it, they chatted in the car for about an hour.

Officer Zhang was kind enough to let him rest for a while. After all, he didn't sleep all night.

But the first time he went on a mission, Wang Jiaxuan felt so excited that he couldn't sleep.

The next step is to continue following the plan.

Putting the rear-ended vehicle where it was, he got into Officer Zhang's car and went to the bus station.

It should be due to the popularity of high-speed trains. Compared with many years ago, the bustle of the bus station has long disappeared, and there are not many people there.

"Good luck!"

Officer Zhang didn't waste much time, waved his hand, and drove away.


"The best concealment is not to conceal it!"

Wang Jiaxuan finished cheering himself up and walked into the ticket hall with firm steps.

Naturally, he didn't buy a ticket, but checked the timetable. Without much effort, he saw a vehicle bound for Dongting City. The departure time was 8.20.

The bus frequency is basically every hour, and the last bus just left for a while.

I had nothing to regret, so I took a photo and turned around to leave.

"Auntie, let me ask you something."

There were many hawkers outside. Wang Jiaxuan found a stall with the oldest owner and bought two steamed buns.

"What's the matter?"

"Besides taking the bus to Dongting City here, where else can I take the bus?"

Auntie looked back at the station.

"Oh, the next one takes an hour, so it's been a long wait." Wang Jiaxuan explained proactively.

"When you get to the city gate, all the cars passing by will stop at that stop. There are also many black cars waiting for passengers, but the prices are a bit more expensive."

The person who answered was not the aunt, but another stall owner nearby, who saw doubts on Wang Jiaxuan's face.

"Across the street, take bus 11, 19, or 31 to get to the city gate."

"thank you!"

Not only was he not recognized, but he also got effective clues. Wang Jiaxuan was slightly proud.

“There are many people on the bus, but they generally don’t pay attention to other people. It’s safer, but the wait time is longer.

There are fewer people in black cars, but if you sit together, you are more exposed.

Well, let’s go and take a look first. "

Following the reminder, Wang Jiaxuan went to the other side of the road, but did not take the bus. It was a morning rush hour and there were people everywhere. Even if he was not a celebrity, there was still the possibility of being exposed.

So I decided to take a taxi.

After spending fifteen yuan, we arrived at our destination.

The site mentioned by the vendor was easy to find. There were many people, many of whom were carrying luggage, and there were even drivers holding signs to solicit customers.

"Where to go?"

It can only be said that the eyes of these people were very vicious. Wang Jiaxuan only paused for a moment before taking the initiative to strike up a conversation.

"How much does it cost to go to Dongting City?"

“Fifty, it’s only ten yuan more expensive than the station, but you have to wait.

Of course, you can also choose to charter a car for 400 yuan. "

Wang Jiaxuan regretted it a little.

Before he set off, he had left two hundred yuan with him.

If you can get it back, the money will be enough for a ride. If you can't get it back, it won't be wasted.

"How about you wait in the car, and when there are enough people, we'll set off!"

The other party didn't think much about it. Unless there was something urgent, it was normal to be reluctant to rent a car.

"Okay, I'll come back later."

"Why don't you leave a phone number."

"We'll talk about it later."

There are two types of black cars,

One is without a business license,

The other type has no business license and charges a lot of money.

Wang Jiaxuan took a look at the fare when he was at the station. The person just now didn't lie. It was indeed only an additional ten yuan, which was within a reasonable range.

There is no need for others to ask.

There were many people here, and the risk of exposure was high. He chose to leave first. He didn't walk far. When he reached the river, there was a park. It was definitely safer than on the road, so he walked in immediately.

Not to mention, the environment is really nice, with birds singing and flowers fragrant, and some old men and women doing morning exercises.

After walking a few steps, I found a pavilion. I thought it was half an hour before the next bus, so it would be okay to sit there for a while.

Sometimes, a person's body is out of control.

At first, Wang Jiaxuan sat with an upright posture, and slowly relaxed his waist. He gradually leaned against the wall, and his eyelids became heavier and heavier.

Then fell asleep.

Instead of waking up on his own, he heard the noise.

When I opened my eyes, I was startled.

There were people standing outside the pavilion, and they even exclaimed after seeing him.

"It's really Wang Jiaxuan."

"How will you be here."

"Run quickly, someone has reported you."

Although Wang Jiaxuan couldn't figure out what was going on, he heard the word "report" and his name very clearly.

Without thinking about anything, I walked through the crowd and ran back to the road with some staggering. Behind me, there were many people chasing me to take pictures.

"Master, get out of here first."

After seeing the taxi, he opened the door and said quickly.

Turning around, students waved and took photos

"It's over!"

Wang Jiaxuan howled.

(Update of 20,000 plus is completed, please give me everything. Thank you very much!

Thank you to the boss Wuliang Da Zi Zai Tian Zun for the 5,000-point reward, thank you to the boss Duzuituantiandi for the 500-point reward, and thank all the bosses for the reward! )

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