Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 91 It’s so itchy, I need to grow a brain

"Welcome back."

Outside Dongfu Community, Ning Zhou came out on behalf of the escapee team to greet Wang Jiaxuan who had returned again.

"I'm sorry, Ning Zhou!"

Naturally, I felt happy when I saw the other person, but the first thing I said was an apology.

Ning Zhou understood what he meant and didn't say anything. He just patted Wang Jiaxuan's shoulder to comfort him.

"It's normal to be tired after staying up all night."

"But, such a low-level mistake."

"Okay, don't worry about it anymore," Ning Zhou shook his head slightly: "You are already great. You have successfully attracted the pursuer. Although the process is a bit tortuous, the result is good."

Wang Jiaxuan thought to himself that this was indeed the case.

"So, what happened?"

"Talking as we walk."

No one has moved in yet in this large community, but there are still some people and cars.

Ning Zhou was still dressed as before, with a dirty hat and clothes. He was walking with Wang Jiaxuan next to him. No one cared about the combination of workers and owners.

When entering the elevator, I encountered a household transporting cement.

When Wang Jiaxuan saw Ning Zhou still chatting with him, he had to admire his strong mentality.

The elevator went all the way up to the fifteenth floor. The two of them got out and walked down two more floors.

Wang Jiaxuan was not surprised by this.

"Hey, you're back."

"How about this trip? It's exciting."

"Just come back. If you're hungry, eat a piece of watermelon."

Faced with the members' inquiries, Wang Jiaxuan was moved. At the same time, he also expressed his amazement at the hiding place that everyone had found.

If he were a pursuit team, he would never have imagined that he would be hiding in such a building. As long as the owner didn't come, he would be safe.

Besides, life looks pretty good.

There are fans blowing, straw mats to lie on, and fruits to eat.

"Hey, why isn't Hou Minghao here?"

After a brief exchange, Wang Jiaxuan discovered that someone was missing.

"Oh, he is in the building in front, responsible for looking out."

Wang Jiaxuan understands that no one can guarantee the absolute safety here. Vehicles can be seen on the roof, and naturally they are downstairs at night.

Having said this, the next step is naturally about why we can boldly leave Qingyuan.

Ning Zhou showed his cards: "The purpose is indeed to surround Wei and save Zhao.

So far, the suspension time for Chen Weiting and the other four people has not yet expired. Even if they are included, it will be too difficult to catch us without precise information.

This was already demonstrated when we were in Fengcheng.

However, as long as they control a few key entrances, such as highways and stations, it is not that easy to figure it out.

As for me, I should be the one that the other party wanted to catch most among all the escapees. After all, I killed Teacher He.

Wang Jiaxuan, I don’t mean to look down on you.”

"I understand and I won't be angry."

"So, I was thinking about how to expose myself."

Xiaobai sighed on the side: "I heard the word "exposure" before, and what I thought of was appearing in public and letting others spread the news.

But there is no way to do it, because it will really expose your position. "

"I can only say that broadcasting is really a wonderful idea."

Wang Jiaxuan asked: "How can you be sure that Qingyuan will be safe?"

Ning Zhou raised his head: "I'm not sure, but there are few people on the other side, and you're riding at the city gate, so there's a high chance you won't be caught.

So I asked you to reply first. Otherwise, you must be under psychological pressure. If you give me some time to buffer, you will think that we have done something. "

Wang Jiaxuan was quiet for a while: "You really understood my thoughts."

“Of course, it’s more than that.

I added the director's WeChat account and he told me that just after finishing the interview, he received a call from probably Li Tong, and he followed my instructions exactly.

Therefore, it is basically certain that the pursuers in Qingyuan have left and rushed to Rongcheng. "

"What exactly did you say to the other party?" Xiaobai expressed curiosity.

"It's okay, just let him tell the pursuer that we are not in Rongcheng."


Wang Jiaxuan was not the only one who was confused. Zhao Lushi, who had always followed Ning Zhou's thoughts, also showed a confused expression.

"How to explain it?"

Ning Zhou thought about it for a while.

"Teacher Huang, if you were a pursuit team member and heard our fugitives being interviewed on the radio, what would be your first reaction? Answer immediately."

"There's a fraud in it!"

Huang Lei, who was being watched closely by Ning Zhou, felt inexplicably stressed.

"That's right!"

Ning Zhou snapped his fingers.

"Think about it, we are the weak side, and taking the initiative to expose our position, normal people must be thinking that there must be something wrong. Exposing our position is not equal to seeking death.

It's not like I ran away for a month or two and nothing happened.

Therefore, under the premise that I was sure that the other party would ask, I told the director that to be honest, he didn’t see any of us.

It is even suspected that he is not in Rongcheng. "

"That's not right," Xiaobai became more confused after digesting it for a while: "Isn't our purpose to misunderstand the pursuer? This is to be honest."

Ning Zhou smiled: "Just like we don't trust anyone, the pursuers won't do the same.

How can they guarantee that the director and host are not lying? "

Xiaobai nodded confusedly, and it was Zhao Lushi who asked the question.

"But how can you guarantee that the other party will definitely help us?"

"No guarantee is needed," Ning Zhou stretched out: "Because we are not in Rongcheng at all, there will be no actual danger.

Don't forget, the ultimate goal is just to put the pursuers' large forces and energy in Rongcheng.

Regardless of whether they believe it or not, regardless of whether the radio station will betray us, as long as the goal is achieved. "

Zhou Xun scratched his scalp.

"It's so itchy, I feel like I'm going to have a brain."

Lin Rong gave up directly: "I don't understand, but I think it's very powerful."

"In other words, the other party may think that you are all creating an atmosphere where the fugitives are not in Rongcheng, but in fact they are.

In addition, the vehicle did arrive in Rongcheng, which further confirmed this judgment. "


"Oh, the most dangerous place is also the safest place. I am not in Rongcheng, but I did something to make you suspect that I am in Rongcheng." Xiaobai finally figured it out: "Fortunately, I am a fugitive. Otherwise, you will definitely be played around with.

Then, can we use this trick often? "

"Definitely not," Ning Zhou shook his head: "If we get fooled the first time, then we just ignore them and start our activities based on the clues we actually have, we will become clowns. It's okay to play occasionally and embarrass them."

Zhao Lushi concluded: "The next step is to explain that our place is relatively safe. You don't have to worry about finding another place. You can stay here for a while, right?"

"That's what it says

However, don't ignore one thing.

The country is so big. If we are allowed to stay in one place without leaving, it would be very difficult for the pursuers to find us.

In the past few days, we have all received various tasks, and I even suspected that the other party would also have tasks. "

"you mean,

Maybe one day the program team will deliberately make us move? "

"It's not maybe, I think it's inevitable."

After listening to Ning Zhou's words, everyone became quiet. What if he really started to move?

For Officer Zhang, what happened from this morning to now is quite dreamy.

Everything must be attributed to the decision made last night.

Because I decided to go home the next day and the station was closer to the train station, I temporarily decided to sleep in the duty room for one night.

Coincidentally, he had talked with his colleagues about things in Miaoqian Town, but he never expected that he would actually come to his place and encounter a big problem.

When the chief called and asked all officers to go out, he thought something big had happened. When he arrived, he expressed his calmness, but was still quite excited inside.

After the processing was completed, I thought everything was fine, but in the end, I got a new task and acted as a tool to cooperate.

All I can say is, it’s enjoyable.

Along the way, I didn’t know how many phone calls I received, and even my third-grade classmates came to inquire.

The leader or something told us to behave better and show our style.

The mother-in-law even summoned her three aunts and six wives to show off her son-in-law.

I was a little regretful that I couldn't stay with the celebrities for a while longer and would spend the rest of the time in peace, but suddenly another mission came up.

As a qualified tool man, Officer Zhang did not ask why he did this and just followed the order.

After coming out of the radio station, according to Ning Zhou's request, he walked to a nearby hotel instead of driving. After working for more than ten hours, he was already tired.

After about two hours of sleep, the doorbell rang.

"Please come in!"

There were two people outside the door, Wei Cheng and Asa.

"Hello, Officer Zhang."

Although he knew there must be only one person here, Wei Cheng still took the gun and checked the bathroom, closet, and under the bed.

Officer Zhang was boiling water.

Asa looked at him curiously, sure he was a police officer, but why was he with the fugitive?

"Tea please!"

Looking at the tea, the image of a fat man flashed through Wei Cheng's mind, but he was deceived by his honest appearance.

"Who are you?"

After a cup of tea, he asked his first question.

"I am a tool and follow the orders of the fugitives."

Unexpectedly, Officer Zhang actually answered.

"Teacher Li is amazing."

Niu Dali and others from the headquarters gave a thumbs up, guessing correctly.

The fugitives can do many things right if they have a tool man. After running all night, they must be tired. With a tool man, they can continue running for hundreds of kilometers.

"Where are Ning Zhou and the others?"


Wei Cheng was very helpless. He could actually guess that there would be no answer, but he still couldn't help but ask.

"Where are the rest of them?"

"They said something on the way."

"Why go to the radio station?"

A series of questions were met with only silence.

"What are you going to do next?"

Asa asked casually.

"Waiting for the next order."

Wei Cheng raised his head suddenly, but he could still respond?

But after Li Tong heard his answer, he was not happy but worried.

"These people are awesome."

Seeing that the others had not yet reacted, he explained.

“I guess it’s up to the fugitives to decide what the tool man says.

They have guessed, or we found that the tool man arranged it deliberately.

Several questions are set that allow answers. If you trigger it, you can give the answer. "

"Oh, just like the NPCs in the game."

Li Tong knew what an NPC was: "It's similar, and he said that waiting for orders is based on the premise that the fugitive deliberately leaked the whereabouts of the tool man, then we will fall into passivity again."

What passivity is, you can understand after a little thought.

It's equivalent to a fugitive telling you that I may make another move through the tool man in the next step.


Still don’t believe it?

In fact, for the pursuers, there is no choice, you have already arrived at Rongcheng.

"What the fugitives are doing is a conspiracy. Knowing that we have fewer people now, we still have to find someone to watch over us."

However, I think this tool man probably has a time limit.

Our man stopped for forty-eight hours, the most of his existence.

Asa, you stay in the hotel and we will help coordinate. If there is any move, follow immediately. "

Wei Cheng also gave up and continued to ask questions. As for the matter of snatching the mobile phone, let alone not giving up, even if he gave up, could he be better than the police officer? A young man who is more than 1.8 meters tall and weighs more than 160 kilograms cannot do it at all.

So after exchanging a few words, we went downstairs and left, heading to the radio station to meet the other members.

When I arrived, I happened to see Reba and others coming out of the office.

To sum it up in one sentence,

There seemed to be a lot of clues, but none of them were immediately effective in helping them catch the person.

Nothing can be done.


Just as several people were discussing in low voices and waiting for the next reminder from the headquarters, a girl came out.

"Hello teachers, my name is Liu Tingting, I am the intern host of Hu Jian Radio Station. I have clues to provide, but..."

Regardless of whether it was true or not, Wei Cheng waved and asked her to enter the elevator together and get to the car in the parking lot.

"What clue?"

Liu Tingting glanced at the celebrities next to her and suppressed her excitement.

"Before I say anything, I have a request."

Wei Cheng was stunned, what's going on? He likes to bargain after all.

Seeing their hesitation, Liu Tingting quickly explained.

“Because I might lose my job.

I believe you also know that our station has made its attitude clear and will not cooperate with you.

I am telling you the clues now, which is equivalent to confronting the station. If the program is broadcast, there will be consequences."

On the contrary, some people regard the program as just a program, but some leaders like to go online and think that you are not of the same mind as the company. It is not surprising.

"What is your request?"

"Can you let me go to Mango TV for an internship?"


To be honest, Liu Tingting's request was not excessive. She came here at the risk of losing her job.

"I can't promise you this, but I can call Teacher He and ask him to ask for help.

It's just that you are planning to leave because you are worried. If you can go to Mango Terrace, are you sure the leaders there will like it? "

Liu Tingting straightened her chest slightly.

"My personal professional level is absolutely no problem. In this graduation exam, all comprehensive scores ranked third. What I want is a stage where I can express myself, not a position."

He said it so straightforwardly that Wei Cheng didn't say anything more.


"I know, I'm already in contact."

Teacher He received the call again and didn't know what to say. My brother has been killed, okay? You can squeeze my residual value like this, okay?

What to do, he still has to help, he really likes this show.

A call came to the program team of "Celebrity Escape" because the director is also from Mango Channel.

"What do you think."

"I definitely disagree."

"I mean, I'm asking in my personal capacity if that opportunity can be provided."

"It seems that I have no way to refuse your request. How about letting her join the tool team at the headquarters first and give her two shots occasionally?

There may be some opportunities later that you can try. "

When this suggestion was conveyed to Liu Tingting, she agreed without hesitation.

"While I was preparing for the live broadcast in the afternoon, I heard Director Wang on the phone."

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